04-040 Code Vt. R. 04-030-040-X - BOXING CONTROL BOARD RULES


You are not allowed to hold or conduct or participate in a boxing contest or training exhibition in Vermont unless you are currently licensed by the Board. You will need a license to participate as a contestant, second, manager of professional contestant, matchmaker, promoter, referee, or judge in any boxing contest or training exhibition.


If you would like an application for a license or more information about the application process, call or write the Division.

(1) Complete your application and send it with the correct fee.

Call or write the Division for an application. When you receive the application, complete it fully and accurately. Then look at the fee schedule included with your application and set out below to find the amount of the fee. The Board is authorized to issue licenses and renewals according to the following fee schedule:

For professional contestants and seconds, $ 5.00 per year;

For managers of professional contestants, $ 15.00 per year;

For promoters of amateur or professional bouts, $ 25.00 per year; and in addition, for out-of-state promoters, $ 10.00 for each show;

For professional referees, $ 10.00 per year; and for such other occupations as the Board may by regulation prescribe, $ 10.00 per year;

No fee shall be required for licenses for judges; they shall be appointed by the Board as capable of judging boxing bouts;

No fee is charged for participants in amateur boxing contests other than promoters, although an annual license is required.

Make out a check for the correct amount to the "Vermont Boxing Control Board". Mail the application and your check to: Vermont Boxing Control Board, Office of the Secretary of State, Division of Licensing and Registration, 109 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602.

(2) File a Bond.

If you are an out-of-state promoter, you must file a surety bond with the Vermont Secretary of State. The principal sum of the bond is $ 500.00. You must submit a proof to the Board that you have filed the bond. The Board may accept in lieu thereof cash or certified check in equal amount, conditioned on the faithful performance by the promoter of the provisions of 31 V.S.A. Chapter 3, and these rules, the fulfillment of contracts with contestants and their managers, and the payment of license and permit fees and taxes on gross receipts.

(3) Receive notification.

Once you submit an application, you should receive notification, within 30 days, of our decision on your application. We shall issue you a license if you meet all the requirements. You must have a copy of this license with you at times during a boxing contest or training exhibition.


According to 31 V.S.A. § 108, any person or corporation holding or conducting any boxing contest, for which an admission fee is charged or received, shall notify the Board not less than five days in advance of the holding of such contest, and after the holding of such contest shall pay forthwith to the Board a sum, designated as a "gate tax", which shall be an amount equal to five percent of the gross receipts, exclusive of any federal tax thereon. Payments of money required by this section shall be accompanied by reports in such form as shall be prescribed by the Board. All tickets of admission to any such boxing contest shall bear clearly on the face thereof the purchase price.

(1) The Board has the power to supervise and regulate boxing contests and training exhibitions under Vermont Statutes Annotated, Title 31, Chapter 3. For the safety and welfare of participants in boxing contests, the Board has promulgated these rules and regulations pursuant to 31 V.S.A. § 103 in order to carry out its statutory mandate.
(2) No boxing contest shall be conducted except in the city, town, or village specified on the license issued and in such places in the city, town, or village as the Board approves.

No boxing "exhibitions" shall be allowed without special permission from the Board.

(3) All applications for licenses shall be made on forms furnished by the Board. Associations or persons holding licenses issued by the Board shall not lend out the license nor conduct a contest under any name other than that stated in the license.
(4) The following shall be the age limits for boxers:
(a) Minimum Age. The minimum age for an individual to qualify as a professional boxer is eighteen years.
(b) Maximum Age. No contestant who has reached his thirty-fifth birthday shall be permitted to engage in any boxing or sparring match or exhibition, unless given specific approval by the Board, except that this age requirement shall not apply to a boxing champion of the world who is still active as a professional boxer, or to a former boxing champion of the world who has not been inactive as a professional boxer for more than two years from the date of his last boxing contest. The foregoing shall not apply to courses of instruction in boxing, boxing or sparring matches, or exhibitions, sponsored and conducted by recognized boys' clubs, schools, or colleges, or by municipal or state parks or recreational departments, under the supervision of qualified instructors or directors.

The Board may, at any time, demand such information concerning an applicant's or a licensed boxer's mental or physical condition as it shall deem necessary. Such information may be in addition to that required in physical examinations under other rules of this Board. At the boxer's expense, the Board may demand a complete physical examination consisting of EKG, Stress Test, CAT scan, X-ray, blood, and urine tests. Each boxer must complete a medical information history, physical and mental.

(5) Boxing contests shall not exceed ten rounds in length, but if such contests are to determine championships, they may, at the discretion of the Board, exceed ten rounds in length but not fifteen. No contest to determine a State championship shall be scheduled for less than ten rounds. No round in any contest shall exceed three minutes. All main bouts or feature bouts shall consist of three-minute rounds.
(6) The boxing ring shall be not less than 16 feet nor more than 24 feet square within the ropes, and shall be formed of posts and ropes, the latter extending in triple lines 18 inches, 25 inches, and 52 inches from the flooring of the ring. The floor of the ring shall extend beyond the lower rope a distance of not less than 2 feet on all sides. The posts shall be properly padded, ropes wrapped in soft material, and be not less than 1 inch in diameter. The floor padding shall extend to and around the outside edge of the flooring or apron of the ring, and shall be not less than 1 1/2 inches in thickness of ensolite or foam rubber or 2 inches of dura-foam or an equivalent to 2-inch thickness. Padding should be canvas covering to protect boxers against accident or injury. When the floor of the boxing ring is not elevated at least 3 feet above the floor of the building, there shall be a clear space of 4 feet from the posts on all sides of the ring. Within the limits stated, the size and condition of the ring to be used in specific places, or on specific occasions, shall be subject to the approval of the Board.
(7) All contests shall be conducted under the Marquis of Queensberry rules, except where changed or modified by rules or orders of the Board.


(8) To participate as CONTESTANT in a professional boxing contest in Vermont you must be licensed by the Vermont Boxing Control Board. To obtain a license from the Vermont Boxing Control Board, write to the Division of Licensing and Registration, Office of the Secretary of State, 109 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602. The fee for contestant in a professional boxing contest is $ 5.00 per year.
(9) No contestant under the same management as his opponent shall be permitted to engage in any contest.
(10) No collection shall be made at any contest unless permission in writing has previously been obtained from the Board.


(11) The following is the Vermont Boxing Control Board standard of weights:








Jr. Lightweight




Jr. Welterweight




Jr. Middleweight




Light Heavyweight





All over 190

No contest shall be permitted when there is a difference in weight of more than the following:








Light Heavyweight






Light Heavyweight



No restriction

(12) The commissioner, a person appointed by the commissioner, or his assigned delegate in attendance, shall weigh cach contestant using suitable scales to be furnished by the promoter. He shall see that the weights of opposing contestants comply with Rule 1.5(11) of these rules. If the weights do not comply with Rule 1.5(11), the commissioner shall notify the promoter.
(13) The Board shall consider it cause for suspension if a manager does not notify a promoter, at least 48 hours before a contest, if a boxer managed by him cannot for some valid reason participate in a contest for which he had made oral agreement or written contract; and any boxer who manages himself may be suspended if he does not fulfill his agreement or contract to box, or notify the promoter at least 48 hours in advance of the contest that he cannot, for some valid reason, participate.
(14) No contestant shall participate in more than one contest during any period of 48 hours.
(15) All bouts shall be decided by the round system. A boxer shall be credited either with a win, a loss, or a draw at the end of each round. At the end of the bout the boxer winning the greatest number of rounds shall be declared the winner; or if judged by points, ten points shall be the maximum number to be scored in any round. The contestant winning the round shall receive five points and his opponent proportionately less. If the round is even, each contestant shall receive five points.

In accordance with the rules, the awarding of any round, or the contest, in the case of a draw, shall be based on four factors to be scored in the following order:

(a) Clean hits;
(b) Effective aggressiveness;
(c) Defense; and
(d) Ring generalship.

Sportsmanship should be taken into consideration by the officials, as well as the condition of the boxer at the end of the bout.

The items listed do not have the same scoring value. Clearly, a man who hits his opponent and is aggressive throughout the contest is entitled to more credit than one who is merely defensive and shows ring generalship.

If the referee or the Board should decide, at any time, that either contestant did not enter into a contest in good faith, or if the Board or referee discovers, at any time, that either or both contestants are not performing their part in good faith, or are guilty of any foul tactic, or of faking, or of violating any rule of the Board, the referee or Board may stop the contest.

The referee or the Board may stop the contest when either contestant shows marked superiority or is apparently outclassed.

If a contestant is knocked down, or falls through weakness, he must get up unassisted within ten seconds. The referee shall count off the seconds. If the contestant attempts to get up and goes back down, the count shall be continued by the referee where he left off. During the count, the opponent shall go to the farthest neutral corner and remain there. Should the opponent refuse to do so, or leave the farthest corner, the referee may stop counting. After compliance by the opponent, however, the referee shall continue counting where he left off.

If a contestant who has fallen out of the ring during a contest fails to return by the count of "10", the referee shall count him out as if he were "down".

In every round but the last round of a bout, should a boxer be down at the time the bell rings ending the round, the count shall continue until the boxer gets up or is counted out.

Three knockdowns in the same round shall constitute an automatic knockout. The termination of the bout is at the discretion of the referee or the Board.

Should a contestant leave the ring during the one-minute period between rounds, and fail to be in the ring when the gong rings to resume boxing, the referee shall declare his opponent the winner.

A contestant shall be deemed "down" when:

a. Any part of his body, other than his feet, is on the floor; or
b. He is hanging helplessly over the ropes; or
c. He is rising from a "down" position.

Should a contestant finish any one round of a contest and fail to answer the bell for the succeeding round for any one of numerous reasons, such as cuts, injuries, or admission of overwhelming superiority, the proper termination of the bout is by a technical knockout in the round for which he fails to answer the bell.

For instance, both contestants have finished round 6. One of them fails to answer the bell for round 7, or indicates to the referee that he will not answer the bell. It is a "TKO-7". Indeed, the man should be regarded as technically counted out while seated in his corner just as though the bell sounded for the seventh round. Certainly he completed round 6 and cannot, therefore, be charged with a loss in the sixth.

A boxer suffering a knockout shall automatically be suspended for a period of 30 days and shall have a physician's medical examination, a neurosurgical examination, and a scan of the head within 24 hours. The boxer shall immediately surrender his license to the Board. The attending physician shall determine whether the boxer was knocked out.

(16) The referee shall collect the judges' cards and present them to the commissioner in attendance to be checked. The referee shall then announce, or shall cause to be announced, to the public, the name of the winning contestant, according to the majority vote, and unless the decision be unanimous, the individual score of each official for each contestant shall be announced. In the event there is no majority vote, the decision shall be a "Draw".
(17) All division titles must be defended, at least every six months, when a suitable opponent is willing and available.
(18) Wagering on contests is prohibited in any arena under the jurisdiction of the Board.
(19) Only beverages served in paper or plastic foam cups may be sold in the hall where boxing contests or exhibitions are conducted.
(20) Contestants shall box in proper athletic costume, including a foul protection cup of a type satisfactory to the Board and the contestant. The cup shall be firmly strapped to the body before leaving the dressing room.

Each contestant shall supply himself with a pair of trunks, loose fitting and made of light cloth, similar to athlete's "running pants". The belt of the trunks shall not extend above the waist line. Each contestant shall wear an abdominal guard of standard type approved by the Board which provides sufficient protection to withstand any so-called low or illegal blow that might temporarily incapacitate a contestant.

Shoes of soft material must be worn and must not be fitted with spikes, cleats, hard soles, or hard heels. Shoelaces shall be held in place by a strip of adhesive tape around the shoe tops.

While performing, boxers must wear mouthpieces for the protection of tongue and teeth. This regulation shall be enforced by the referee.

The hands of a contestant shall be covered by layers of soft bandage. Bandages shall be restricted to soft cloth not more than 10 yards in length and 1 1/2 inches in width, held in place by not more than 5 yards of surgeon's tape 1 inch in width, for each hand, in all classes. These bandages shall be adjusted in the dressing room in the presence of a Board official and both contestants. The use of a pad of either soft or hard tape over the knuckles shall constitute a violation of this rule.

In all contests the gloves used must weigh not less than 8 ounces each.

(21) All licenses issued by the Board must be shown to officials when requested.
(22) All boxers must be certified as physically fit by a licensed physician.
(23) In a championship match, if the champion is overweight and the challenger meets the weight requirements, the titleholder loses his crown at weighing-in time. The bout then goes on as an overweight match and if the challenger wins, he is recognized as the new champion. When both challenger and champion are overweight, the title is vacant. If the title is vacant and one challenger is overweight while the other meets the weight requirements, the title remains vacant.
(24) No drug, alcohol in any form, stimulant, injection, depressant, or analgesic of any kind shall be applied, administered, or given to any contestant before or during a boxing contest. Use of standard agents or compounds for the control of excessive bleeding are exempt from this rule. Stimulants in the form of liquids that have a food value may be given internally, provided that these have been presented to the commissioner in charge. Any and all substances or liquids used, or samples thereof, may be taken for analysis by the commissioner in charge.
(25) The Board may bar, for up to a lifetime period, any participant who conspires to break these rules and regulations.


(26) To participate as PROMOTER in a professional boxing contest in Vermont, you must be licensed by the Vermont Boxing Control Board. You may obtain a license from the Vermont Boxing Control Board. Write to the Division of Licensing and Registration, Office of the Secretary of State, 109 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602. The fee for promoter of a professional contest is $ 25.00 per year.
(27) A promoter must study, and become thoroughly familiar with, the contents of this booklet.
(28) A promoter must notify the Board about the main bout at least 48 hours beforehand.
(29) All bouts must first be approved by the Board. Before the commencement of any bout, the promoter shall furnish the Board with a contract, or a signed copy of a contract, between the promoter and the boxing contestants.

Before acting on any application for a license the Board may, in its discretion, examine, under oath, the applicant and other witnesses. At the time of submitting a match for approval, promoters of professional boxing matches shall submit to the Board a record of the proposed boxers in the match, including the last six contests in which each proposed boxer participated, together with location of bout, date, and results. Matches shall not be approved unless this is done.

(30) Send check or money order to cover the 5% gate tax on your gross receipts, to the Office of the Secretary of State, exclusive of any federal tax thereon. Payments of money required by this section shall be accompanied by reports in such form as prescribed by the Board. All tickets of admission to any such boxing contest shall bear clearly on the face thereof the purchase price.
(31) Promoters must determine that all contestants, seconds, managers, and officials are duly licensed before permitting them to participate in any capacity at any boxing contest. Promoters shall be held liable for all unpaid fees.
(32) No person connected with the promotion of professional boxing may have anything to do with the management of boxers; and no persons involved in professional boxing as managers, boxers, trainers, or seconds, shall have anything to do with the promotion of such bouts.
(33) A promoter must keep a sufficient quantity of all types of application blanks and forms on hand. Apply to the Board for more when your supply runs low.
(34) No return bout guarantee clause shall be written into any championship fight contract without special permission of the Board.
(35) No promoter shall advertise or declare for publication that any match is to be held to determine a State Championship until he has secured the approval of the Board.
(36) All requests for championship matches must be in writing and must be received by the Board at least one full week before the scheduled date of the bout.
(37) Promoters are required to file with the Board copies of the contracts with both contestants, or their managers, before approval of a State Championship match will be granted. These contracts shall accompany the written request for approval, and must indicate that all parties concerned understand and agree that the bout shall determine a championship.
(38) A promoter shall be required to pay to a boxer a sum not less than 1/3 of his agreed purse in any case where a boxer appears ready and able to fulfill his agreement or contract to box but, through no fault of his own, does not appear on the program. This ruling shall not apply if the boxer received notice from the promoter 24 hours in advance of the contest that, for some valid reason, his services could not be used at the agreed place and time.

All boxers licensed as such by the Board shall be covered by accident insurance, provided by the promoter, in the event of injury or death while competing in a properly licensed boxing or sparring match or exhibition. Such insurance shall be covered by a policy to be issued by a recognized insurance company with prior approval of the Board as to form, premium, and coverage. Promoters must supply the commissioner with a Certificate of Liability Insurance at least 10 days before a match.

(39) Promoters shall provide adequate police protection at all contests.
(40) One or more licensed physicians shall be provided with a ring-side seat, and shall be required to remain at ring-side until the end of the final bout.
(41) The judges will be provided with seats at ring-side, on opposite sides of the ring, preferably on a raised dais or platform commanding a clear view of the entire ring area. They shall be isolated by at least the space of one seat on each side and to the rear.
(42) The names of the referee and judges shall be announced to the public over a public address system or from the center of the ring before the start of the contest. Any change of officials made during the program shall be similarly announced.
(43) Promoters must provide a foolproof protection device of standard make for all contestants. A minimum of four are to be kept on hand at all times.
(44) Promoters shall supply suitable watches for timekeepers.
(45) Promoters shall provide a suitable stretcher at ring-side at all times for emergency use and for ambulance staff members of the rescue squad.
(46) At no time shall a promoter schedule a bout between a professional boxer and an amateur boxer or the amateur will lose his amateur standing.
(47) Any promoter, referee, second, boxer, or manager, who, in the judgment of the Board, is guilty of intentional conniving at or participation in any prearranged or "fake" contest shall forfeit his license and shall not again participate in any capacity in boxing unless a new license is subsequently issued to the offending party.
(48) Gloves for all main events shall be new and furnished by the promoter.


(49) To participate as a MANAGER or SECOND in a professional boxing contest in Vermont, you must be licensed by the Vermont Boxing Control Board. You may obtain a license from the Vermont Boxing Control Board. Write to the Division of Licensing and Registration, Office of the Secretary of State, 109 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602. The fee for a manager of a professional contest is $ 15. 00 per year. The fee for a second is $ 5.00 per year.
(50) Any person who negotiates with a promoter, copromoter, or matchmaker for the services of a boxer shall be considered a manager by the Board, and shall be required to obtain the proper license.
(51) The Board requires copies of all existing bona fide contracts between managers and boxers to be filed in the Office of the Board before a manager's license will be granted. All managers shall have a written contract with all boxers under their control and a copy of the original contract shall be filed with the Board.

If a manager after securing a license should sell all his existing contracts, he must surrender his manager's license to the Board until such time as he has another Vermont licensed boxer under contract. At that time his license will be returned, or if expired he may purchase a new license.

(52) A contestant's manager or managers shall not be permitted to participate in more than thirty-three and one third (33 1/3) per cent of the contestant's earnings.
(53) Managers or seconds shall not coach or instruct their boxers by gesture or word of mouth during the progress of the rounds. No more than three seconds to be allowed in one corner.
(54) Managers or seconds are not to throw into the ring a towel, sponge, or any article as an acknowledgment of defeat. A manager or second may, however, ask the referee to stop a bout to protect a contestant from serious injury at the end of the round.
(55) Any profanity or disobedience of the referee's instructions during the progress of a contest shall be deemed sufficient cause for removal of a contestant's manager or second from the corner.
(56) A manager or second of a contestant may be present to examine the application of the bandages and tape to the hands of the opposing boxer and may accompany the boxer to the ring until the referee takes charge.
(57) Managers who sign or orally agree for their boxers to fight when they know they are improperly conditioned or physically inadequate shall be subject to suspension by the Board.


(58) To participate as REFEREE in a professional boxing contest in Vermont, you must be licensed by the Vermont Boxing Control Board. You may obtain a license from the Vermont Boxing Control Board. Write to the Division of Licensing and Registration, Office of the Secretary of State, 109 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602. The fee for referee of a professional contest is $ 10.00 per year.
(59) Every new applicant for a referee's license, or any applicant who has been inactive for three years, shall furnish the Board with satisfactory proof of physical fitness before the application shall be considered.
(60) At every boxing contest there shall be in attendance a duly licensed referee, who shall direct and control the contest and shall not referee more than twelve consecutive rounds.
(61) The referee shall study, and become thoroughly familiar with, the contents of this booklet. Particular attention should be paid to Rule 15.
(62) No active boxer, manager, promoter, or second shall be allowed to hold a license as a referee.
(63) The referee shall have full power to stop a contest whenever he deems it advisable because of the physical condition of the contestant or contestants, or when one of the contestants is clearly outclassed by his opponent, or for other sufficient reasons.
(64) If, in the referee's opinion, any contestant or contestants are not or were not competing in good faith, that official, after consulting with the commissioner in attendance before reaching such a decision, may by announcement to the public withhold any prize, remuneration, or purse, or any part thereof, belonging to the contestant, or contestants. The referee shall then notify the promoter of such action. The impounded purse or prize shall be held by the Board and the contestant or contestants involved shall be granted a hearing before the Appeals Panel if requested in writing within thirty days.
(65) Hitting below the belt; hitting an opponent who is down or rising after being down; holding an opponent with one hand and hitting with the other; holding or deliberately maintaining a clinch; wrestling or roughing at the ropes; pushing an opponent about the ring or into the ropes, or striking an opponent who is helpless as a result of blows and so supported by the ropes that he does not fall; butting with the head or shoulder or using the knee or elbow; hitting with the open glove, or with the heel of the glove and hitting with the back of the hand; purposely going down without being hit or for the purpose of avoiding a blow; striking deliberately at the part of the body over the kidney; the use of the pivot or rabbit punch; jabbing opponent's eyes with the thumb of the glove; the use of abusive language in the ring; and any unsportsmanlike trick or action causing injury to an opponent are fouls and shall not be tolerated by the referee.
(66) The referee may penalize a boxer one or more points for striking a foul blow. At the conclusion of the round in which the foul blow is delivered, the referee shall inform the judges and the public of the number of points he has taken from the score of the offending boxer.
(67) A contestant who persists in using foul tactics may be disqualified by the referee and his purse forfeited.
(68) In case of a deliberate foul, so designated by the referee, a boxer's license may be suspended for a period of time to be determined by the Board.
(69) In his instructions to the contestants prior to each bout, the referee shall caution both contestants to retire to the farthest neutral corner, at his direction, immediately upon scoring a knockdown, and to remain there until the signal to resume boxing is given, or until the count is completed, or the bell has rung terminating the round. After having so instructed both contestants, the referee is authorized to hold his count in the event any boxer who has scored a knockdown refuses to retire to the proper corner to await the signal, the count, or the bell as the case may be. The knockdown timekeeper shall not start the split-second hand to time the knockdown until the referee so indicated by his first count.

In all bouts except championship bouts, if the contestant who is down rises during the count, the referee shall continue to count to "8" and assure himself that the contestant is in fit condition to continue. If so assured, he shall without loss of time order both contestants to go on with the contest. During such intervention by the referee, the striking of a blow by either contestant may be ruled "foul". This is the mandatory "8" count.

(70) Referees are instructed to stop any bout in which a boxer has been knocked down three times in one round as the result of a blow. This rule may be waived in championship bouts. The rule does not apply to a boxer who slips or falls down from being off balance.
(71) Should a boxer be knocked down by a blow that, in the opinion of the referee, was a foul blow, the referee may stop the contest at that point. He will award the decision to the boxer suffering the foul blow, other than the so-called "low blow", as explained in Rule 72.
(72) Should a boxer be knocked down by a blow that he claims to have been foul, but that, in the opinion of the referee, was not foul, the referee shall pick up his count as usual in the event of a knockdown.

All contestants shall agree to equip themselves with an approved and foul-proof protection cup that will obviate the necessity of any claims being made for low blows during a contest. It is to be expressly understood that no contest will be terminated by a "low blow", as the protector selected by the boxers is, in their own opinion, sufficient protection to withstand any so-called "low blow" that might temporarily incapacitate them.

(73) If at the end of a regulation round a boxer is "down" and the referee is in the course of counting, the gong indicating the end of the round shall be sounded to commence the one-minute rest period.
(74) When a boxer has been knocked unconscious, the referee shall immediately remove that contestant's mouthpiece.

If, in the opinion of the referee, a fallen boxer has been so seriously injured that removal to his corner might prove injurious, he shall request that the physician examine the boxer in the ring before permitting his removal.

(75) A contestant who has been knocked through or over the edge of the ring platform during a contest shall not be helped back by his manager or seconds. The referee shall begin to count, in accordance with Rule 69 of the Rules for Referees, as soon as the contestant leaves the inside of the ring ropes. If the contestant fails to return by the count of "10", he is knocked out. The same procedure shall apply to a contestant who leaves the ring during the progress of the bout under any circumstances.

When one contestant has fallen through the ropes, the other shall retire to the farthest neutral corner and remain there until the count is completed or his opponent is on his feet in the ring.

A contestant who deliberately wrestles or throws his opponent from the ring, or who hits him when he is partly out of the ring and prevented by the ropes from assuming a position of defense, may be disqualified.

In case of serious injury to a contestant, the referee shall automatically be under suspension until investigation by the Board establishes whether the injury was the result of negligence or incompetence on the part of the referee or of circumstances not reasonably within his control.

(76) When a contestant fails to answer the bell for a round "coming up", his opponent shall be credited with a "T.K.O." in the round that is "coming-up" and not in the preceding round that has been fought.
(77) In all contests the gloves used must weigh not less than 8 ounces each.

The referee shall examine the gloves and protectors of each contestant before the start of the contest. This shall include the correct insertion of a mouthpiece. He shall determine that the gloves have not been "broken", nor the padding over the knuckles removed, and new gloves substituted. If the gloves have been used in other bouts, they must be whole, clean, and in sanitary condition if to be used again. The referee shall inspect each boxer's gloves and make sure that no foreign detrimental substances have been applied to either the gloves or the bodies of the boxers.

The referee may also inspect the bandages of contestants and each contestant may be permitted to inspect the bandages of his opponent. The purpose of the bandages is to protect the hand and not to add force to a blow.

(78) Referees shall not permit unfair practices that may cause injury to a contestant, and will be held strictly responsible for enforcing these rules.


(79) To participate as JUDGE in a professional boxing contest in Vermont, you must be licensed by the Vermont Boxing Control Board. You may obtain a license from the Vermont Boxing Control Board. Write to the Division of Licensing and Registration; Office of the Secretary of State, 109 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602. No fee will be charged for the license. All judges shall be appointed by the Board as capable of judging boxing bouts.
(80) At every professional contest there shall be in attendance two or more duly licensed judges.
(81) No active boxer, manager, promoter, or second shall hold a license as a judge.
(82) The judges must be familiar with the Vermont Statutes and the Rules and Regulations of the related to boxing. Particular attention shall be given to Rule 15 describing the point system and its application.
(83) Upon notification by the referee of a penalty imposed for a foul, at the end of the round each judge shall follow the instructions of the referee in deducting one or more points from his score for the boxer committing the foul. Each judge shall mark a "P" (for Penalty) beside his original score, then he shall mark the new score in the space provided for that round.
(84) When a contestant fails to answer the bell for a round "coming up" his opponent shall be credited with a "T.K.O." in the round that is "coming up" and not in the preceding round that has been fought.
(85) Judges shall not confer with each other during the contest, nor express in any way to anyone their opinions as to the winner, except by final written vote.


(86) Within ten hours before each contest, the PHYSICIAN shall examine each contestant, and shall report on the condition of each contestant. If, in his or her opinion, the condition of any contestant is not favorable, the physician shall notify the promoter at once, and shall so report over his or her signature.
(87) It shall be the duty of the physician to remain at the scene of the contest until he has ascertained that no serious injuries have been received by any contestant, or until such injuries have been given attention.

All injuries shall be reported and registered by the physician at the office of the Vermont Boxing Control Board, Office of the Secretary of State, Division of Licensing and Registration, 109 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602, with any recommendations.

(88) Among other things, the physician shall provide himself with a stethoscope, manometer, sterile syringe with medication for relieving pain, alcohol, cotton, gauze, ice bag, and aromatic ammonia (capsules).
(89) During the progress of the bout, the physician shall remain at ring-side in a seat to be provided by the promoter, and shall have his medical kit immediately available.
(90) Any boxer who suffers a concussion shall be automatically suspended 30 days. Any boxer who suffers a knock out shall also be automatically suspended for 30 days.
(91) No contestant shall be allowed to engage in any boxing contest if the following conditions be found by the physician:
(a) Any hernia, or bubonocele;
(b) Organic heart murmurs;
(c) Active pulmonary lesions;
(d) Temperature over 98.8;
(e) Systolic pressure over 150;
(f) Infectious skin lesions, such as boils or infected wounds;
(g) Recent wounds, especially on face and ears;
(h) Hand injuries, and fractures less than six weeks old, if, in the physician's opinion, the injury would be detrimental;
(i) Use of narcotics, drugs, stimulants, depressants, or analgesics of any description; or
(j) Any other medical reason deemed sufficient by the physician.


(92) TIMEKEEPERS shall be responsible for each round being of exactly equal duration as announced before such contest, with rest periods of one-minute's duration. Timekeepers shall not leave the gong until the completion of a contest. The call "Get Ready" shall be given 10 seconds before the round starts.
(93) When a contestant is knocked down and takes the count, if the round ends before the count is completed, the timekeeper shall indicate the end of the round in accordance with Rule 73 of the Rules for Referees.


(94) When one of the contestants is knocked down and takes the count, the KNOCK-DOWN TIMEKEEPER shall start the split-second hand with the first count of the referee. The timekeeper shall tell the count in a standing position and in a clear voice, causing his hand to go up and down with the count. The referee shall make similar motions in unison with the timekeeper until the contestant rises or the expiration of the count of ten; which should be equivalent to a period of ten seconds. If there is a variation between the two officials, the knock-down timekeeper shall announce the expiration of the ten seconds, which shall be considered official. In case the round ends before the ten seconds are completed, the timekeeper shall indicate the end of the round in accordance with Rule 73 of the Rules for Referees.
(95) If the contestant who is knocked down rises during the count, the knock-down timekeeper shall continue to count to "8" with the referee. This is the mandatory "8" count rule.


(96) The Board may deny, revoke, or suspend the license of any boxer because of his physical or mental condition. For the purpose of this rule, the Board shall be deemed to have acted properly if the Board shall by personal observation, medical reports, psychological reports, past records, or from other information bearing on his physical or mental condition, determine that it would be injurious to the boxer's physical or mental health to participate in a boxing contest. At the boxer's expense the Board may demand a complete physical examination consisting of an EKG, Stress Test, KAT scan, X-ray, blood and urine tests. Each boxer must complete a medical information history both mental and physical.

If the Board suspends or revokes a license and such suspension or revocation could extend for a period of time in excess of 30 days, the boxer may request a hearing before the Board and offer what evidence he shall have bearing on his physical or mental condition. If after a hearing the Board is satisfied that the disqualifying condition does exist and is expected to persist, it may indefinitely suspend, revoke, or deny a license to the boxer. Any decision of the Board may be appealed to the Appeals Panel within 30 days.

In the event that any commissioner shall observe or have notice of any such physical or mental condition existing within 10 hours of any scheduled bout, the commissioner shall have the authority to suspend immediately the boxer's license for a 48-hour period. If the Board fails to affirm such suspension, the suspension shall expire after the 48-hour period has elapsed.

(1) The Vermont Boxing Control Board has the power to supervise and regulate boxing contests and training exhibitions under Vermont Statutes Annotated, Title 31, Chapter 3. For the safety and welfare of participants in boxing contests, the Board has promulgated these rules and regulations pursuant to 31 V.S.A. § 103 in order to carry out its statutory purpose.
(2) No boxing contest shall be conducted except in the city, town, or village specified in the permit issued and in such places in the city, town, or village as are approved by the Board.

No boxing "exhibitions" shall be allowed without special permission from the Board.

(3) All applications for license must be made on forms furnished by the Board. Associations or persons holding licenses issued by this Board shall not lend out the license nor conduct a contest under any name other than that stated in the license.
(4) The following shall be the age limits for boxers:
(a) Minimum Age. The minimum age for an individual to qualify as an amateur boxer is 12 through 15 for the junior class and 16 years of age for the senior or open class.
(b) Maximum Age. The maximum age at which an individual may qualify as an amateur boxer shall be at the sole discretion of the Board. The Board may, at any time, demand such information concerning an applicant's mental or physical condition as it deems necessary. Such information may be in addition to that required in physical examinations under other rules of this Board. At the boxer's expense the commission may demand a complete physical examination consisting of an EKG, Stress Test, KAT scan, X-ray, blood and urine tests. Each boxer must complete a medical history, both mental and physical.
(5) No contestant shall be permitted to participate in any amateur boxing contest on more than two days in any seven, except in official-sanctioned tournaments requiring more than two days to complete.
(6) All officials taking part in amateur contests shall be licensed by the Board.
(7) The boxing ring shall be not less than 16 feet nor more than 24 feet square within the ropes. The floor of the ring shall extend beyond the lower rope a distance of 2 feet on all sides. The ring shall not be more than 4 feet above the floor of the building or grounds of an outdoor arena, and shall be provided with suitable steps for the use of contestants, coaches, and officials. The ring shall be equipped with at least 3 ropes. The ropes shall be not less than 1 inch in diameter. Such ropes shall be manila rope, synthetic, plastic rope or any similar material, and shall not be made of metal of any type. All ropes shall be wrapped securely in soft material. If 3 ropes are used, they shall extend in triple parallel lines 2, 3, and 4 feet above the ring floor. If 4 ropes are used, the lower rope shall be 18 inches above the ring floor, the second rope 30 inches, the third rope 42 inches, and the fourth rope 54 inches above the ring floor. The ring floor shall be padded with a 1 1/2 inch layer of ensolite or foam rubber (or equivalent), placed on a 1 1/2 inch base of celotex (building material). The padding shall be covered with canvas, duck, or similar material tightly stretched and laced securely in place, preferably under the apron. Ring posts shall be not less than 3 inches or more than 8 inches in diameter, extending from the floor to the height of 58 inches above the ring floor. The ropes shall be connected to posts with the extension not shorter than 18 inches. The turn-buckles must be covered with a protective padding.
(8) All contests shall be conducted under the Marquis of Queensberry rules, except where changed or modified by these rules or by the Board.
(9) No collection shall be made at any contest unless permission in writing has previously been obtained from the Board.


(10) The following is the Vermont Boxing Control Board standard of weights for amateur boxing:


Light Flyweight



11 2




12 5



Light Welterweight




Light Middleweight




Light Heavyweight



over 190 No limit

(11) No contestant may compete in a weight class unless he weighs more than the maximum limit for the class below, and no more than the maximum limit for the class in which he desires to compete. For example: To compete in the 139 pounds class, a contestant must weight more than 132 pounds but not more than 139 pounds.

The following limitations of weights are placed on amateur boxing bouts:


Light Flyweight










Light Welterweight




Light Middleweight




Light Heavyweight



No limit

(12) The Three Point System shall be used in deciding all boxing contests and the scoring of such points shall be adjudged by at least two duly licensed judges and, in the absence of a third such official, by the referee. In awarding points, the following qualities are to be considered:
(a) Contestant doing the greatest amount of leading;
(b) Contestant landing the greatest number of clean solid blows;
(c) Ring generalship, to include evasive action, blocking, footwork, and feinting both in offensive and defensive action; and
(d) General form during performance.

The maximum number of points any contestant may receive for each round is twenty. Knockdowns as the result of a solid blow should be considered in the scoring at the discretion of the referee. Knockdowns as the result of a slip or loss of balance through bodily contact other than blows should be discounted. Scoring shall be accomplished on a judge's score card furnished by the Board. Points shall be recorded for each of the contestants immediately following the end of each round. At the conclusion of every bout, the points given each contestant shall be added carefully by the official. The winner's name should then be written clearly on the card, signed by the official. A winner must be named. In case of a draw, the judge must arrive at a decision.

(13) The referee shall collect the judges' cards and present them to the commissioner in attendance to be checked. The referee shall then announce or shall cause to be announced to the public the name of the winning contestant, according to the majority vote, and unless the decision be unanimous, the individual score of each official for each contestant shall be announced.
(14) The referee should present the awards in the ring at the end of each bout.
(15) Wagering on contests is prohibited in any arena under the jurisdiction of the Board.
(16) Only beverages served in paper or plastic foam cups may be sold in the hall where boxing contests or exhibitions are conducted.


(17) To participate as CONTESTANT in an amateur boxing contest in Vermont, you must be licensed by the Vermont Boxing Control Board. You may obtain a license from the Vermont Boxing Control Board. Write to the Division of Licensing and Registration, Office of the Secretary of State, 109 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602. No fee is charged for the amateur license, which nevertheless must be annually renewed.
(18) Contestants shall box in proper costume, including a foul protection cup of a type satisfactory to the Board and the contestant. This cup shall be firmly adjusted before leaving the dressing room.

Each contestant shall supply himself with a pair of trunks, loose fitting and made of light cloth, similar to athlete's "running pants". The belt of the trunks shall not extend above the waist line.

Boxing shoes or sneakers must be worn and must not be fitted with spikes, cleats, hard soles, or hard heels. Shoelaces shall be held in place by a strip of adhesive tape around the shoe tops.

While performing boxers must wear mouthpieces for the protection of tongue and teeth. This regulation shall be strictly enforced by the referee.

Boxers should wear headgear while performing in any bout. This is mandatory for boxers in the junior class, age 12 through 15. Use of any type of grease or other substance is prohibited.

Bandages shall consist of soft cotton or linen. In all classes up to 156 pounds, one roll of 2-inch gauze bandage, not to exceed 10 yards, should be used for each hand held in place by a strip of 1 inch adhesive tape, not more than 6 inches long around each wrist. In the 165 pounds class and over, one roll of 2-inch gauze bandage, not to exceed 12 yards in length should be used for each hand, held in place by a strip of 1-inch adhesive tape, not more than 8 inches long around each wrist. No tape, cotton, powder, or any substance other than the aforementioned may be used between the fingers or over the knuckles. In all senior or open class contests, the gloves used must weight not less than 10 ounces each. In all junior class contests the gloves used must weigh not less than 12 ounces each. If gloves have been used in other bouts, they must be whole, clean, and in sanitary condition.

(19) The commissioner in attendance shall weigh each contestant using scales furnished by the promoter. He shall see that the weights of opposing contestants comply with Rule 11 of these rules and regulations. If the weights do not comply with Rule 11, the commissioner shall notify the promoter, and shall so indicate to the Board.


(20) To participate as PROMOTER in any amateur boxing contest in Vermont, you must be licensed by the Vermont Boxing Control Board. You may obtain a license from the Vermont Boxing Control Board. Write to the Division of Licensing and Registration, Office of the Secretary of State, 109 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602. The fee for promoter of an amateur contest is $ 25.00 per year.
(21) One or more licensed physicians shall be provided with a ring-side seat, and shall be required to remain at ring-side until the end of the final bout.
(22) The judges shall be provided with seats at ring-side, on opposite sides of the ring, preferably on a raised dais or platform commanding a clear view of the entire ring area. They shall be isolated by at least the space of one seat on each side and to the rear.
(23) The names of the referee and judges shall be announced to the public over a public address system or from the center of the ring before the start of the contests. Any change of officials that is made during the program shall be similarly announced.
(24) Promoters must provide a foolproof protection device of standard make for all contestants. A minimum of four are to be kept on hand at all times.
(25) At no time shall a promoter schedule a bout between a professional boxer and an amateur boxer or the amateur will lose his amateur standing.
(26) Promoters shall provide a suitable stretcher at ring-side at all times for emergency use; an ambulance and a rescue squad should be in attendance.
(27) Promoters shall supply suitable watches for time-keepers and aides.
(28) Amateur boxers shall be covered by accident insurance, provided by the promoter, in the event of injury or death while competing in a properly licensed boxing or sparring match or exhibition. Such insurance shall be covered by a policy issued by a recognized insurance company, and must be approved at least ten (10) days beforehand by the Board as to form, premium, and coverage. Promoters must also provide the Board with a Certificate of Liability Insurance stating the amount at least ten (10) days beforehand.


(29) To participate as SECOND in an amateur boxing contest in Vermont, you must be licensed by the Vermont Boxing Control Board. You may obtain a license from the Vermont Boxing Control Board. Write to the Division of Licensing and Registration, Office of the Secretary of State, 109 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602. No fee is charged for the amateur license, which must nevertheless be annually renewed.
(30) Any profanity or disobedience of the referee's instructions during the progress of a contest shall be deemed sufficient cause for removal of a contestant's second from the corner.
(31) A second of a contestant may be present to examine the application of the bandages and tape to the hands of the opposing boxer, and may accompany the boxer to the ring until the referee takes charge.


(32) To participate as REFEREE in an amateur boxing contest in Vermont, you must be licensed by the Vermont Boxing Control Board. You may obtain a license from the Vermont Boxing Control Board. Write to the Division of Licensing and Registration, Office of the Secretary of State, 109 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602. No fee is charged for an amateur license, which must nevertheless be annually renewed.
(33) Every new applicant for a referee's license, or any applicant who has been inactive for 3 years, shall furnish the Board with satisfactory proof of physical fitness before the application shall be considered.
(34) At every boxing contest a duly licensed referee shall be in attendance. The referee shall be prohibited from acting as a referee for more than 12 consecutive rounds unless the twelfth round is within the bout, in which case he may finish the bout.
(35) The referee shall study, and become thoroughly familiar with, the contents of this booklet. Particular attention should be given to Rule 12 describing the point system.
(36) No active boxer, manager, promoter, or second shall be allowed to hold a license as a referee.
(37) The referee or commissioner shall have full power to stop a contest whenever he deems it advisable because of the physical condition of the contestant or opponent, or for other sufficient reasons.
(38) Correct Blows. Each blow to have scoring value must, without being blocked, land directly with the knuckles part of the closed glove of either hand on any part of the front or sides of the head or body above the belt. Swings landing as described are scoring blows.

The value of blows scored in a rally of fighting shall be assessed at the end of such a rally and shall be credited to the boxer who has had the better of the exchanges according to the degree of his superiority. The following blows are not scoring blows and therefore do not count when struck by a boxer:

(a) while infringing on any of the rules;
(b) with the side, the heel, the inside, the back of the glove, or with any part of the glove other than knuckles part;
(c) which land on the arms, the shoulders, or back; or
(d) which merely make contact, without the weight of the shoulder or body.
(39) Fouls. The competitor who does not obey the instructions of the referee, violates the boxing rules, boxes in an unsportsmanlike manner, or commits fouls, can at the discretion of the referee be cautioned, warned, or disqualified without warning. Only two warnings may be given to the same boxer in one contest. The third offense brings prompt disqualification.

Each boxer is responsible for the conduct of his seconds. A referee may, without stopping a contest, caution a boxer at some safe opportunity.

If a referee decides to warn a boxer, he shall stop the contest, and shall demonstrate the infringement. He will then point to the boxer and to each of the judges. Before issuing a warning, a referee should remember that a warning may carry a heavy penalty, and that a warning should not be lightly given.

The following are fouls:

(a) Hitting or holding below the belt, tripping, kicking, and butting with foot or knee.
(b) Hits or blows with head, shoulder, forearm, elbow, throttling of the opponent's face, pressing the head of the opponent back over the ropes.
(c) Hitting with open gloves, the inside of the glove, wrist, or side of the hand.
(d) Hits landing on the back of the opponent, and especially any blow on the back of the neck or head, and the kidney punch.
(e) Pivot blows.
(f) Attack while holding the ropes or making any unfair use of the ropes.
(g) Lying on, wrestling, and throwing in a clinch.
(h) An attack on an opponent who is down or who is in the act of rising.
(i) Holding.
(j) Holding or locking of the opponent's arm or head, or pushing an arm underneath the arm of the opponent.
(k) Holding and hitting, or pulling and hitting.
(l) Ducking below the belt of the opponent in a manner dangerous to the opponent.
(m) Completely passive defense by means of double cover and intentionally falling to avoid a blow.
(n) Useless, aggressive, or offensive utterances during the round.
(o) Not stepping back when ordered to "Break".
(p) Attempting to strike opponent immediately after the referee has ordered "Break" and before taking a step back.
(q) If a boxer has received a low blow (punch below the belt line), the referee shall, if he has seen the foul blow delivered, use his discretion and may permit, if the blow was of damaging effect, a rest period to the victim not to exceed five minutes. If the offended boxer refuses to box after a five minute rest period, his opponent shall be named the winner. If a referee has any reason to believe that he himself has not seen a blow, he may consult the judges.

A boxer cannot be named the winner of a bout as a result of receiving a low blow unless, in the opinion of the referee, the blow was delivered deliberately and was of such force as to seriously incapacitate the offended boxer so that he could not continue to box. Under this condition, the offender should be disqualified immediately.

(40) In his instructions to the contestants before each bout, the referee shall caution both contestants to retire to the farthest neutral corner, at his direction, immediately after scoring a knockdown, and to remain there until the signal to resume boxing is given, or until the count is completed, or the bell has rung terminating the round. After having so instructed both contestants, the referee is authorized to hold his count in the event any boxer who has scored a knockdown refuses to retire to the proper corner to await the signal, the count, or the bell as the case may be. The knockdown timekeeper shall not start the split-second hand to time the knockdown until the referee so indicates by his first count.
(41) In all bouts, if the contestant who is down rises during the count, the referee shall continue to count to "8" and assure himself that the contestant is in fit condition to continue. This is the mandatory "8" count. If so assured, he shall without loss of time order both contestants to go on with the contest. During such intervention by the referee, the striking of a blow by either contestant may be ruled "Foul".
(42) Should a boxer be knocked down by a blow that he claims to have been foul, but that, in the opinion of the referee, was not foul, the referee shall pick up his count as usual in the event of a knockdown.

All contestants shall agree to equip themselves with an abdominal guard of their own selection, which will obviate the necessity of any claims being made for "low blows" during a contest. It is to be expressly understood that no contest shall be terminated by a low blow, as the protector selected by the boxers is, in their own opinion, sufficient protection to withstand any so-called low blow that might temporarily incapacitate a contestant.

In connection therewith, referees are instructed to count boxers out who fall to the floor claiming foul as a result of a low blow, since they are equipped with a protector of their own selection which they agree is of sufficient protection to withstand any so-called low blow that might temporarily incapacitate them.

(43) If at the end of a two-minute round, other than the last round, a boxer is "down" and the referee is in the course of counting, the gong indicating the end of this two-minute round will not be sounded. If the downed contestant does not rise by the count of ten, the other contestant will be the winner by a knockout. If the downed boxer does get up before the count of ten, the gong shall be sounded to indicate the end of the round and the beginning of the one-minute rest interval.
(44) When a boxer has been knocked unconscious the referee shall immediately remove that contestant's mouth-piece.
(45) If, in the opinion of the referee, a fallen boxer has been so scriously injured that removal to his corner might prove injurious, he shall request that the physician examine the boxer in the ring before permitting his removal.
(46) A contestant who has been knocked through or over the edge of the ring platform during a contest shall not be helped back by his manager or seconds. The referee shall begin to count, in accordance with Rule 40 of the Rules for Referees, as soon as the contestant leaves the inside of the ring ropes. If the contestant fails to return by the count of "10", he is knocked out. The same procedure shall apply to a contestant who leaves the ring during the progress of the bout under any circumstances.

When one contestant has fallen through the ropes the other shall retire to the farthest neutral corner and remain there until the count is completed or his opponent is on his feet in the ring.

A contestant who deliberately wrestles or throws his opponent from the ring, or who hits him when he is partly out of the ring and prevented by the ropes from assuming a position of defense, may be disqualified.

In case of serious injury to a contestant, the referee shall be automatically under suspension until investigation by the Board establishes whether the injury was the result of negligence or incompetence on the part of the referee or of circumstances not reasonably within his control.

(47) When a contestant fails to answer the bell for a round "coming up", his opponent shall be credited with a "T.K.O." in the round that is "coming up" and not in the preceding round that has been fought.
(48) The referee shall examine the gloves and protectors of each contestant prior to the start of the contest. This shall include the correct insertion of a mouthpiece. He shall determine that the gloves have not been "broken" nor the padding over the knuckles removed or disturbed. In case the padding over the striking part of the gloves shows evidence of having been disturbed other than through actual use, he may order the glove or gloves removed and new gloves substituted.

The referee may also inspect the bandages of contestants and each contestant may be permitted to inspect the bandages of his opponent. The purpose of the bandages is to protect the hand and not to add force to a blow.

(49) Referees shall not permit unfair practices that may cause injury to a contestant. Referees shall be held strictly liable for enforcing these rules.


(50) To participate as JUDGE in an amateur boxing contest in Vermont, you must be licensed by the Vermont Boxing Control Board. You may obtain a license from the Vermont Boxing Control Board. Write to the Division of Licensing and Registration, Office of the Secretary of State, 109 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602. No fee is charged for the license. All judges shall be appointed by the Board as capable of judging bouts.
(51) At every boxing contest there shall be in attendance two or more duly licensed judges.
(52) The judges shall familiarize themselves with the Vermont Statutes and the Rules and Regulations of the Board related to boxing. Particular attention should be given to Rule 12 describing the point system and its application.
(53) No active boxer, manager, promoter, or second shall hold a license as a judge.
(54) After notification by the referee of a penalty imposed for a foul, at the end of the round each judge shall follow the instructions of the referee in deducting one or more points from the score in the space provided for that round.
(55) When a contestant fails to answer the bell for a round "coming up", his opponent shall be credited with a "T.K.O." in the round that is "coming up" and not in the preceding round that has been fought.
(56) Judges shall not confer with each other during the contests, nor express in any way to anyone their opinions as to the winner, except by final written vote.


(57) Within ten hours before each contest, the PHYSICIAN shall examine each contestant, and shall report the condition of each contestant. If, in his opinion, the condition of any contestant is not favorable, he shall notify the promoter at once, and shall so report to the Board.
(58) It shall be the duty of the physician to remain at the scene of the contest until he has ascertained that no serious injuries have been received by any contestant, or until such injuries have been given attention. All injuries shall be reported by the physician to the Vermont Boxing Control Board, Division of Licensing and Registration, Office of the Secretary of State, 109 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602.
(59) Among other things, the physician shall provide himself with a stethoscope, manometer, sterile syringe with medication for relieving pain, alcohol, cotton, gauze, ice bag, and aromatic ammonia (capsules).
(60) No contestant shall be allowed to engage in any boxing contest if the following conditions be found by the physician:
(a) Any hernia, or bubonocele;
(b) Organic heart murmurs;
(c) Active pulmonary lesions;
(d) Temperature over 98.8;
(e) Systolic pressure over 150;
(f) Infectious skin lesion, such as boils or infected wounds;
(g) Recent wounds, especially on face and ears;
(h) Hand injuries, and fractures less than six weeks old, if, in the physician's opinion, the injury would be detrimental;
(i) Use of narcotics, drugs, stimulants, depressants, or analgesics of any description;
(j) Any other medical reason deemed sufficient by the physician.


(61) TIMEKEEPERS shall be responsible for each round being of exactly equal duration as announced before the contest, with rest periods of one minute's duration. Timekeepers shall not leave the gong until the completion of a contest. The call "Get Ready" shall be given ten seconds before the round starts.
(62) When a contestant is knocked down and if the round ends before the count is completed, the timekeeper shall indicate the end of the round in accordance with Rule 43 of the Rules for Referees.


(63) When one of the contestants is knocked down and takes the count, the KNOCK-DOWN TIMEKEEPER shall start the split-second hand with the first count of the referee. The timekeeper shall toll the count in a standing position and in a clear voice, causing his hand to go up and down with the count. The referee shall make similar motions in unison with the timekeeper until the contestant rises or the expiration of the count of ten, which should be equivalent to a period of ten seconds. If there is variation between the two officials, the knock-down timekeeper shall announce the expiration of the ten seconds, which shall be considered official. In case the round ends before the ten seconds are completed, the timekeeper shall indicate the end of the round in accordance with Rule 43 of the Rules for Referees.
(64) If the contestant who is knocked down rises during the count, the knock-down timekeeper shall continue to count to "8" with the referee. This is the mandatory "8" count.


(65) The Board may deny, revoke, or suspend the license of any boxer because of his physical or mental condition. For the purpose of this rule, the Board shall be deemed to have acted properly if the Board shall by personal observation, medical reports, psychological reports, past records, or from other information bearing on his physical or mental condition, determine that it would be injurious to the boxer's physical or mental health to participate in a boxing contest. At the boxer's expense the Board may demand a complete physical examination consisting of an EKG, Stress Test, KAT scan, X-ray, blood and urine tests. Each boxer must complete a medical information history both mental and physical.

If the Board suspends or revokes a license and such suspension or revocation could extend from a period of time in excess of 30 days. The boxer may request a hearing before the Board and offer what evidence he shall have bearing on his physical or mental condition. If, after a hearing, the Board is satisfied that the disqualifying condition does exist and is expected to persist, it may indefinitely suspend, revoke, or deny a license to the boxer. Any such decision of the Board may be appealed to the Appeals Panel within 30 days.

In the event that any commissioner shall observe or have notice of any such physical or mental condition existing within 10 hours of any scheduled bout, the commissioner shall have the authority to suspend immediately the boxer's license for a 48-hour period. If the Board fails to affirm such suspension, the suspension shall expire after the 48-hour period has elapsed.


As provided in 31 V.S.A. § 111, each member of the Control Board shall have the power to administer oaths and affirmations and examine witnesses concerning any matters within the jurisdiction of the Board. The Board is also vested with power to issue subpoenas as to matters within its jurisdiction. False swearing on the part of any witness before the Board shall be punishable in the same manner as false swearing before a trial board, and obedience to any subpoena issued by the Board may be compelled in the same manner as subpoenas issued by a trial board.


We must make all decisions in writing on whether you are granted or denied a license. If we deny you a license we give you our specific reasons. You have the right to appeal our decision to the Appeals Panel within thirty days.


If you are not satisfied with our decision, you may appeal to the Appeals Panel within thirty days of receiving the decision. The Appeals Panel is created by Vermont Law under Title 3, V.S.A. Section 114a, and has its own procedural rules. You can get information about the Panel and copies of its rules from the Office of the Secretary of State, 109 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05602.


RULE 1. All contests to be decided in a roped ring, not less than 16 feet nor more than 24 feet square.
RULE 2. Contestants to box in light boots or shoes (without spikes) or in socks.
RULE 3. In all contests the number and duration of rounds must be specified. The limit of rounds shall be 20 three-minute rounds; the interval between the rounds shall be one minute. All championship contests shall be of 20 three-minute rounds. The gloves to be of a minimum weight of 6 ounces, and shall be provided by the promoter.
RULE 4. The contestants shall be entitled to the assistance of not more than four seconds, who are to be approved of by the promoter; and no advice may be given by the seconds during the progress of a round.
RULE 5. In all contests the decision shall be given in favor of the contestant who attains the greatest number of points. The points shall be for -- attack: direct, clean hits with the knuckle part of the glove on any part of the front or sides of the head or body above the belt; defense: guarding, slipping, ducking, or getting away. When points are otherwise equal, the preference to be given to the contestant who does most of the leading off, or displays the best style.
RULE 6. The referee may disqualify a contestant for delivering a foul blow intentionally or otherwise, for holding, butting, palming, shouldering, falling without receiving a blow, wrestling, or for boxing unfairly by hitting with the open glove, the inside or butt of the hand, with the wrist or elbow, or for roughing.
RULE 7. If, in the opinion of the referee, a deliberate foul is committed by a contestant, such contestant shall not be entitled to a prize.
RULE 8. The referee shall have power to stop a contest if, in his opinion, a man is unfit to continue, and that man shall be deemed to have lost the contest.
RULE 9. No seconds or any other person shall be allowed in the ring during the rounds. Each contestant shall be entitled to the assistance of not more than four seconds, who must take up position outside the ring during the rounds, and who must not, under pain of disqualification of their principal by the referee, coach, assist in any manner, or advise their principal during the rounds or enter the ring during the progress of a contest. A second refusing to obey the orders of the referee shall be removed from his position, and replaced by another approved by the referee.
RULE 10. The contestant failing to come up when time is called, or refusing to obey the referee, shall lose the contest. A man on one knee, or when on the ropes with both feet off the floor, shall be considered down.
RULE 11. If a contestant slips down he must get up again immediately. His opponent must stand back out of distance until the fallen man is on his feet, then the contest shall be resumed. A contestant who has knocked down his opponent must immediately walk to his own corner, but should the fallen man be knocked down in the corner, the contestant delivering the knock-down shall retire to the farthest corner. A man knocked down must rise unassisted in ten seconds or lose the contest.
RULE 12. Should a glove burst or come off, it must be replaced immediately to the satisfaction of the referee. The time thus lost shall be considered no part of the stipulated period of the round.
RULE 13. The contestants shall not hit while in a clinch. A clinch shall be constituted by both men holding, either with one or both hands.
RULE 14. The referee shall decide:
(1) Any question not provided in these rules;
(2) The interpretation of these rules.Statutory Authority: 31 V.S.A. § 103


04-040 Code Vt. R. 04-030-040-X
Effective Date: September 3, 1983 (Secretary of State Rule Log #83-61)
* Formerly Rule No. 04 043 001. This rule has not been changed. It has been renumbered and relocated to insure that all rules issued under this Office are properly and uniformly numbered.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.