1. § 8VAC20-671-10 - Definitions
  2. § 8VAC20-671-20 - Exemptions
  3. § 8VAC20-671-30 - Licenses generally
  4. § 8VAC20-671-40 - Advertising
  5. § 8VAC20-671-50 - Types of licenses
  6. § 8VAC20-671-60 - Change in condition
  7. § 8VAC20-671-70 - License to operate is nontransferable
  8. § 8VAC20-671-80 - Penalty for noncompliance in obtaining a license to operate
  9. § 8VAC20-671-90 - List of private schools for students with disabilities
  10. § 8VAC20-671-100 - Initial application
  11. § 8VAC20-671-110 - Applicant commitments
  12. § 8VAC20-671-120 - Assessment of application
  13. § 8VAC20-671-130 - On-site inspection
  14. § 8VAC20-671-140 - Renewal of licenses
  15. § 8VAC20-671-150 - Monitoring
  16. § 8VAC20-671-160 - Complaint resolution procedures
  17. § 8VAC20-671-170 - Denial, revocation, or suspension of license
  18. § 8VAC20-671-180 - Summary or final order of suspension
  19. § 8VAC20-671-190 - Timeline for correction of unsatisfactory conditions
  20. § 8VAC20-671-200 - Governing body
  21. § 8VAC20-671-210 - Responsibilities of the licensee
  22. § 8VAC20-671-220 - Fiscal accountability
  23. § 8VAC20-671-230 - Protection of contractual rights
  24. § 8VAC20-671-240 - Insurance
  25. § 8VAC20-671-250 - Fundraising
  26. § 8VAC20-671-260 - Relationship to the department
  27. § 8VAC20-671-270 - Personnel policies and procedures
  28. § 8VAC20-671-280 - Job qualifications
  29. § 8VAC20-671-290 - Job descriptions
  30. § 8VAC20-671-300 - School administrators
  31. § 8VAC20-671-310 - Teachers and staffing
  32. § 8VAC20-671-320 - Substitute teachers
  33. § 8VAC20-671-330 - Support staff
  34. § 8VAC20-671-340 - Staff supervision
  35. § 8VAC20-671-350 - Staff development
  36. § 8VAC20-671-360 - Personnel records
  37. § 8VAC20-671-370 - School facilities and safety
  38. § 8VAC20-671-380 - Contingency plans
  39. § 8VAC20-671-390 - Weapons
  40. § 8VAC20-671-400 - Searches
  41. § 8VAC20-671-410 - Student application and admission
  42. § 8VAC20-671-420 - Standard school year and school day
  43. § 8VAC20-671-430 - Community relationships
  44. § 8VAC20-671-440 - Philosophy, goals, and objectives
  45. § 8VAC20-671-450 - Student achievement expectations
  46. § 8VAC20-671-490 - Program of instruction and learning objectives
  47. § 8VAC20-671-460 - Individualized Education Program (IEP)
  48. § 8VAC20-671-470 - Individualized Instruction Program (IIP)
  49. § 8VAC20-671-480 - 504 Plans
  50. § 8VAC20-671-500 - Instructional program for elementary school grades
  51. § 8VAC20-671-510 - Instructional program for middle school grades
  52. § 8VAC20-671-520 - Instructional program for secondary school grades
  53. § 8VAC20-671-530 - Alternative education
  54. § 8VAC20-671-540 - Transition services
  55. § 8VAC20-671-550 - Extracurricular and other school activities, and recess
  56. § 8VAC20-671-560 - Family life
  57. § 8VAC20-671-570 - Student work-study or on-the-job training
  58. § 8VAC20-671-580 - Virtual learning
  59. § 8VAC20-671-590 - Equipment, instructional materials, and library media
  60. § 8VAC20-671-600 - School records
  61. § 8VAC20-671-610 - Diplomas
  62. § 8VAC20-671-620 - Student conduct
  63. § 8VAC20-671-630 - Behavior intervention
  64. § 8VAC20-671-640 - Time-out
  65. § 8VAC20-671-650 - Prohibitions
  66. § 8VAC20-671-660 - Managing student behavior in emergency situations
  67. § 8VAC20-671-670 - Videotaping
  68. § 8VAC20-671-680 - Referral for evaluation
  69. § 8VAC20-671-690 - Suspected child abuse and neglect
  70. § 8VAC20-671-700 - Serious incident reports
  71. § 8VAC20-671-710 - Medication and health
  72. § 8VAC20-671-720 - School nutrition
  73. § 8VAC20-671-730 - Transportation
  74. § 8VAC20-671-740 - Reserved
  75. § 8VAC20-671-750 - Student discharge
  76. § 8VAC20-671-760 - Maintenance of student records
  77. § 8VAC20-671-770 - Participation of students in human research
  78. § 8VAC20-671-780 - Procedures for permanent school closing
  79. Form - FORMS (8VAC20-671)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.