Wash. Admin. Code § 182-500-0015 - Medical assistance definitions - B

"Benefit package" means the set of health care service categories included in a client's health care program. See WAC 182-501-0060.

"Benefit period" means the time period used to determine whether medicare can pay for covered Part A services. A benefit period begins the first day a beneficiary receives inpatient hospital or extended care services from a qualified provider. The benefit period ends when the beneficiary has not been an inpatient of a hospital or other facility primarily providing skilled nursing or rehabilitation services for sixty consecutive days. There is no limit to the number of benefit periods a beneficiary may receive. Benefit period also means a "spell of illness" for medicare payments.

"Billing instructions" means provider guides. See WAC 182-500-0085.

"Blind" is a category of medical program eligibility that requires:

(a) A central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with the use of a correcting lens; or
(b) A field of vision limitation so the widest diameter of the visual field subtends an angle no greater than twenty degrees from central.

"By report (BR)" means a method of payment in which the agency or the agency's designee determines the amount it will pay for a service when the rate for that service is not included in the agency's published fee schedules. The provider must submit a report which describes the nature, extent, time, effort and equipment necessary to deliver the service.


Wash. Admin. Code § 182-500-0015
Amended by WSR 15-21-063, Filed 10/19/2015, effective 11/19/2015 Amended by WSR 16-06-053, Filed 2/24/2016, effective 4/1/2016 Amended by WSR 21-19-141, Filed 9/22/2021, effective 10/23/2021

11-14-075, recodified as § 182-500-0015, filed 6/30/11, effective 7/1/11. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.08.090 and 2011 1st sp.s. c 15. 11-14-053, § 388-500-0015, filed 6/29/11, effective 7/30/11.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.