Wash. Admin. Code § 208-594-030 - Application process

Associations desiring to establish trust departments shall complete an application establishing the scope of the intended operation. Upon receiving an application from an association to engage in trust business pursuant to this chapter, the director may request such additional information as he deems necessary for the informed disposition of the application. If supplementary information is requested by the director, the application will not be complete until the supplementary information is supplied.


Wash. Admin. Code § 208-594-030

Statutory Authority: RCW 33.04.025 and 43.320.040. 00-17-140, amended and recodified as § 208-594-030, filed 8/22/00, effective 9/22/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 33.12.010(24). 88-02-068 (Order 87-2), § 419-56-030, filed 1/6/88.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.