Wash. Admin. Code § 296-15-221 - Self-insurers' reporting requirements

(1) What information must self-insurers report to the department? Each self-insurer must provide the department:
(a) The name, title, address and phone number of the single contact person who is the liaison with the department in all self-insurance matters. This contact will be sent all department correspondence and is responsible for forwarding information to appropriate parties for timely action.
(b) A copy of its current policy of applying sick leave, health and welfare benefits or any other compensation in conjunction with, or as a substitute for, time loss benefits.
(2) When must self-insurers notify the department of business status changes? Self-insurers must notify the department in writing:
(a) Immediately, of any plans to:
(i) Cease business entirely or cease business in Washington; or
(ii) Dispose of controlling financial interest of the original self-insurer. The self-insurer must surrender its certificate for cancellation if requested by the department.
(b) Within thirty days, of any:
(i) Amendment(s) or modification(s) to the self-insurer's articles, charter or agreement of incorporation, association, copartnership or sole proprietorship which will materially change the business identity or structure originally certified.
(A) The department may require additional documentation.
(B) If the self-insurer becomes a subsidiary to another firm, the parent must provide the department with its written guarantee on L&I form F207-040-001 to assume responsibility for all workers' compensation liabilities of the subsidiary if the subsidiary defaults on its liabilities. See WAC 296-15021 for additional information.
(ii) Separation (for example, divestiture or spinoff) of any part of the original self-insurer.
(A) The original self-insurer remains responsible for claims liability of the separated part up to the date of separation unless the department approves an alternative.
(B) If the separating part wishes to continue being selfinsured, it must submit an application for self-insurance certification (L&I Form F207-001-000) to the department at least thirty days before separation.
(C) If certification cannot be granted before separation, industrial insurance coverage must be purchased from the state fund effective the date of separation.
(iii) Relocation, addition or closure of physical locations.
(3) When must self-insurers notify the department of administrative changes? A self-insurer must notify the department in writing within ten days, of any change to its:
(a) Single contact person who is the liaison with the department in all self-insurance matters. The self-insurer must include the contact's title, address and phone number.
(b) Contract with a service organization or third party administrator independent of the self-insurer which will participate in the self-insurer's responsibilities. The self-insurer must submit a copy of the new or updated service contract. See WAC 296-15-021 for additional information.
(c) Administrator of its workers' compensation program, if the self-insurer is self -administered instead of contracting with a service organization or third party administrator.
(4) What reports must self-insurers submit to the department? Each self-insurer must submit:
(a) Complete and accurate quarterly reports summarizing worker hours and claim costs paid the previous quarter. Self-insurers must use a form substantially similar to the preprinted Quarterly Report for Self-Insured Business, L&I form F207-006-000, form sent by the department. This report is the basis for determining the administrative, second injury fund, supplemental pension, asbestosis and insolvency trust assessments. Payment is due by the date specified on the preprinted report sent by the department.
(i) Worker hours must be reported as defined in chapter 296-17 WAC General reporting rules, audit and recordkeeping, rates and rating system for Washington workers' compensation insurance.
(ii) Claim costs include, but are not limited to:
(A) Time loss compensation. Include the amount of time loss the worker would have been entitled to if kept on full salary.
(B) Permanent partial disability (PPD) awards.
(C) Medical bills.
(D) Prescriptions.
(E) Medical appliances.
(F) Independent medical examinations and/or consultations.
(G) Loss of earning power.
(H) Travel expenses for treatment or rehabilitation.
(I) Vocational rehabilitation expenses.
(J) Penalties paid to injured workers.
(K) Interest on board orders.
(b) A complete and accurate annual report of all claim costs paid for each year of liability with an estimate of future claim costs. The self-insurer must use a form substantially similar to the Annual Report for Self-Insured Businesses (SIF-7), L&I form F207-007-000. This report is due March 1 of each year. The department uses this for the annual determination of each self-insurer's surety requirement.
(c) Privately held entities are required to submit annually audited financial statements within six months of their fiscal year end, unless the department grants an extension. Failure to provide financial statements will result in increased surety requirements and may result in decertification as a selfinsured.
(i) This statement must be prepared by a certified public accountant.
(ii) A self-insurer with a parental guarantee may submit the parent's fully audited financial statement if the parent's audited statement includes the financial condition of all subsidiaries, including the self-insurer.
(iii) A political subdivision of the state may submit a state auditor's report if it includes the self-insurer's audited financial statement. If the state auditor does not audit the selfinsurer annually, the self-insurer must submit financial statements prepared internally for any year a report by the state auditor is not available.


Wash. Admin. Code § 296-15-221
Amended by WSR 21-13-136, Filed 6/22/2021, effective 7/23/2021

Statutory Authority: RCW 51.14.077, 51.14.150, 51.14.160, 51.44.040, 51.44.070, and 51.44.150. 09-13-018, § 296-15-221, filed 6/5/09, effective 7/6/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.14.077, 51.14.120(7), 51.14.150(4), 51.14.160, 51.44.040(3), 51.44.070 and 51.44.150. 99-23-107, § 296-15-221, filed 11/17/99, effective 12/27/99.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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