Appointed physician. Where workmen are employed in compressed air,
their employer shall make arrangements for their medical supervision by one or
more licensed physicians trained in the physical requirements and the medical
aspects of compressed air work and the treatment of decompression illness. The
employer shall arrange for medical examination of all workmen employed in
compressed air at a suitable place or places by the appointed physician in
accordance with these regulations. The appointed physician or physicians shall
be immediately available in case of emergency or accident. Each appointed
physician shall be physically qualified to subject himself to a compressed air
physician's duties and responsibilities.
(a) General. All matters on the job
pertaining to the health of employees, treatment on the job of illness and
injuries, special first-aid and nursing personnel or assistants, lock
attendants, and medical and first-aid equipment shall be under the supervision
of the appointed physician.
(b) He
shall make all required physical examinations.
(c) He shall make and sign all required
reports of such examinations using the forms provided by the department of
labor and industries.
(d) He shall
make at least one inspection on the job every day of all treatment records and
the required decompression record and he shall inspect or inquire into
conditions which may constitute a potential hazard to the health of any
Certified medical attendant. There shall be on every job a
certified medical attendant trained to the satisfaction of the appointed
physician in administering first aid on compressed air jobs, and who shall be
in attendance in the first-aid room while work in compressed air is going on
and at such other times as the physician may direct. The medical attendant
shall be in personal charge of the administration of first aid and such other
duties as physician may direct. Under no circumstances shall female medical
attendants be subjected to a compressed air environment.
First-aid personnel.
(a) The superintendent and every foreman and
at least one additional designated person on each shift below ground shall be
trained to the satisfaction of the appointed physician in administering first
(b) Where more than 10 but
less than 50 men are employed per shift underground, there shall be at least 2
such additional designated trained persons on the job and available on
(c) Where more than 50 men
are employed per shift underground, the designated trained personnel shall
include all shift bosses and time keepers in addition to those required in
subsection (b) above.
(d) All
designated first-aid personnel must have in their possession current first-aid
certificates that meet certificate requirements stated in chapter
296-24 WAC,
Part A-1.
First-aid meetings. All designated first-aid personnel shall meet
at least once in each 3 months or oftener if directed by the physician for
further first-aid instruction by the physician.
First-aid room and equipment.
The employer must provide a first-aid room properly heated and
maintained within 100 yards of the principal entrance to the underground work.
It must be equipped with a first-aid kit, medical supplies and equipment
consisting of not less than the minimum requirements listed in chapter
WAC, Part A-1.
equipment underground. All the equipment and supplies which the
appointed physician may deem necessary for first-aid underground
shall be
provided and maintained readily available in a suitable cabinet or cabinets. A
list of the contents signed by the appointed physician
shall be permanently
attached to the inside of the cabinet door or cover. The cabinet
shall be
plainly marked with a red cross and the words "first aid."
In caissons, one such cabinet shall be conveniently located in
the working chamber.
In tunnels where a bulkhead is installed, one such cabinet
shall be located on each side of the bulkhead near the entrance to the man
In tunnels having no bulkhead, one such cabinet shall be
located within 100 yards of the working face.