The rules included in this chapter apply throughout the state of Washington, to
any and all waterfront operations under the jurisdiction of the department of
labor and industries.
(2) These
minimum requirements are promulgated in order to augment the general safety and
health standards, and any other safety and health standards promulgated by the
department of labor and industries which are applicable to all places of
employment under the jurisdiction of the department of labor and industries.
The rules of this chapter, and the rules of chapters
296-62 and
WAC are applicable to all longshore, stevedore and related waterfront
operations: Provided, That such rules shall not be applicable to those
operations under the exclusive safety jurisdiction of the federal
(3) The provisions of
this chapter shall prevail in the event of a conflict with, or duplication of,
provisions contained in chapters
296-62 and
296-800 WAC. Specific
standards which are applicable include, but are not limited to:
(b) Toxic and hazardous substances are
regulated by chapters
296-62 and
296-841 WAC. Where references to this chapter
are given they are for informational purposes only. Where specific requirements
of this chapter conflict with the provisions of chapters
296-62 and
WAC, this chapter prevails. Chapter
296-62 WAC does not apply when a substance
or cargo is contained within a manufacturer's original, sealed, intact means of
packaging or containment complying with the department of transportation or
International Maritime Organization requirements.
(c) Hearing loss prevention (noise) Chapter
296-817 WAC.
(d) Standards for
commercial diving operations-Chapter
296-37 WAC.
(e) Safety requirements for
296-874 WAC.
(f) Safe practices of abrasive blasting
296-818 WAC.
Access to employee exposure and medical records Chapter
296-802 WAC.
(h) Respiratory protection-Chapter
(i) Safety standards for grain
handling facilities-Chapter
296-99 WAC.
(k) Asbestos-Chapters 296-62 Part I-1 and
296-65 WAC.
(l) Permit - required
confined spaces and confined space-Chapter
296-809 WAC.
(m) Servicing multipiece and single-piece rim
wheels Chapter
296-864 WAC.
(o) Employee emergency plans and fire
prevention plans-Chapter
296-24 WAC Part G-1.
(4) The provisions of this chapter do not
apply to the following:
(a) Fully automated
bulk coal handling facilities contiguous to electrical power generating
(b) Facilities subject to
the regulations of the office of pipeline safety regulation of the materials
transportation bureau, department of transportation, to the extent such
regulations apply.
296-62-074 shall apply to the
exposure of every employee to cadmium in every employment and place of
employment covered by chapter
296-56 WAC in lieu of any different standard on
exposures to cadmium that would otherwise be applicable by virtue of those
Wash. Admin. Code §
Amended by
14-07-086, filed 3/18/14, effective 5/1/2014
Statutory Authority:
49.17.060. 09-15-144, §
296-56-60001, filed 7/21/09, effective 9/1/09; 05-03-093, § 296-56-60001,
filed 1/18/05, effective 3/1/05; 03-11-060, § 296-56-60001, filed 5/19/03,
effective 8/1/03. Statutory Authority:
49.17.010,[49.17].040 , and [49.17].050.
01-11-038, § 296-56-60001, filed 5/9/01, effective 9/1/01. Statutory
49.17.040. 99-02-024, § 296-56-60001,
filed 12/30/98, effective 3/30/99. Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW.
95-04-007, § 296-56-60001, filed 1/18/95, effective 3/1/95; 93-07-044
(Order 93-01), § 296-56-60001, filed 3/13/93, effective 4/27/93. Statutory
Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW and
49.17.040, [49.17].050 and [49.17].060.
92-22-067 (Order 92-06), § 296-56-60001, filed 10/30/92, effective
12/8/92. Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. 91-24-017 (Order 91-07),
§ 296-56-60001, filed 11/22/91, effective 12/24/91; 89-11-035 (Order
89-03), § 296-56-60001, filed 5/15/89, effective 6/30/89; 88-14-108 (Order
88-11), § 296-56-60001, filed 7/6/88. Statutory Authority:
49.17.040 and
49.17.050. 86-03-064 (Order
86-02), § 296-56-60001, filed 1/17/86; 85-10-004 (Order 85-09), §
296-56-60001, filed 4/19/85; 85-01-022 (Order 84-24), § 296-56-60001,
filed 12/11/84.