Wash. Admin. Code § 388-06A-0180 - Are there other criminal convictions that will prohibit me from being licensed, contracted, certified, or authorized to have unsupervised access to children or from working with children?

The department must disqualify you from licensing, contracting, certification, or from having unsupervised access to children if it has been less than five years from a conviction for the following crimes:

(1) Any felony physical assault or battery offense not included in WAC 388-06A-0170;
(2) Any felony violation of the following drug-related crimes:
(a) The Imitation Controlled Substances Act (for substances that are falsely represented as controlled substances (see chapter 69.52 RCW);
(b) The Legend Drug Act (prescription drugs, see chapter 69.41 RCW);
(c) The Precursor Drug Act (substances used in making controlled substances, see chapter 69.43 RCW);
(d) The Uniform Controlled Substances Act (illegal drugs or substances, see chapter 69.50 RCW); or
(e) Unlawfully manufacturing, delivering or possessing a controlled substance with intent to deliver, or unlawfully using a building for drug purposes.
(5) Any federal or out-of-state conviction for an offense that under the laws of Washington state would disqualify you for no less than five years from having unsupervised access to children.


Wash. Admin. Code § 388-06A-0180
Adopted by WSR 15-03-071, Filed 1/15/2015, effective 2/15/2015

Reviser's note: The typographical error in the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appears in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.

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