Wash. Admin. Code § 388-408-0045 - Am I eligible for Basic Food if I live in a shelter for battered women and children?

(1) You may be eligible for Basic Food benefits if you live in a shelter for battered women and children.
(2) If you live in a shelter for battered women and children and you left an assistance unit (AU) that included the abuser, as a separate AU for Basic Food:
(a) You may get additional amount of Basic Food benefits even if you received benefits with the abuser.
(b) The department will decide your eligibility and benefits based on:
(i) The income and resources you have access to; and
(ii) The expenses you are responsible for.


Wash. Admin. Code § 388-408-0045

Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04, 055 [74.04.055],74.04.057 , 74.04.510. 03-19-118, § 388-408-0045, filed 9/16/03, effective 11/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.057, 74.04.500, 74.04.510. 01-21-060, § 388-408-0045, filed 10/16/01, effective 12/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 74.04.050, 74.04.055, 74.04.057 and 74.08.090. 98-16-044, § 388-408-0045, filed 7/31/98, effective 9/1/98.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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