Wash. Admin. Code § 392-123-175 - Proceeds from the lease, rental or occasional use of surplus property

Pursuant to RCW 28A.335.060 each school district's board of directors shall deposit moneys derived from the lease, rental or occasional use of surplus school property as follows:

(1) Moneys derived from real property shall be deposited into the district's debt service fund and/or capital projects fund except for:
(a) Moneys required to be expended for general maintenance, utility, insurance costs, and any other costs associated with the lease or rental of such property, which money shall be deposited in the district's general fund; or
(b) At the option of the board, after evaluating the sufficiency of the school district's capital projects fund for purposes of meeting demands for new construction and improvements, moneys derived from the lease or rental of real property may be deposited into the district's general fund to be used exclusively for nonrecurring costs related to operating school facilities, including, but not limited to, expenses for maintenance;
(2) Moneys derived from pupil transportation vehicles shall be deposited in the district's transportation vehicle fund;
(3) Moneys derived from other personal property shall be deposited in the district's general fund.


Wash. Admin. Code § 392-123-175

Statutory Authority: Chapter 28A.150 RCW. 05-17-178, § 392-123-175, filed 8/23/05, effective 9/23/05. Statutory Authority: 1990 c 33. 90-16-002 (Order 18), § 392-123-175, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.65.465. 83-21-027 (Order 83-12), § 392-123-175, filed 10/10/83.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.