Wash. Admin. Code § 392-700-175 - Required documentation and reporting

(1) Student documentation:
(a) The program shall submit to the reporting district, tribal compact school, charter school, or direct funded technical college monthly the program's enrollment and maintain and make available upon request the following documentation to support the monthly enrollment claimed:
(i) Each student's eligibility pursuant to WAC 392-700-035;
(ii) Evidence of each student's enrollment requirements under WAC 392-700-160 to include:
(A) Enrollment in district, tribal compact school, charter school, or direct funded technical college;
(B) Evidence of minimum attendance period; and
(C) Earned indicators of academic progress.
(D) Evidence of weekly status check.
(iii) Case management support pursuant to WAC 392-700-085.
(b) The district, tribal compact school, charter school, agency, or college operating the program shall comply with all state and federal laws related to the privacy, sharing, and retention of student records.
(c) Access to all student records will be provided in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
(2) CEDARS student reporting. Approved programs are responsible for submitting all required student information to OSPI in accordance with the CEDARS reporting guidance and reengagement operational instructions.
(3) Annual reporting.
(a) The program will prepare and submit an annual performance report to the district, tribal compact school, charter school, agency, or college under which the program is operating no later than October 1st.
(b) The district or direct funded technical college who reports the student enrollment for state funding will review and submit the program's annual performance report to OSPI no later than November 1st. The annual performance must be completed using the designated OSPI reporting tool.
(i) The annual report will provide the previous school year's student level data:
(ii) A list of the program's enrolled students by:
(A) Gender, age, race/ethnicity;
(B) Earned credentials as defined in WAC 392-700-015(11);
(C) Attained indicators of academic progress as defined in WAC 392-700-015(15). For high school and college credit, detail the subject area;
(D) The number of months each enrolled student was claimed for state funding;
(E) The number of months each enrolled student was served;
(F) The status of each enrolled student at the end of the school year (graduated, continuing, exited by student choice, exited by program choice, or turned twenty-one during the school year).


Wash. Admin. Code § 392-700-175
Amended by WSR 14-22-073, Filed 11/3/2014, effective 12/4/2014 Amended by WSR 15-15-115, Filed 7/16/2015, effective 8/16/2015 Amended by WSR 17-01-125, Filed 12/20/2016, effective 1/20/2017 Amended by WSR 18-17-031, Filed 8/7/2018, effective 9/7/2018

Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.175.100 and 2010 c 20. 11-17-045, § 392-700-175, filed 8/11/11, effective 9/11/11.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.