Wash. Admin. Code § 51-11C-40408 - Section C404.8-Demand recirculation controls

C404.8 Demand recirculation controls. Demand recirculation water systems shall have controls that comply with both of the following:

1. The controls shall start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance, sensing the presence of a user of a fixture or sensing the flow of hot or tempered water to a fixture fitting or appliance.
2. The controls shall limit the temperature of the water entering the cold-water piping to not greater than 104°F (40°C).


Wash. Admin. Code § 51-11C-40408
Amended by WSR 16-03-072, Filed 1/19/2016, effective 7/1/2016 Amended by WSR 19-24-040, Filed 11/26/2019, effective 7/1/2020

Statutory Authority: RCW 19.27A.020, 19.27A.025 and chapters 19.27 and 34.05 RCW. 13-04-056, § 51-11C-40408, filed 2/1/13, effective 7/1/13.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.