Chapter 132F-112 - Election rules

  1. § 132F-112-003 - Purpose
  2. § 132F-112-006 - Request for election-Canvass of academic employees by independent and neutral person or association
  3. § 132F-112-009 - Notice of election-Organizations to be included on ballot-Time for filing
  4. § 132F-112-012 - Contents of notice of election-Designation of chief election officer-Duties
  5. § 132F-112-015 - List of academic employees - Posting of list
  6. § 132F-112-018 - Election inspectors - Duties - Right to challenge voter - Improper conduct
  7. § 132F-112-021 - Ballots
  8. § 132F-112-024 - Record of vote - Signature - Challenge
  9. § 132F-112-027 - Incorrectly marked ballot
  10. § 132F-112-030 - Privacy for voter - Equipment
  11. § 132F-112-033 - Folding ballot - Ballot box
  12. § 132F-112-036 - Challenged ballot - Procedure
  13. § 132F-112-039 - Employees present entitled to vote - Sealing ballot box - Unused ballots
  14. § 132F-112-042 - Election inspectors' duties after voting has terminated
  15. § 132F-112-045 - Disposition of challenged ballots - Tally sheets - Investigation by chief election officer
  16. § 132F-112-048 - Counting of ballots-Procedure-Certification of results of election-Retention of ballots-Signed voting lists
  17. § 132F-112-051 - Electioneering within the polls forbidden
  18. § 132F-112-054 - Contest of election - Time for filing objections - Investigation of objections
  19. § 132F-112-057 - Persons eligible to vote-Definition of "academic employee."
  20. § 132F-112-060 - Election determined by majority of valid votes cast-Runoff election
  21. § 132F-112-063 - Time lapse for new election

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.