Chapter 16-470 - Quarantine-Agricultural pests
- § 16-470-010 - Definitions
- § 16-470-020 - Quarantine - Gypsy moth - Area under order
- § 16-470-030 - Quarantine/gypsy moth hosts and carriers
- § 16-470-040 - Gypsy moth quarantine restrictions - Interior
- § 16-470-050 - Gypsy moth quarantine restrictions - Exterior
- § 16-470-060 - Special permits
- § 16-470-070 - Quarantine-Hornet
- § 16-470-075 - Quarantine-Hornet-Area under order
- § 16-470-080 - Hornet quarantine restrictions
- § 16-470-085 - Special permits
- § 16-470-101 - Establishing quarantines for apple maggot and plum curculio
- § 16-470-103 - Definitions
- § 16-470-105 - Area under order for apple maggot-Pest free area-Quarantine areas
- § 16-470-108 - Distribution of infested or damaged fruit is prohibited
- § 16-470-111 - Commodities regulated for apple maggot
- § 16-470-113 - Requirements to ship commodities regulated for apple maggot from a state under quarantine into the pest free area for apple maggot
- § 16-470-115 - Requirements for shipment of regulated commodities from the quarantine area for apple maggot into the pest free area within Washington state
- § 16-470-118 - Requirements within Washington state to ship fresh fruit into, within, or through the pest free area for apple maggot from an orchard or production site that is infested or threatened with infestation
- § 16-470-122 - Requirements to ship regulated articles from Oregon, Idaho, or Utah into the pest free area for apple maggot
- § 16-470-124 - Special permits for solid waste and organic waste transport and disposition
- § 16-470-125 - Area under quarantine for plum curculio - Regulated commodities
- § 16-470-127 - Requirements to ship commodities regulated for plum curculio into Washington
- § 16-470-130 - Special permits for fresh fruit transport and distribution
- § 16-470-300 - Quarantine - Onion white rot disease
- § 16-470-305 - Onion white rot disease - Definitions
- § 16-470-310 - Onion white rot disease - Area under order
- § 16-470-320 - Onion white rot disease - Restrictions - Control - Prevention - Sanitation
- § 16-470-330 - Onion white rot disease - Enforcement
- § 16-470-340 - Onion white rot disease - Research
- § 16-470-400 - Quarantine - Chestnut
- § 16-470-410 - Chestnut - Area under quarantine
- § 16-470-420 - Chestnut - Pests
- § 16-470-430 - Chestnut pests - Hosts and carriers - Commodities under quarantine
- § 16-470-440 - Chestnut quarantine - Restrictions - Requirements
- § 16-470-700 - Quarantine-Japanese beetle
- § 16-470-705 - Areas under quarantine
- § 16-470-710 - Regulated articles
- § 16-470-711 - Signage requirements
- § 16-470-715 - Conditions governing the movement of regulated articles into Washington state from external quarantine areas
- § 16-470-717 - Conditions governing the movement of regulated articles from internal quarantined areas
- § 16-470-720 - Compliance agreements
- § 16-470-900 - Schedule of fees and charges - Billing policies and procedures
- § 16-470-905 - Schedule of fees and charges-Establishing hourly rates
- § 16-470-912 - Schedule of fees and charges-Applicable fees and charges
- § 16-470-917 - Schedule of fees and charges-Fees for post entry inspection services
- § 16-470-921 - Schedule of fees and charges-Miscellaneous fees
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.