Chapter 220-300 - Fish-Definitions and classifications

  1. § 220-300-010 - Definition - Adult salmon
  2. § 220-300-020 - Definitions - Anadromous waters
  3. § 220-300-030 - Definitions - Bait purposes
  4. § 220-300-040 - Definitions-Bottomfish
  5. § 220-300-050 - Definitions - Bottomfish pot
  6. § 220-300-060 - Definitions - Fishing gear
  7. § 220-300-070 - Definitions - Shellfish dive gear
  8. § 220-300-080 - Definitions - Hand held tool
  9. § 220-300-090 - Definitions - Commercial purposes
  10. § 220-300-100 - Definitions - Explosive substance
  11. § 220-300-110 - Definitions - Fish length measurement
  12. § 220-300-120 - Definitions - Fishing hours
  13. § 220-300-130 - Definition-Forage fish
  14. § 220-300-140 - Definitions - Jack salmon
  15. § 220-300-150 - Geographical definitions - Mile measurement
  16. § 220-300-160 - Definitions-Personal-use fishing
  17. § 220-300-170 - Definitions - Personal use
  18. § 220-300-180 - Definition - SMCRA
  19. § 220-300-190 - Definitions - Spawn on kelp
  20. § 220-300-200 - Definitions - Spawning salmon
  21. § 220-300-210 - Definitions - Wild fish
  22. § 220-300-220 - Geographical definitions-River mouth definitions
  23. § 220-300-230 - Geographical definitions - Coastal waters
  24. § 220-300-240 - Geographical definitions - Grays Harbor
  25. § 220-300-250 - Geographical definitions - Willapa Bay
  26. § 220-300-260 - Geographical definitions - Columbia River
  27. § 220-300-270 - Geographical definition - Lower Columbia River
  28. § 220-300-280 - Geographical definitions - Puget Sound
  29. § 220-300-290 - Geographical definitions - Puget Sound tributaries
  30. § 220-300-300 - [Repealed] Geographical definitions - District 1
  31. § 220-300-310 - [Repealed] Geographical definitions - District 2
  32. § 220-300-320 - Geographical definition - Westport Boat Basin
  33. § 220-300-330 - Geographical definition - English Camp Tidelands
  34. § 220-300-340 - Geographical definition - Buoy 13 line
  35. § 220-300-350 - Geographical definition - Light 26 Line
  36. § 220-300-360 - Geographical definition - Bonilla-Tatoosh Line
  37. § 220-300-370 - Food fish-Classification
  38. § 220-300-380 - Game fish - Classification

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.