Chapter 51-11R - State Building Code adoption and amendment of the 2021 edition of the International Energy Conservation Code, Residential

  1. § 51-11R-10000 - Chapter 1 RE - Scope and administration
  2. § 51-11R-10100 - Section R101-Scope and general requirements
  3. § 51-11R-10200 - Section R102-Alternative materials, design and methods of construction and equipment
  4. § 51-11R-10300 - Section R103-Construction documents
  5. § 51-11R-10400 - Section R104-Fees
  6. § 51-11R-10500 - Section R105-Inspections
  7. § 51-11R-10600 - Section R106- Notice of approval
  8. § 51-11R-10700 - Section R107- Validity
  9. § 51-11R-10800 - Section R108-Referenced standards
  10. § 51-11R-10900 - Section R109- Stop work order
  11. § 51-11R-11000 - Section R110- Means of appeal
  12. § 51-11R-11200 - Section R112-Liability
  13. § 51-11R-11100 - Section R111- Violations
  14. § 51-11R-20000 - Chapter 2 RE - Definitions
  15. § 51-11R-20100 - Section R201 - General
  16. § 51-11R-20200 - Section R202 - General definitions
  17. § 51-11R-20201 - Section R202.1-A
  18. § 51-11R-20202 - Section R202.2-B
  19. § 51-11R-20203 - Section R2023-C
  20. § 51-11R-20204 - Section R2024-D
  21. § 51-11R-20205 - Section R202.5-E
  22. § 51-11R-20206 - Section R2026-F
  23. § 51-11R-20207 - Section R202.7 - G
  24. § 51-11R-20208 - Section R2028-H
  25. § 51-11R-20209 - Section R202.9-I
  26. § 51-11R-20210 - Section R202.10 - J
  27. § 51-11R-20211 - Section 202.11 - K
  28. § 51-11R-20212 - Section R202.12-L
  29. § 51-11R-20213 - Section R202.13 - M
  30. § 51-11R-20214 - Section R202.14 - N
  31. § 51-11R-20215 - Section R20215-O
  32. § 51-11R-20216 - Section R202.16-P
  33. § 51-11R-20217 - Section R202.17 - Q
  34. § 51-11R-20218 - Section R20218-R
  35. § 51-11R-20219 - Section R202.19-S
  36. § 51-11R-20220 - Section R20220-T
  37. § 51-11R-20221 - Section R202.21 - U
  38. § 51-11R-20222 - Section R202.22 - V
  39. § 51-11R-20223 - Section R202.23 - W
  40. § 51-11R-20224 - Section R202.24 - XYZ
  41. § 51-11R-30000 - Chapter 3 RE - General requirements
  42. § 51-11R-30100 - Section R301 - Climate zones
  43. § 51-11R-30200 - Section R302-Design conditions
  44. § 51-11R-30300 - Section R303 - Materials, systems and equipment
  45. § 51-11R-30310 - Section R3031-Identification
  46. § 51-11R-30311 - Table R303.1. 3(1)-Default glazed fenestration U-factor
  47. § 51-11R-30312 - Table R303.1.3(2)-Default opaque door U-factors
  48. § 51-11R-30313 - Table R303.1.3(3) - Default glazed fenestration SHGC and VT
  49. § 51-11R-30314 - Table R303.1. 3(4)-Default U-factors for skylights
  50. § 51-11R-30315 - Table R303.1.3(5) - Small business compliance default table
  51. § 51-11R-30320 - Section R303.2 - Installation
  52. § 51-11R-30330 - Section R3033-Maintenance information
  53. § 51-11R-40000 - Chapter 4 RE - Residential energy efficiency
  54. § 51-11R-40100 - Section R401-General
  55. § 51-11R-40200 - Section R402 - Building thermal envelope
  56. § 51-11R-40210 - Section R402.1-General
  57. § 51-11R-40211 - Table R40212-Insulation and fenestration requirements by component
  58. § 51-11R-40213 - Table R402.1.3-Insulation minimum R-values and fenestration requirements by components
  59. § 51-11R-40215 - Target/Proposed UA equations
  60. § 51-11R-40220 - Section R4022-Specific insulation requirements
  61. § 51-11R-40230 - Section R402.3-Fenestration
  62. § 51-11R-40240 - Section R402.4-Air leakage
  63. § 51-11R-40241 - Table R402.4.1.1-Air barrier and insulation installation
  64. § 51-11R-40250 - Section R4025-Maximum fenestration U-factor and SHGC
  65. § 51-11R-40300 - Section R403 - Systems
  66. § 51-11R-40310 - Section R4031-Controls
  67. § 51-11R-40315 - Section R4032-Hot water boiler
  68. § 51-11R-40320 - Section R403.3-Ducts
  69. § 51-11R-40330 - Section R403.4-Mechanical system piping insulation
  70. § 51-11R-40340 - Section R403.5-Service hot water systems
  71. § 51-11R-40350 - Section R403.6-Mechanical ventilation
  72. § 51-11R-40351 - Table R403.6.1-Mechanical ventilation system fan efficacy
  73. § 51-11R-40360 - Section R403.7-Equipment sizing
  74. § 51-11R-40370 - Section R403.8-Systems serving multiple dwelling units
  75. § 51-11R-40380 - Section R403.9-Snow melt system controls
  76. § 51-11R-40390 - Section R403.10-Pool and spa energy consumption
  77. § 51-11R-40391 - Section R403.10-Other pools and spas
  78. § 51-11R-40392 - Reserved
  79. § 51-11R-40400 - Section R404 - Electrical power and lighting systems
  80. § 51-11R-40410 - Section R404.1-Lighting equipment
  81. § 51-11R-40500 - Section R405- Total building performance
  82. § 51-11R-40510 - Section R405.1-Scope
  83. § 51-11R-40520 - Section R405.2-Performance based compliance
  84. § 51-11R-40530 - Section R405.3-Documentation
  85. § 51-11R-40540 - Section R405.4-Calculation procedure
  86. § 51-11R-40550 - Reserved
  87. § 51-11R-40551 - Table R405.4.2(1)-Specifications for the standard reference and proposed designs
  88. § 51-11R-40552 - Table R405.4.2(2)-Default distribution system efficiencies for proposed designs
  89. § 51-11R-40560 - Section R405.5-Calculation software tools
  90. § 51-11R-40600 - Section R406 - Additional energy efficiency requirements
  91. § 51-11R-40610 - Section R406.1-Scope
  92. § 51-11R-40620 - Section R406.3-Additional energy efficiency requirements
  93. § 51-11R-40621 - Table R406.3-Energy credits
  94. § 51-11R-40700 - Section R407-Certified passive house
  95. § 51-11R-50000 - [Repealed]
  96. § 51-11R-50100 - Section R501-General
  97. § 51-11R-50200 - Section R502-Additions
  98. § 51-11R-50300 - Section R503-Alterations
  99. § 51-11R-50400 - Section R504-Repairs
  100. § 51-11R-50500 - Section R505-Change of occupancy or use
  101. § 51-11R-51000 - Chapter 6-Referenced standards
  102. § 51-11R-58000 - Appendix RA-Optional energy efficiency measures-One step
  103. § 51-11R-59000 - Appendix RB-Optional energy efficiency measures-Two step
  104. § 51-11R-60000 - Appendix RC-Exterior design conditions
  105. § 51-11R-60100 - Table RC-1-Outdoor design temperatures for Washington

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.