Chapter 51-51 - State Building Code adoption and amendment of the 2021 edition of the International Residential Code

  1. § 51-51-001 - Authority
  2. § 51-51-002 - Purpose
  3. § 51-51-003 - International Residential Code
  4. § 51-51-007 - Exceptions
  5. § 51-51-008 - Implementation
  6. § 51-51-01010 - Section R101-Scope and general requirements
  7. § 51-51-0102 - Section R102-Applicability
  8. § 51-51-0106 - Reserved
  9. § 51-51-0202 - Section R202-Definitions
  10. § 51-51-0301 - Section R301-Design criteria
  11. § 51-51-0302 - Section R302-Fire-resistant construction
  12. § 51-51-0303 - Section R303-Light, ventilation and heating
  13. § 51-51-0307 - Section R307-Toilet, bath and shower spaces
  14. § 51-51-0308 - Reserved
  15. § 51-51-0309 - Section R309-Garages and carports
  16. § 51-51-03100 - Section 310-Emergency escape and rescue openings
  17. § 51-51-0310 - [Repealed]
  18. § 51-51-0311 - Section R311-Means of egress
  19. § 51-51-0312 - Section R312-Guards and window fall protection
  20. § 51-51-0313 - Section R313-Automatic fire sprinkler systems
  21. § 51-51-0314 - Section R314-Smoke alarms and heat detection
  22. § 51-51-0315 - Section R315-Carbon monoxide alarms
  23. § 51-51-0317 - Reserved
  24. § 51-51-0322 - Reserved
  25. § 51-51-03240 - Section R324-Solar energy systems
  26. § 51-51-0325 - Section R325- Mezzanines
  27. § 51-51-0326 - Section R326-Habitable attics
  28. § 51-51-0327 - Section R327- Swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs
  29. § 51-51-0328 - Section R328-Energy storage systems
  30. § 51-51-0329 - Reserved
  31. § 51-51-0330 - Section R330-Adult family homes
  32. § 51-51-0331 - Section R331-Family home child care
  33. § 51-51-0332 - Section R332-Protection against radon
  34. § 51-51-0333 - Section R333-Lofts
  35. § 51-51-0334 - Section R334-Stationary fuel cell power systems
  36. § 51-51-0403 - Section R403-Footings
  37. § 51-51-0404 - Reserved
  38. § 51-51-0408 - Section R408-Under-floor space
  39. § 51-51-0501 - Reserved
  40. § 51-51-0502 - Section R502 - Reserved
  41. § 51-51-0507 - Section R507-Decks
  42. § 51-51-0602 - Section R602-Wood wall framing
  43. § 51-51-0608 - Reserved
  44. § 51-51-0609 - Section R609-Exterior windows and doors
  45. § 51-51-0612 - Reserved
  46. § 51-51-0702 - Section R702-Interior covering
  47. § 51-51-0703 - Section R703-Exterior covering
  48. § 51-51-0806 - Section R806 - Reserved
  49. § 51-51-0903 - Section R903-Weather protection
  50. § 51-51-1001 - Section R1001-Masonry fireplaces
  51. § 51-51-1002 - Section R1002-Masonry heaters
  52. § 51-51-1004 - Section R1004-Factory-built fireplaces
  53. § 51-51-1006 - Section R1006-Exterior air supply
  54. § 51-51-1201 - Section M1201-General
  55. § 51-51-1301 - Section M1301 - General
  56. § 51-51-1302 - Section M1302 - Reserved
  57. § 51-51-1307 - Section M1307-Appliance installation
  58. § 51-51-1413 - Section M1413-Evaporative cooling equipment
  59. § 51-51-1415 - Section M1415 - Reserved
  60. § 51-51-1501 - Reserved
  61. § 51-51-1503 - Section M1503-Domestic cooking exhaust equipment
  62. § 51-51-1504 - Section 1504-Exhaust ducts and exhaust openings
  63. § 51-51-1505 - Section M1505-Mechanical ventilation
  64. § 51-51-1507 - Reserved
  65. § 51-51-1508 - Section M1508 - Reserved
  66. § 51-51-1600 - Chapter 16-Duct systems
  67. § 51-51-1700 - Chapter 17 - Combustion air
  68. § 51-51-2000 - Chapter 20-Boilers and water heaters
  69. § 51-51-2101 - Section M2101-Hydronic piping systems installation
  70. § 51-51-2103 - Section M2103-Floor heating systems
  71. § 51-51-2105 - Section M2105-Ground-source heat-pump system loop piping
  72. § 51-51-2300 - Section M2301-Solar thermal energy systems M230123 Pressure and temperature relief valves and system components
  73. § 51-51-2439 - Reserved
  74. § 51-51-2904 - Section 2904-Dwelling unit fire-sprinkler systems
  75. § 51-51-4400 - Referenced standards
  76. § 51-51-4501 - Chapter 45-Existing buildings and structures
  77. § 51-51-4502 - Section R4502-Compliance
  78. § 51-51-4503 - Section R4503-Repairs
  79. § 51-51-4504 - Section R4504-Alterations
  80. § 51-51-4505 - Section R4505-Additions
  81. § 51-51-4506 - Section R4506-Relocations
  82. § 51-51-60101 - Appendix F radon control methods
  83. § 51-51-60103 - Section AF103-Requirements
  84. § 51-51-60104 - Appendix AQ-Tiny houses
  85. § 51-51-60105 - Appendix U-Dwelling unit fire sprinkler systems
  86. § 51-51-60106 - Appendix T-Solar-ready provisions-detached one-and two-family dwellings and townhouses
  87. § 51-51-60107 - Appendix AWV-Fire sprinklers
  88. § 51-51-60108 - Appendix Y-Construction and demolition material management
  89. § 51-51-60109 - Appendix Z-Building deconstruction

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.