W. Va. Code R. § 135-12-3 - Definitions
3.1. ADA. Americans
with Disabilities Act of 1990,
42 U.S.C. §
12101, et seq.
3.2. Alteration. Projects addressing changing
use of space.
3.3. Asset
preservation. Projects that preserve or enhance the integrity of building
systems or building structure, or campus infrastructure.
3.4. Auxiliary enterprise. An entity that
exists to furnish goods or services to students, faculty, staff or others;
charges a fee directly related to, although not necessarily equal to, the cost
of the goods or services; and is managed as essentially
3.5. Auxiliary
facility. A building or structure that is used for an auxiliary enterprise
including, but not limited to, residence halls, food services, parking,
intercollegiate athletics, faculty and staff housing, student unions,
bookstores and other service centers.
3.6. Auxiliary fees. Funds derived from, but
not limited to, the following sources:
Parking fees received from any source;
3.6.2. Revenues received from athletic
events, including ticket sales, television revenues and skybox fees;
3.6.3. Bookstore revenues except revenues
from bookstore commissions from a private entity, which must be set aside for
non-athletic scholarship funds;
3.6.4. Student union vendor and user
3.6.5. Donations or grants
from any external source;
Facility rental fees; and
Fees assessed to students to support auxiliary enterprises.
3.7. Board of Governors. The board
of governors of public higher education institutions not defined as "exempt
schools" as defined in this rule.
3.8. Building envelope. Any work done to the
exterior of an individual building, including windows, brick repointing,
exterior doors and other exterior components.
3.9. Building systems. Any work done on the
mechanical, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and other building systems within
individual buildings.
3.10. Capital
planning. A purposeful activity that focuses attention on long-term physical
plant objectives which should be accomplished in a logical sequence over time
as opportunities arise and resources become available.
3.11. Capital project management. Planning,
designing, bidding and providing construction administration and oversight of
architectural, engineering and construction contracts and projects.
3.12. Capital projects. The construction or
renovation of a fixed asset, including buildings, fixed equipment and
3.13. Confirmation.
When used in reference to action by the Commission, means action in which
substantial deference is allocated to the governing authority of a governing
board under its jurisdiction and the action of the Commission is to review
whether the proposed institutional action is consistent with law and
established policy.
3.14. Cost. The
total dollar amount of a capital improvement including real property
acquisition, legal fees, construction and labor, whether consisting of state
dollars or alternative third party financing.
3.15. Debt structure. The mix of an
institution's long-term debt. Debt includes bond issues, notes payable and
capital leases payable.
Deferred maintenance. Repair, maintenance and renewal of capital facilities
which should be part of normal maintenance management, but which have been
postponed to a future budget cycle or until funds become available.
3.17. Economic operations. Projects that
result in a reduction of annual operating costs or capital savings.
3.18. Educational and general capital fees.
The fees collected from students to pay debt service for capital improvement
bonds issued by the Commission and governing boards for educational and general
facilities, for the maintenance of those facilities and to fund capital
improvements in those facilities on a cash basis.
3.19. Educational and general facility. A
building or structure used for instruction and instructional support purposes,
and includes classroom, laboratory, library, computer laboratory, faculty and
administrative office and other academic support spaces.
3.20. Exempt Schools. West Virginia
University, including West Virginia University Potomac State College and West
Virginia University Institute of Technology; Marshall University; and the West
Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine.
3.21. Extraordinary circumstance. A situation
involving life-safety issues, issues that would result in extensive damage to a
facility if not addressed immediately, any unforeseen opportunity to use
external funds, or any other situation the Council or Commission determines
should warrant special consideration.
3.22. Facilities maintenance expenditures.
The expenditures for activities related to routine repair and maintenance of
buildings and other structures, including normally recurring repairs and
preventive maintenance.
Facilities maintenance to capital expenditure ratios. The annual facilities
maintenance expenditures divided by the capital expenditures reported in the
institution's annual financial statements capital assets footnote.
3.24. Grounds infrastructure. Any work done
to the hardscape and softscape on campus. Examples include signage, sidewalks,
roads and flower beds.
Governing board, state institution of higher education, and institution under
the jurisdiction of the Council or Commission. All state institutions of higher
education including Marshall University and West Virginia University and their
respective governing boards.
Life-safety. A condition existing on a campus that, if not corrected
immediately, would jeopardize the safety and property of students, faculty,
staff and the visiting public.
3.27. Life/Safety/Code. Code compliance
issues and institutional safety priorities or items that are not in conformance
with current codes, even though the system is "grandfathered" and exempt from
current code.
3.28. Maintenance.
The work necessary within a budget cycle to realize the originally anticipated
life of a fixed asset, including buildings, fixed equipment and
Modernization. The replacement of components before the end of their life
3.30. New construction.
The creation of new stand-alone facilities or the creation of an addition to an
existing facility.
3.31. Physical
plant age ratio. The annual financial statement's accumulated depreciation
divided by depreciation expense. The ratio estimates institutional deferred
maintenance as well as the operating efficiency of the existing plant
3.32. Physical plant
package. The type of renovation or improvement.
3.33. Program improvement. Projects that
improve the functionality of space, primarily driven by academic, student life
and athletic programs or departments. These projects are also issues of campus
image and impact.
3.34. Project
backlog. The list of capital projects that have not been funded.
3.35. Reliability. Issues of imminent failure
or compromise to the system that may result in interruption to program or use
of space.
3.36. Repair/Maintenance.
The replacement of components that have failed or are failing, or planned
replacement at the end of a component's life expectancy.
3.37. Replacement value. The cost to replace
an item on the present market.
3.38. Renovation. Enhancements made to
restore or renew a building or building component.
3.39. Space renewal. Any work done on
interior spaces that does not impact any of the building's core systems. This
would include painting, carpet replacement, fixture replacement and furniture
3.40. Staffing ratios. The
facilities management staffing ratios defined by the American Association of
Physical Plant Administrators to calculate facilities performance
3.41. State capital
funding. Financial resources provided from state government revenues or debt
financing exclusive of funds from higher education sources.
3.42. Synthetic financial products. Financial
products that are primarily used to manage interest rate risk or
asset/liability balance.
Transitional. Physical facilities that require a full renovation, adaptive
reuse or demolition.
3.44. Utility
infrastructure. Projects completed on components of the energy distribution
systems outside of the building. This would include steam lines, central plant,
water lines and electrical lines and other utility
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
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