W. Va. Code R. § 166-1-3 - Application Package

3.1. Application. -- The applicant must complete and submit to the West Virginia Public Port Authority, WVPPA Form 1. (See Form 1, Exhibit A, Port District Application Requirements, 166 CSR 1.)
3.2. Plan For Future Development. -- This plan must be submitted to the West Virginia Public Port Authority coincident to the submission of the application, WVPPA Form 1 and will contain at a minimum the following information.
3.2.1. Cover letter
3.2.2. Organizational Structure and Proposed Project(s) - Describe the nature of the body desiring the establishment of a Port District. Is it a governmental agencies A private venture? A combination of the two? What type of venture - i.e., import, export, manufacturing, warehousing, processing? Estimated annual volume of activity in dollars, tons or other appropriate measure.
3.2.3. Officers - List the officers of the organization, their titles and addresses.
3.2.4. Multiple Projects - If more than one project, discuss each individually.
3.2.5. Location of Port District - Enclose a map showing the location of the Port District.
3.2.6. Port Infrastructure - Describe the existing port infrastructure, if any, its condition and deficiencies and needed improvements. Show these facilities on a map with adequate detail to inform Authority members.

Address transportation by mode - water, rail, highway, pipeline or conveyor, air, if applicable - adequacy of public utility services - electricity, gas, water supply and waste water treatment, solid waste disposal, etc. and other necessary or existing structure - warehouses, bulk storage sites, etc. Particular emphasis should be given to intermodal transfer points.

3.2.7. Financing - How will development of the Port District be financed? What are the funding sources?
3.2.8. Economic Impact - What will be the economic impact of the Port District? Will it provide new jobs and will they be of a temporary or permanent nature?

How will creation of this Port District contribute to the economic development of the area it will serve?

3.2.9. Insurance - Submit proof of insurance in accordance with this procedure and WVPPA Form 1.
3.2.10. Other - List any special factors which might make the proposed Port District unique or especially deserving of designation.

Conversely, list any potential problem areas involved with designating the site as a Port District, i.e. zoning restrictions, environmental, expressed local opposition, etc.

3.3. Agreements - Prepare an agreement with attached schedules as necessary for each project and submit as part of the application package.


W. Va. Code R. § 166-1-3

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