W. Va. Code R. § 205-1-6 - Review, Evaluation, and Award

6.1. Applications for grants shall first be reviewed to determine if they meet the application deadline, are complete, and conform to the appropriate rules and guidelines. Applications that meet these requirements shall be reviewed, evaluated, ranked, and prioritized based on the conservation and financial criteria contained in W. Va. Code §§ 5B-2G-9(d) and (e) and additional information as outlined elsewhere in this rule.
6.2. The system used to rank Applications, and any amendments to that system, shall be approved by the Board.
6.3. The Board reserves the right to deny or to defer consideration of any Application on the basis of an incomplete Application or an Application that fails to conform to the appropriate rules and guidelines. The Board further reserves the right to reject the amount of funding sought; direct an Applicant to seek funding from alternative funding sources; request that the Applicant revise an application to a lower or higher level of funding; and to award more or less than the full amount requested in the Application.
6.4. The Board may consider grant Applications for interests in real property that encompass an area in West Virginia and a contiguous area in another state, but may award a grant only for project costs attributable to interests in real property located in West Virginia.
6.5. Pursuant to W. Va. Code § 12-4-14, the Board shall take reasonable actions to verify that the Applicant is not barred from receiving state grants.
6.6. The Board may authorize advisory committees or the Fund staff to assist the Board in evaluating and prioritizing grant Applications. However, the Board shall make all Grant Award decisions.
6.7. The Board shall notify Applicants of the approval, denial, or modification to their Application within thirty days of Board action.


W. Va. Code R. § 205-1-6

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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