027-4 Wyo. Code R. §§ 4-3 - Construction manager at-risk (CMAR)

(a) A procuring agency may, when determined to be in the best interest of the State of Wyoming and in compliance with any statutorily required approvals, hire a CMAR for project delivery. When a CMAR is used, the procuring agency shall enter into a contract with a single proposer to provide preconstruction services and optionally oversee and subcontract construction services. A procuring agency has discretion to use a CMAR based on the individual needs and merits of the capital construction project.
(b) The procuring agency shall issue a request for statements of qualifications from potential proposers wishing to submit proposals for CMAR services. The procuring agency shall advertise the request for at least two (2) weeks on the state procurement website prior to the initiation of selection procedures. The procuring agency may advertise the request using additional methods.
(c) The request for statements of qualifications shall state the minimum and maximum number of potential proposers that will be invited to submit final proposals. Prequalification shall be based on an evaluation of criteria set forth in the request for qualifications including:
(i) Construction and design experience;
(ii) Technical competence; and
(iii) The proposer's capability to perform the work requested including financial, manpower, and equipment resources, experience in other similar CMAR projects, and past performance.
(d) Requests for proposals shall comply with Chapter 2, Section 4(e) of these rules and W.S. 16-6-707.
(e) Proposals submitted by potential CMARs shall:
(i) Comply with W.S. 16-6-707 and the request for proposals; and
(ii) Cost proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope separate from technical proposals to review work proposal evaluation and cost proposal evaluation.
(f) Evaluation and selection of a CMAR shall follow the requirements of Chapter 2, Section 5 of these rules with the following exceptions:
(i) Evaluation of proposals shall be done using evaluation criteria established prior to advertising and published in the request for proposals.
(ii) After opening of technical proposals and prior to opening of cost proposals, the procuring agency may conduct interviews with selected candidates. The solicitation for proposals shall specify:
(A) The proposal evaluation criteria; and
(B) The maximum number of proposers that the procuring agency intends to select for an interview or the score cutoff that will be used to select for an interview.
(iii) Upon completion of the interview process, the procuring agency may proceed to negotiation and contracting.
(g) Execution of a contract with a CMAR shall follow Chapter 5 of these rules, with the following exception:
(i) Any CMAR hired through this process shall be held to the procurement and award rules in these chapters to the extent the CMAR is responsible for the procurement of professional services or services procured through competitive bidding, competitive negotiation, or noncompetitive negotiation, and shall conduct an open-bid process in compliance with Wyoming contractor preference laws before awarding any subcontracts for work per W.S. 16-6-1001(a)(i).


027-4 Wyo. Code R. §§ 4-3
Adopted, Eff. 4/28/2021.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

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