052-5 Wyo. Code R. §§ 5-11 - Term of license, renewal, duplicate and voluntary relinquishment

(a) License Renewal and Deadline. Physician assistant licenses originally issued between January 1st and August 31st shall be due for first-time renewal no later than the immediately following December 31st. Physician assistant licenses originally issued between September 1st and December 31st shall be valid through, and due for first-time renewal no later than, December 31st of the following calendar year. Regardless of the original issue date, after first-time license renewal, all physician assistant licenses shall be renewed not later than December 31st of each calendar year. A physician assistant may renew a license by sending a signed renewal questionnaire and renewal fee to the board, or completing an on-line renewal form and submitting a renewal fee prior to expiration of current license.
(i) License Renewal Form. A physician assistant may renew a license by submitting an application for renewal each year in a format or form provided by the board. The board may utilize paper or electronic forms, or a combination of both.
(ii) License Renewal Grace Period. Licensees who fail to submit an application for renewal by December 31st may submit an application, the requisite renewal fee,and the license renewal grace period surcharge no later than March 31st.
(b) Reactivation of a lapsed physician assistant license.
(i) A licensee may apply to reactivate a lapsed physician assistant license by submitting the following:
(A) An application on a form prescribed by the board;
(B) Payment of the applicable fees established by the Board by rule; and,
(C) Two (2) references as described in section 4(a)(iv) of this Chapter.
(ii) The holder of a lapsed physician assistant license must also submit proof of completion of not less than sixty (60) hours of qualified continuing medical education, as defined in chapter 5, subsection 21(a) of these rules, within the preceding three (3) years. This subsection shall not apply to the holder of a lapsed license who is otherwise exempt from the continuing medical education requirement pursuant to chapter 5, subsection 21(b) of these rules.
(iii) License Reactivation Application Processing, Review and Interviews.
(A) When all application materials required in subsections (a) and (b) have been received and are deemed to be satisfactory, the executive director or his designee shall review the application and supporting materials and may, acting on behalf of the Board, issue a temporary license to the applicant pursuant and subject to Chapter 5, Section 9 of these rules. If the executive director or his designee declines to issue a temporary license to the applicant, the applicant's file shall be presented to the application review committee. The application review committee may:
(I) Issue a temporary license to the applicant, pursuant and subject to Chapter 5, Section 9 of these rules;
(B) Defer action on the application until the applicant appears for a licensure interview; or,
(C) Advise the applicant in writing that the application review committee will bring proceedings to deny the application for licensure, following the procedure set forth in Chapter 7 of these Rules.
(iv) A summary of each applicant's licensure file and application will be sent to all members of the Board prior to the next regularly-scheduled board meeting, and any board member may request that the applicant appear for a licensure interview
(v) Following a licensure interview (if one is required), the board shall, by a vote of the board members present:
(A) Grant a license;
(B) Refer the application to the application review committee to bring proceedings to deny the application upon stated reasons, following the procedure set forth in Chapter 7 of these Rules;
(C) Allow the applicant to withdraw the application;
(D) Agree in writing signed by the applicant, to the issuance of a license subject to restrictions and/or conditions; or
(E) Defer action pending successful completion by the applicant of a medical competence examination such as the special purpose examination (SPEX) and/or such other examination, review, evaluation or course of study designated by the board and/or the board's receipt, review and approval of other information requested during the interview.
(vi) If an applicant for reactivation does not have a licensure interview, a license may be reactivated only upon a majority vote of the board. The board may conduct this vote by voice vote, and may do so using a consent list showing applicants for approval.
(vii) If the board denies reactivation of a lapsed license, the applicant may appeal that decision pursuant to W.S. 33-26-407(a).
(c) A physician assistant may apply for a duplicate license if a license is lost, stolen, or destroyed.
(d) A physician assistant may offer to voluntarily relinquish a license at any time, however the board may, at its discretion, refuse to accept such offer.
(e) Notwithstanding the foregoing, in a public health emergency declared by the Governor, a physician assistant license which lapsed due to non-renewal may be emergently reactivated. The physician assistant shall submit an application on a form provided or approved by the board. The application shall be reviewed by the executive director or his designee, who shall have sole discretion whether to approve the application; if the application is denied, it will be deemed converted to an application for regular reactivation under subsection (b) of this section. There is no fee for this application or license, and the emergently reactivated license shall automatically expire upon the termination of the public health emergency. A physician assistant wishing to practice after the end of the emergency reactivation granted under this subsection shall follow the reactivation process set forth in subsection (b) of this section before doing so. The following criteria must be met for approval of emergency reactivation of a license under this subsection:
(i) The physician assistant must submit an application on a form provided, or approved, by the board;
(ii) The physician assistant must have held a full, unrestricted license to practice as a physician assistant in Wyoming no less recently than December 31, 2021, or have held a full, unrestricted license to practice as a physician assistant in Wyoming no less recently than December 31, 2017 and been engaged in active practice as a physician assistant in another jurisdiction no later than December 31, 2019; and,
(iii) Queries regarding the physician assistant to the National Practitioner Data Bank and the FSMB's Physician Data Center do not reveal revocation, surrender, relinquishment, suspension or other termination of the physician assistant's license or privileges to practice in any state, hospital, or health care facility.


052-5 Wyo. Code R. §§ 5-11
Amended, Eff. 9/10/2015. Amended, Eff. 2/1/2019. Amended, Eff. 1/7/2021. Amended, Eff. 6/29/2022. Amended, Eff. 1/30/2023. Amended, Eff. 9/25/2023. Amended, Eff. 12/6/2023, exp. 4/4/2024 (Emergency). Amended, Eff. 4/5/2024, exp. 8/3/2024 (Emergency). Amended, Eff. 6/5/2024.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.