060-3 Wyo. Code R. §§ 3-5 - Surface Impacts
(a) For all
(i) Surface impact payments. Prior
to commencing construction, the applicant shall remit directly to the surface
lessee of the state land, if any, a surface impact payment in accordance with a
schedule maintained and updated by the Office which reflects impact to the
leasehold interest. The schedule of surface impact payments will be reviewed
and approved by the Board annually.
(ii) Reclamation. Upon completion of
construction, all state land disturbed by the applicant shall be restored to a
condition and forage density reasonably similar to its original condition and
forage density, consistent with the use of the easement. Reclamation shall
include leveling, terracing, mulching and other necessary steps to prevent soil
erosion and impacts to water quality, the establishment of suitable grasses and
forbs, and control of noxious weeds and pests. The reclaimed area shall be
restored as nearly as practical to its original condition, and the Director
shall not require enhancements to the original condition. Upon termination,
cancellation, or relinquishment of an easement, the grantee shall remove or
stabilize, in the Director's discretion, any facilities placed on the land and
restore all disturbed land.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.