020-1 Wyo. Code R. §§ 1-6 - Design and Construction Standards for UST Systems

In order to prevent releases due to structural failure, corrosion, or spills and overfills for as long as the UST system is used to store regulated substances, all owners and/or operators of UST systems shall meet the requirements in this Section. In addition, all tanks and piping installed or replaced after December 1, 2005, shall be secondarily contained and use interstitial monitoring in accordance with Part D Section 16(f). Secondary containment shall be able to contain regulated substances leaked from the primary containment until they are detected and removed and prevent the release of regulated substances to the environment at any time during the operational life of the tank system. Where the piping is considered to be replaced, the entire piping run shall be secondarily contained.

(a) Tanks. Tanks shall be properly designed, constructed, and installed. Underground components that routinely contain regulated substances shall be protected from corrosion in accordance with a code of practice developed by a nationally recognized association or independent testing laboratory as specified below:
(i) Fiberglass-reinforced plastic tanks shall be manufactured and installed in accordance with UL Standard 1316 or UL of Canada S615, both as referenced in Section 2.
(ii) Steel USTs shall be cathodically protected or isolated from ground contact and manufactured and installed to meet the following requirements:
(A) The outside surface of all steel tanks installed after the date of these regulations shall be coated with a suitable dielectric material;
(B) Field-installed CP systems shall be designed by a corrosion expert;
(C) Impressed current CP systems shall be designed to allow determination of current operating status as required in Section 11, including a voltage meter, an amperage meter, and an hour meter showing the hours that the rectifier actually operated; and
(D) CP systems shall be operated and maintained in accordance with Section 11. Once installed, CP systems shall not be removed as long as the steel UST system exists.
(E) In addition to the above requirements, all cathodically protected steel USTs shall be manufactured and installed in accordance with one or more of the following industry standards or practices:
(I) STI-P3® Specification and Manual for External Corrosion Protection of Underground Steel Storage Tanks, as referenced in Section 2; or
(II) UL Standard 1746, as referenced in Section 2; or
(III) UL of Canada S603, S603.1, and S631, all three as referenced in Section 2; or
(IV) NACE Standard SP0285 and UL Standard 58, both as referenced in Section 2; or
(V) STI Standard F841, as referenced in Section 2.
(iii) Tanks constructed of steel and clad or jacketed with a non-corrodible material shall be manufactured and installed in accordance with one or more of the following industry standards or practices:
(A) UL Standard 1746, as referenced in Section 2; or
(B) STI ACT-100-U® Specification F894, as referenced in Section 2; or
(C) STI ACT-100-U® Specification F961, as referenced in Section 2; or
(D) STI Specification F922, as referenced in Section 2.
(iv) Owners and/or operators may continue to operate tanks upgraded with an internal lining as long as CP is in place that meets all requirements of this Chapter.
(v) New steel tanks shall not be installed with a liner without the addition of CP. No existing steel tank with a liner and added CP shall be modified to remove the CP.
(vi) After the effective date of these regulations, no UST may be installed for any purpose regulated under this Chapter with any penetration into the UST except in the top.
(vii) All USTs installed after the effective date of these regulations shall be anchored using deadmen to prevent flotation. No tank shall be installed without providing for the maximum possible buoyancy force assuming that the tank is completely under the local groundwater table. No tank shall be installed using a concrete slab above the tank as the primary method of resisting buoyancy forces.
(b) Piping. Piping that routinely contains regulated substances and is in contact with the ground shall be properly designed, constructed, installed, and protected from corrosion in accordance with the following applicable industry standards or practices:
(i) Piping constructed of a non-corrodible material shall be manufactured and installed in accordance with UL Standard 971 or UL of Canada S660, both as referenced in Section 2.
(ii) Steel piping shall be cathodically protected in the following manner:
(A) The piping shall be coated with a suitable dielectric material;
(B) Field-installed CP systems shall be designed by a corrosion expert;
(C) Impressed current CP systems shall be designed to allow determination of current operating status as required in Section 11; and
(D) CP systems shall be operated and maintained in accordance with Section 11.
(E) In addition to the above, cathodically protected steel pipe shall be manufactured and installed in accordance with one or more of the following industry standards or practices:
(I) UL Subject 971A, as referenced in Section 2;
(II) STI Recommended Practice R892, as referenced in Section 2;
(III) NACE International Standard Practice SP0169, as referenced in Section 2; or
(IV) NACE International Standard Practice SP0285, as referenced in Section 2.
(iii) Other piping systems will be allowed if they are determined by the department, pursuant to Section 33, to be designed to prevent the release of any regulated substance in a manner that is no less protective than the requirements in Section 6(b).
(c) Spill and Overfill Prevention Equipment.
(i) Except as provided in Sections 6(c)(ii) and 6(c)(iii), to prevent spilling and overfilling associated with regulated substance transfer to the UST system, owners and/or operators shall use the following spill and overfill prevention equipment:
(A) Spill prevention equipment that will prevent release of regulated substances to the environment when the transfer hose is detached from the fill pipe; and
(B) Overfill prevention equipment that will:
(I) Automatically shut off flow into the tank when the tank is no more than 95% full; or
(II) Alert the transfer operator when the tank is no more than 90% full by restricting the flow into the tank or triggering a high-level alarm. The high-level alarm shall be audible and visible to the transfer operator; or
(III) Restrict flow 30 minutes prior to overfilling, alert the transfer operator with a high-level alarm (audible and visible to the transfer operator) 1 minute before overfilling, or automatically shut off flow into the tank so that none of the fittings located on top of the tank are exposed to product due to overfilling.
(ii) Owners and/or operators are not required to use the spill and overfill prevention equipment specified in Section 6(c)(i) if the UST system is filled by transfers of no more than 25 gallons at one time.
(iii) Flow restrictors (ball valves) used in vent lines may not be used to comply with Section 6(c)(i)(B) when overfill prevention is installed or replaced after April 11, 2016. Flow restrictors may continue to be used for reasons other than meeting the overfill prevention requirement so long as the flow restrictor does not interfere with the operation of the overfill prevention equipment being used.
(iv) Spill and overfill prevention equipment shall be periodically tested or inspected in accordance with Section 10(d).
(d) Installation. The tank system shall be properly installed in accordance with one of the following industry standards or practices (as long as the standard or practice does not conflict with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations) and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations:
(i) API Publication 1615, as referenced in Section 2; or
(ii) PEI RP100, as referenced in Section 2; or
(iii) NFPA Standard 30 and Standard 30A, both as referenced in Section 2.
(e) Installation Certification. No storage tank system shall be operated until the department determines the installation or substantial modification meets the applicable standards of this Part. The department shall not issue any such determination until all construction on the site of the storage tank system is complete. Owners and/or operators shall:
(i) Notify the department by telephone or in writing at least 30 days prior to the installation, repair or substantial modification of any storage tank system. Installations, repairs, or substantial modifications shall be scheduled at mutually acceptable times so the department can ensure a representative is on site at various phases of installation or substantial modification. Inspections shall be completed within 10 days of the date the department is notified that the installation, repair or substantial modification is complete; and
(ii) Pay the department a fee for each storage tank system or multiple storage tank systems installed, repaired or substantially modified at the same time and at the same site pursuant to W.S. 35-11-1420(c). The department will invoice the owner and/or operator upon completion of the final installation, repair or substantial modification inspection. The owner and/or operator shall remit payment to the department within 30 days of receipt of the department's invoice; and
(iii) Ensure that the installation, repair, or substantial modification of all USTs meets the performance standards of this Chapter; and
(iv) Obtain a certification from the licensed installer certifying that the tank system was installed or modified to meet the requirements of this Chapter. Such certification shall be provided on the UST notification form required under Section 9; and
(v) In the case of an emergency where the owner and/or operator cannot comply with the notification requirement of Section 6(e)(i), notify the department by telephone as soon as the emergency is found. Before proceeding with any substantial modification or installation:
(A) The department shall determine if an inspection can be made within the owner and/or operator's work schedule; or
(B) If the department cannot make the inspection, the owner and/or operator shall provide by mail, the specifications of materials and industry standards or practices used to accomplish the installation or substantial modification and documentation of any tests required within 5 days of completion.
(f) Compatibility. In accordance with Section 12, owners and/or operators shall demonstrate that all components of a new UST system are compatible with the substance to be stored in the UST system.
(g) Dispenser Systems. Any new dispenser system installed after April 11, 2016, shall be equipped with under-dispenser containment.
(i) A dispenser system is considered new when both the dispenser and the equipment needed to connect the dispenser to the storage tank system are installed. The equipment necessary to connect the dispenser to the tank system includes check valves, shear valves, unburied risers or flexible connectors, or other transitional components that are underneath the dispenser and connect the dispenser to the underground piping. Sensors are not required for monitoring under-dispenser containment. However, sensors may need to be added to meet the periodic monitoring requirement for sumps that cannot be visually inspected or to meet the piping interstitial monitoring requirement.
(ii) Under-dispenser containment shall be liquid-tight on its sides, bottom, and at all penetrations. Under-dispenser containment shall allow for visual inspection and access to the components in the containment system or be periodically monitored for leaks from the dispenser system.
(h) Owners and/or operators shall install a UST system listed in Section 4(b)(i), (iii), or (iv) storing regulated substances (whether single- or double-wall construction) that meets the following:
(i) Will prevent releases due to corrosion or structural failure for the operational life of the UST system;
(ii) Is cathodically protected against corrosion, constructed of non-corrodible material, steel clad with a non-corrodible material, or designed in a manner to prevent the release or threatened release of any stored substance; and
(iii) Is constructed or lined with material that is compatible with the stored substance.


020-1 Wyo. Code R. §§ 1-6
Adopted, Eff. 6/29/2018.

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.