564 U.S. 873

individually and as administrator of

certiorari to the supreme court of new jersey

No. 091343.Argued January 11, 2011Decided June 27, 2011

Respondent Nicastro injured his hand while using a metal-shearing machine that petitioner J. McIntyre Machinery, Ltd. (J. McIntyre), manufactured in England, where the company is incorporated and operates. Nicastro filed this products-liability suit in a state court in New Jersey, where the accident occurred, but J. McIntyre sought to dismiss the suit for want of personal jurisdiction. Nicastros jurisdictional claim was based on three primary facts:A U.S. distributor agreed to sell J. McIntyres machines in this country; J. McIntyre officials attended trade shows in several States, albeit not in New Jersey; and no more than four J. McIntyre machines (the record suggests only one), including the one at issue, ended up in New Jersey. The State Supreme Court held that New Jerseys courts can exercise jurisdiction over a foreign manufacturer without contravening the Fourteenth Amendment s Due Process Clause so long as the manufacturer knew or reasonably should have known that its products are distributed through a nationwide distribution system that might lead to sales in any of the States. Invoking this stream-of-commerce doctrine of jurisdiction, the court relied in part on Asahi Metal Industry Co. v. Superior Court of Cal., Solano Cty. , 480 U.S. 102. Applying its test, the court concluded that J. McIntyre was subject to jurisdiction in New Jersey, even though at no time had it advertised in, sent goods to, or in any relevant sense targeted the State.

Held: The judgment is reversed.

201 N. J. 48, 987 A.2d 575, reversed.

<tab>Justice Kennedy , joined by The Chief Justice, Justice Scalia , and Justice Thomas , concluded that because J. McIntyre never engaged in any activities in New Jersey that revealed an intent to invoke or benefit from the protection of the States laws, New Jersey is without power to adjudge the companys rights and liabilities, and its exercise of jurisdiction would violate due process. Pp. 412.

(a)Due process protects the defendants right not to be coerced except by lawful judicial power. A court may subject a defendant to judgment only when the defendant has sufficient contacts with the sovereign such that the maintenance of the suit does not offend traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice. International Shoe Co. v. Washington , 326 U.S. 310. Freeform fundamental fairness notions divorced from traditional practice cannot transform a judgment rendered without authority into law. As a general rule, the sovereigns exercise of power requires some act by which the defendant purposefully avails itself of the privilege of conducting activities within the forum State, thus invoking the benefits and protections of its laws. Hanson v. Denckla , 357 U.S. 235. In cases like this one, it is the defendants purposeful availment that makes jurisdiction consistent with fair play and substantial justice notions. No stream-of-commerce doctrine can displace that general rule for products-liability cases.

The rules and standards for determining state jurisdiction over an absent party have been unclear because of decades-old questions left open in Asahi. The imprecision arising from Asahi , for the most part, results from its statement of the relation between jurisdiction and the stream of commerce. That concept, like other metaphors, has its deficiencies as well as its utilities. It refers to the movement of goods from manufacturers through distributors to consumers, yet beyond that descriptive purpose its meaning is far from exact. A defendants placement of goods into commerce with the expectation that they will be purchased by consumers within the forum State may indicate purposeful availment. World-Wide Volkswagen Corp. v. Woodson , 444 U.S. 286. But that does not amend the general rule of personal jurisdiction. The principal inquiry in cases of this sort is whether the defendants activities manifest an intention to submit to the power of a sovereign. See, e.g., Hanson , supra , at 253. In Asahi , Justice Brennans concurrence (joined by three other Justices) discarded the central concept of sovereign authority in favor of fairness and foreseeability considerations on the theory that the defendants ability to anticipate suit is the touchstone of jurisdiction. 480 U.S., at 117. However, Justice OConnors lead opinion (also for four Justices) stated that [t]he substantial connection between the defendant and the forum State necessary for a finding of minimum contacts must come about by an action of the defendant purposefully directed toward the forum State. Id., at 112. Since Asahi, the courts have sought to reconcile the competing opinions. But Justice Brennans rule based on general notions of fairness and foreseeability is inconsistent with the premises of lawful judicial power under this Courts precedents. Todays conclusion that the authority to subject a defendant to judgment depends on purposeful availment is consistent with Justice OConnors Asahi opinion. Pp.410.

(b)Nicastro has not established that J. McIntyre engaged in conduct purposefully directed at New Jersey. The company had no office in New Jersey; it neither paid taxes nor owned property there; and it neither advertised in, nor sent any employees to, the State. Indeed, the trial court found that petitioner did not have a single contact with the State apart from the fact that the machine in question ended up there. Neither these facts, nor the three on which Nicastro centered his jurisdictional claim, show that J. McIntyre purposefully availed itself of the New Jersey market. Pp.1012.

<tab>Justice Breyer, joined by Justice Alito, agreed that the New Jersey Supreme Courts judgment must be reversed, but concluded that because this case does not present issues arising from recent changes in commerce and communication, it is unwise to announce a rule of broad applicability without fully considering modern-day consequences. Rather, the outcome of the case is determined by the Courts precedents. Pp.27.

(a)Based on the record, respondent Nicastro failed to meet his burden to demonstrate that it was constitutionally proper to exercise jurisdiction over petitioner J. McIntyre Machinery, Ltd. (British Manufacturer). The three primary facts the state high court relied on do not satisfy due process. None of the Courts precedents finds that a single isolated sale, even if accompanied by the kind of sales effort indicated here, is sufficient. See World-Wide Volkswagen Corp. v. Woodson , 444 U.S. 286; Asahi Metal Industry Co. v. Superior Court of Cal., Solano Cty. , 480 U.S. 102. Here, the relevant facts show no regular flow or regular course of sales in New Jersey, id., at 117 (Brennan, J., concurring in part and concurring in judgment); id., at 122 (Stevens, J., concurring in part and concurring in judgment); and there is no something more, such as special state-related design, advertising, advice, or marketing, id., at 111, 112 (opinion of OConnor, J.), that would warrant the assertion of jurisdiction. Nicastro has shown no specific effort by the British Manufacturer to sell in New Jersey. And he has not otherwise shown that the British Manufacturer purposefully avail[ed] itself of the privilege of conducting activities within New Jersey, or that it delivered its goods in the stream of commerce with the expectation that they will be purchased by New Jersey users. World-Wide Volkswagen, supra , at 297298. Pp.24.

(b) Justice Breyer would not go further. Because the incident at issue does not implicate modern concerns, and because the factual record leaves many open questions, this is an unsuitable vehicle for making broad pronouncements that refashion basic jurisdictional rules. At a minimum, he would not work such a change to the law in the way either the plurality or the New Jersey Supreme Court suggests without a better understanding of the relevant contemporary commercial circumstances. Insofar as such considerations are relevant to any change in present law, they might be presented in a case (unlike the present one) in which the Solicitor General participates. Pp.47.

Kennedy, J., announced the judgment of the Court and delivered an opinion, in which Roberts, C.J., and Scalia and Thomas, JJ., joined. Breyer, J., filed an opinion concurring in the judgment, in which Alito, J., joined. Ginsburg, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which Sotomayor and Kagan, JJ., joined.

J. M c INTYRE MACHINERY, LTD., PETITIONER v. ROBERT NICASTRO, individually and as administrator of the ESTATE OF

on writ of certiorari to the supreme court of new jersey

[June 27, 2011]

Justice Kennedy announced the judgment of the Court and delivered an opinion, in which the Chief Justice, Justice Scalia, and Justice Thomas join.

Whether a person or entity is subject to the jurisdiction of a state court despite not having been present in the State either at the time of suit or at the time of the alleged injury, and despite not having consented to the exercise of jurisdiction, is a question that arises with great frequency in the routine course of litigation. The rules and standards for determining when a State does or does not have jurisdiction over an absent party have been unclear because of decades-old questions left open in Asahi Metal Industry Co. v. Superior Court of Cal., Solano Cty. , 480 U.S. 102 (1987) .

Here, the Supreme Court of New Jersey, relying in part on Asahi , held that New Jerseys courts can exercise jurisdiction over a foreign manufacturer of a product so long as the manufacturer knows or reasonably should know that its products are distributed through a nationwide distribution system that might lead to those products being sold in any of the fifty states. Nicastro v. McIntyre Machinery America, Ltd. , 201 N.J. 48, 76, 77, 987 A.2d 575, 591, 592 (2010). Applying that test, the court concluded that a British manufacturer of scrap metal machines was subject to jurisdiction in New Jersey, even though at no time had it advertised in, sent goods to, or in any relevant sense targeted the State.

That decision cannot be sustained. Although the New Jersey Supreme Court issued an extensive opinion with care-ful attention to this Courts cases and to its own pre-cedent, the stream of commerce metaphor carried the decision far afield. Due process protects the defendants right not to be coerced except by lawful judicial power. As a general rule, the exercise of judicial power is not lawful unless the defendant purposefully avails itself of the privilege of conducting activities within the forum State, thus invoking the benefits and protections of its laws. Hanson v. Denckla , 357 U.S. 235, 253 (1958) . There may be exceptions, say, for instance, in cases involving an intentional tort. But the general rule is applicable in this products-liability case, and the so-called stream-of-commerce doctrine cannot displace it.


This case arises from a products-liability suit filed in New Jersey state court. Robert Nicastro seriously injured his hand while using a metal-shearing machine manufactured by J. McIntyre Machinery, Ltd. (J. McIntyre). The accident occurred in New Jersey, but the machine was manufactured in England, where J. McIntyre is incorporated and operates. The question here is whether the New Jersey courts have jurisdiction over J. McIntyre, notwithstanding the fact that the company at no time either marketed goods in the State or shipped them there. Nicastro was a plaintiff in the New Jersey trial court and is the respondent here; J. McIntyre was a defendant and is now the petitioner.

At oral argument in this Court, Nicastros counsel stressed three primary facts in defense of New Jerseys as-sertion of jurisdiction over J. McIntyre. See Tr. of Oral Arg. 2930.

First, an independent company agreed to sell J. McIntyres machines in the United States. J. McIntyre itself did not sell its machines to buyers in this country beyond the U.S. distributor, and there is no allegation that the distributor was under J. McIntyres control.

Second, J. McIntyre officials attended annual conventions for the scrap recycling industry to advertise J. Mc-Intyres machines alongside the distributor. The conventions took place in various States, but never in New Jersey.

Third, no more than four machines (the record suggests only one, see App. to Pet. for Cert. 130a), including the machine that caused the injuries that are the basis for this suit, ended up in New Jersey.

In addition to these facts emphasized by petitioner, the New Jersey Supreme Court noted that J. McIntyre held both United States and European patents on its recycling technology. 201 N.J., at 55, 987 A.2d, at 579. It also noted that the U.S. distributor structured [its] adver-tising and sales efforts in accordance with J. McIntyres direction and guidance whenever possible, and that at least some of the machines were sold on consignment to the distributor. Id. , at 55, 56, 987 A.2d, at 579 (internal quotation marks omitted).

In light of these facts, the New Jersey Supreme Court concluded that New Jersey courts could exercise jurisdiction over petitioner without contravention of the Due Process Clause. Jurisdiction was proper, in that courts view, because the injury occurred in New Jersey; because petitioner knew or reasonably should have known that its products are distributed through a nationwide distribution system that might lead to those products being sold in any of the fifty states; and because petitioner failed to take some reasonable step to prevent the distribution of its prod-ucts in this State. Id. , at 77, 987 A.2d, at 592.

Both the New Jersey Supreme Courts holding and its account of what it called [t]he stream-of-commerce doctrine of jurisdiction, id. , at 80, 987 A.2d, at 594, were incorrect, however. This Courts Asahi decision may be responsible in part for that courts error regarding the stream of commerce, and this case presents an opportunity to provide greater clarity.


The Due Process Clause protects an individuals right to be deprived of life, liberty, or property only by the exercise of lawful power. Cf. Giaccio v. Pennsylvania , 382 U.S. 399, 403 (1966) (The Clause protect[s] a person against having the Government impose burdens upon him except in accordance with the valid laws of the land). This is no less true with respect to the power of a sovereign to resolve disputes through judicial process than with respect to the power of a sovereign to prescribe rules of conduct for those within its sphere. See Steel Co. v. Citizens for Bet-ter Environment , 523 U.S. 83, 94 (1998) (Jurisdiction is power to declare the law). As a general rule, neither statute nor judicial decree may bind strangers to the State. Cf. Burnham v. Superior Court of Cal., County of Marin , 495 U.S. 604, 608609 (1990) (opinion of Scalia, J. ) (invoking the phrase coram non judice, before a person not a judgemeaning, in effect, that the proceeding in question was not a judicial proceeding because lawful judicial authority was not present, and could therefore not yield a judgment )

A court may subject a defendant to judgment only when the defendant has sufficient contacts with the sovereign such that the maintenance of the suit does not offend traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice. International Shoe Co. v. Washington , 326 U.S. 310, 316 (1945) (quoting Milliken v. Meyer , 311 U.S. 457, 463 (1940) ). Freeform notions of fundamental fairness divorced from traditional practice cannot transform a judgment rendered in the absence of authority into law. As a general rule, the sovereigns exercise of power requires some act by which the defendant purposefully avails itself of the privilege of conducting activities within the forum State, thus invoking the benefits and protections of its laws, Hanson , 357 U.S., at 253, though in some cases, as with an intentional tort, the defendant might well fall within the States authority by reason of his attempt to obstruct its laws. In products-liability cases like this one, it is the defendants purposeful availment that makes jurisdiction consistent with traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice.

A person may submit to a States authority in a number of ways. There is, of course, explicit consent. E.g. , In-surance Corp. of Ireland v. Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinee , 456 U.S. 694, 703 (1982) . Presence within a State at the time suit commences through service of process is another example. See Burnham , supra . Citizenship or domicileor, by analogy, incorporation or principal place of business for corporationsalso indicates general submission to a States powers. Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations, S.A. v. Brown , post , p. __. Each of these examples reveals circumstances, or a course of conduct, from which it is proper to infer an intention to benefit from and thus an intention to submit to the laws of the forum State. Cf. Burger King Corp. v. Rudzewicz , 471 U.S. 462, 476 (1985) . These examples support exercise of the general jurisdiction of the States courts and allow the State to resolve both matters that originate within the State and those based on activities and events elsewhere. Helicopteros Nacionales de Colombia, S. A. v. Hall , 466 U.S. 408, and n. 9 (1984). By contrast, those who live or operate primarily outside a State have a due process right not to be subjected to judgment in its courts as a general matter.

There is also a more limited form of submission to a States authority for disputes that arise out of or are con-nected with the activities within the state. International Shoe Co. , supra , at 319. Where a defendant purposefully avails itself of the privilege of conducting activities within the forum State, thus invoking the benefits and protections of its laws, Hanson , supra , at 253, it submits to the judicial power of an otherwise foreign sovereign to the extent that power is exercised in connection with the defendants activities touching on the State. In other words, submission through contact with and activity directed at a sovereign may justify specific jurisdiction in a suit arising out of or related to the defendants contacts with the forum. Helicopteros , supra , at 414, n.8; see also Goodyear , post , at 2.

The imprecision arising from Asahi , for the most part, results from its statement of the relation between jurisdiction and the stream of commerce. The stream of commerce, like other metaphors, has its deficiencies as well as its utility. It refers to the movement of goods from manufacturers through distributors to consumers, yet beyond that descriptive purpose its meaning is far from exact. This Court has stated that a defendants placing goods into the stream of commerce with the expectation that they will be purchased by consumers within the forum State may indicate purposeful availment. World-Wide Volkswagen Corp. v. Woodson , 444 U.S. 286, 298 (1980) (finding that expectation lacking). But that statement does not amend the general rule of personal jurisdiction. It merely observes that a defendant may in an appropriate case be subject to jurisdiction without entering the forumitself an unexceptional propositionas where man-ufacturers or distributors seek to serve a given States market. Id. , at 295. The principal inquiry in cases of this sort is whether the defendants activities manifest an intention to submit to the power of a sovereign. In other words, the defendant must purposefully avai[l] it-self of the privilege of conducting activities within the forum State, thus invoking the benefits and protections of its laws. Hanson , supra , at 253; Insurance Corp. , supra , at 704705 ([A]ctions of the defendant may amount to a legal submission to the jurisdiction of the court). Sometimes a defendant does so by sending its goods rather than its agents. The defendants transmission of goods permits the exercise of jurisdiction only where the defendant can be said to have targeted the forum; as a general rule, it is not enough that the defendant might have predicted that its goods will reach the forum State.

In Asahi , an opinion by Justice Brennan for four Justices outlined a different approach. It discarded the central concept of sovereign authority in favor of considerations of fairness and foreseeability. As that concurrence contended, jurisdiction premised on the placement of a product into the stream of commerce [without more] is consistent with the Due Process Clause, for [a]s long as a participant in this process is aware that the final product is being marketed in the forum State, the possibility of a lawsuit there cannot come as a surprise. 480 U.S., at 117 (opinion concurring in part and concurring in judgment). It was the premise of the concurring opinion that the defendants ability to anticipate suit renders the assertion of jurisdiction fair. In this way, the opinion made foreseeability the touchstone of jurisdiction.

The standard set forth in Justice Brennans concurrence was rejected in an opinion written by Justice OConnor; but the relevant part of that opinion, too, commanded the assent of only four Justices, not a majority of the Court. That opinion stated: The substantial connection between the defendant and the forum State necessary for a finding of minimum contacts must come about by an action of the defendant purposefully directed toward the forum State. The placement of a product into the stream of commerce, without more, is not an act of the defendant purposefully directed toward the forum State. Id. , at 112 (emphasis deleted; citations omitted).

Since Asahi was decided, the courts have sought to rec-oncile the competing opinions. But Justice Brennans con-currence, advocating a rule based on general notions of fairness and foreseeability, is inconsistent with the premises of lawful judicial power. This Courts precedents make clear that it is the defendants actions, not his expectations, that empower a States courts to subject him to judgment.

The conclusion that jurisdiction is in the first instance a question of authority rather than fairness explains, for example, why the principal opinion in Burnham conducted no independent inquiry into the desirability or fairness of the rule that service of process within a State suffices to establish jurisdiction over an otherwise foreign defendant. 495 U.S., at 621. As that opinion explained, [t]he view developed early that each State had the power to hale before its courts any individual who could be found within its borders. Id. , at 610. Furthermore, were general fairness considerations the touchstone of jurisdiction, a lack of purposeful availment might be excused where carefully crafted judicial procedures could otherwise protect the defendants interests, or where the plaintiff would suffer substantial hardship if forced to litigate in a foreign forum. That such considerations have not been deemed controlling is instructive. See, e.g. , World-Wide Volkswagen , supra , at 294.

Two principles are implicit in the foregoing. First, per-sonal jurisdiction requires a forum-by-forum, or sovereign-by-sovereign, analysis. The question is whether a de-fendant has followed a course of conduct directed at the society or economy existing within the jurisdiction of a given sovereign, so that the sovereign has the power to subject the defendant to judgment concerning that conduct. Personal jurisdiction, of course, restricts judicial power not as a matter of sovereignty, but as a matter of individual liberty, for due process protects the individuals right to be subject only to lawful power. Insurance Corp. , 456 U.S., at 702. But whether a judicial judgment is lawful depends on whether the sovereign has authority to render it.

The second principle is a corollary of the first. Because the United States is a distinct sovereign, a defendant may in principle be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States but not of any particular State. This is consistent with the premises and unique genius of our Constitution. Ours is a legal system unprecedented in form and design, establishing two orders of government, each with its own direct relationship, its own privity, its own set of mutual rights and obligations to the people who sustain it and are governed by it. U. S. Term Limits, <linebreak>Inc. v. Thornton , 514 U.S. 779, 838 (1995) ( Kennedy , J., concurring). For jurisdiction, a litigant may have the requisite relationship with the United States Government but not with the government of any individual State. That would be an exceptional case, however. If the defendant is a domestic domiciliary, the courts of its home State are available and can exercise general jurisdiction. And if another State were to assert jurisdiction in an inappropriate case, it would upset the federal balance, which posits that each State has a sovereignty that is not subject to unlawful intrusion by other States. Furthermore, foreign corporations will often target or concentrate on particular States, subjecting them to specific jurisdiction in those forums.

It must be remembered, however, that although this case and Asahi both involve foreign manufacturers, the undesirable consequences of Justice Brennans approach are no less significant for domestic producers. The owner of a small Florida farm might sell crops to a large nearby distributor, for example, who might then distribute them to grocers across the country. If foreseeability were the controlling criterion, the farmer could be sued in Alaska or any number of other States courts without ever leaving town. And the issue of foreseeability may itself be contested so that significant expenses are incurred just on the preliminary issue of jurisdiction. Jurisdictional rules should avoid these costs whenever possible.

The conclusion that the authority to subject a defendant to judgment depends on purposeful availment, consistent with Justice OConnors opinion in Asahi , does not by itself resolve many difficult questions of jurisdiction that will arise in particular cases. The defendants conduct and the economic realities of the market the defendant seeks to serve will differ across cases, and judicial exposition will, in common-law fashion, clarify the contours of that principle.


In this case, petitioner directed marketing and sales efforts at the United States. It may be that, assuming it were otherwise empowered to legislate on the subject, the Congress could authorize the exercise of jurisdiction in appropriate courts. That circumstance is not presented in this case, however, and it is neither necessary nor appropriate to address here any constitutional concerns that might be attendant to that exercise of power. See Asahi , 480 U.S., at 113, n. Nor is it necessary to determine what substantive law might apply were Congress to authorize jurisdiction in a federal court in New Jersey. See Hanson , 357 U.S., at 254 (The issue is personal jurisdiction, not choice of law). A sovereigns legislative authority to regulate conduct may present considerations different from those presented by its authority to subject a defendant to judgment in its courts. Here the question concerns the authority of a New Jersey state court to exercise ju-risdiction, so it is petitioners purposeful contacts with New Jersey, not with the United States, that alone are relevant.

Respondent has not established that J. McIntyre engaged in conduct purposefully directed at New Jersey. Recall that respondents claim of jurisdiction centers on three facts: The distributor agreed to sell J. McIntyres machines in the United States; J. McIntyre officials attended trade shows in several States but not in New Jersey; and up to four machines ended up in New Jersey. The British manufacturer had no office in New Jersey; it neither paid taxes nor owned property there; and it neither advertised in, nor sent any employees to, the State. Indeed, after discovery the trial court found that the defendant does not have a single contact with New Jersey short of the machine in question ending up in this state. App. to Pet. for Cert. 130a. These facts may reveal an intent to serve the U.S. market, but they do not show that J. McIntyre purposefully availed itself of the New Jersey market.

It is notable that the New Jersey Supreme Court appears to agree, for it could not find that J. McIntyre had a presence or minimum contacts in this Statein any jurisprudential sensethat would justify a New Jersey court to exercise jurisdiction in this case. 201 N.J., at 61, 987 A.2d, at 582. The court nonetheless held that petitioner could be sued in New Jersey based on a stream-of-commerce theory of jurisdiction. Ibid. As discussed, however, the stream-of-commerce metaphor cannot supersede either the mandate of the Due Process Clause or the limits on judicial authority that Clause ensures. The New Jersey Supreme Court also cited significant policy reasons to justify its holding, including the States strong interest in protecting its citizens from defective products. Id. , at 75, 987 A.2d, at 590. That interest is doubtless strong, but the Constitution commands restraint before discarding liberty in the name of expediency.


Due process protects petitioners right to be subject only to lawful authority. At no time did petitioner engage in any activities in New Jersey that reveal an intent to invoke or benefit from the protection of its laws. New Jersey is without power to adjudge the rights and liabilities of J. McIntyre, and its exercise of jurisdiction would violate due process. The contrary judgment of the New Jersey Supreme Court is


J. M c INTYRE MACHINERY, LTD., PETITIONER v. ROBERT NICASTRO, individually and as administrator of the ESTATE OF

on writ of certiorari to the supreme court of new jersey

[June 27, 2011]

Justice Breyer , with whom Justice Alito joins, concurring in the judgment.

The Supreme Court of New Jersey adopted a broad understanding of the scope of personal jurisdiction based on its view that [t]he increasingly fast-paced globalization of the world economy has removed national borders as barriers to trade. Nicastro v. McIntyre Machinery America, Ltd., 201 N.J. 48, 52, 987 A.2d 575, 577 (2010). I do not doubt that there have been many recent changes in commerce and communication, many of which are not anticipated by our precedents. But this case does not present any of those issues. So I think it unwise to announce a rule of broad applicability without full consideration of the modern-day consequences.

In my view, the outcome of this case is determined by our precedents. Based on the facts found by the New Jersey courts, respondent Robert Nicastro failed to meet his burden to demonstrate that it was constitutionally proper to exercise jurisdiction over petitioner J. McIntyre Machinery, Ltd. (British Manufacturer), a British firm that manufactures scrap-metal machines in Great Britain and sells them through an independent distributor in the United States (American Distributor). On that basis, I agree with the plurality that the contrary judgment of the Supreme Court of New Jersey should be reversed.


In asserting jurisdiction over the British Manufacturer, the Supreme Court of New Jersey relied most heavily on three primary facts as providing constitutionally sufficient contacts with New Jersey, thereby making it funda- mentally fair to hale the British Manufacturer before its courts: (1) The American Distributor on one occasion sold and shipped one machine to a New Jersey customer, namely, Mr. Nicastros employer, Mr. Curcio; (2) the British Manufacturer permitted, indeed wanted, its independent American Distributor to sell its machines to anyone in America willing to buy them; and (3) representatives of the British Manufacturer attended trade shows in such cities as Chicago, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Orlando, San Diego, and San Francisco. Id., at 5455, 987 A.2d, at 578579. In my view, these facts do not provide contacts between the British firm and the State of New Jersey constitutionally sufficient to support New Jerseys assertion of jurisdiction in this case.

None of our precedents finds that a single isolated sale, even if accompanied by the kind of sales effort indicated here, is sufficient. Rather, this Courts previous holdings suggest the contrary. The Court has held that a single sale to a customer who takes an accident-causing product to a different State (where the accident takes place) is not a sufficient basis for asserting jurisdiction. See World-Wide Volkswagen Corp. v. Woodson , 444 U.S. 286 (1980) . And the Court, in separate opinions, has strongly suggested that a single sale of a product in a State does not constitute an adequate basis for asserting jurisdiction over an out-of-state defendant, even if that defendant places his goods in the stream of commerce, fully aware (and hoping) that such a sale will take place. See Asahi Metal Industry Co. v. Superior Court of Cal., Solano Cty. , 480 U.S. 102, 111, 112 (1987) (opinion of OConnor, J.) (requiring something more than simply placing a product into the stream of commerce, even if defendant is awar[e] that the stream may or will sweep the product into the forum State); id., at 117 (Brennan, J., concurring in part and concurring in judgment) (jurisdiction should lie where a sale in a State is part of the regular and anticipated flow of commerce into the State, but not where that sale is only an edd[y], i.e. , an isolated occurrence); id., at 122 (Stevens, J., concurring in part and concurring in judgment) (indicating that the volume, the value, and the hazardous character of a good may affect the jurisdictional inquiry and emphasizing Asahis regular course of dealing).

Here, the relevant facts found by the New Jersey Supreme Court show no regular flow or regular course of sales in New Jersey; and there is no something more, such as special state-related design, advertising, advice, marketing, or anything else. Mr. Nicastro, who here bears the burden of proving jurisdiction, has shown no specific effort by the British Manufacturer to sell in New Jersey. He has introduced no list of potential New Jersey customers who might, for example, have regularly attended trade shows. And he has not otherwise shown that the British Manufacturer purposefully avail[ed] itself of the privilege of conducting activities within New Jersey, or that it de-livered its goods in the stream of commerce with the expectation that they will be purchased by New Jersey users. World-Wide Volkswagen, supra , at 297298 (internal quotation marks omitted).

There may well have been other facts that Mr. Nicastro could have demonstrated in support of jurisdiction. And the dissent considers some of those facts. See post , at 3 (opinion of Ginsburg, J. ) (describing the size and scope of New Jerseys scrap-metal business). But the plaintiff bears the burden of establishing jurisdiction, and here I would take the facts precisely as the New Jersey Supreme Court stated them. Insurance Corp. of Ireland v. Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinee , 456 U.S. 694, 709 (1982) ; Blakey v. Continental Airlines, Inc. , 164 N.J. 38, 71, 751 A.2d 538, 557 (2000); see 201 N.J., at 5456, 987 A.2d, at 578579; App. to Pet. for Cert. 128a137a (trial courts reasoning and finding(s)).

Accordingly, on the record present here, resolving this case requires no more than adhering to our precedents.


I would not go further. Because the incident at issue in this case does not implicate modern concerns, and because the factual record leaves many open questions, this is an unsuitable vehicle for making broad pronouncements that refashion basic jurisdictional rules.


The plurality seems to state strict rules that limit jurisdiction where a defendant does not inten[d] to submit to the power of a sovereign and cannot be said to have targeted the forum. Ante , at 7 . But what do those standards mean when a company targets the world by selling products from its Web site? And does it matter if, instead of shipping the products directly, a company consigns the products through an intermediary (say, Amazon.com) who then receives and fulfills the orders? And what if the company markets its products through popup advertisements that it knows will be viewed in a forum? Those issues have serious commercial consequences but are totally absent in this case.


But though I do not agree with the pluralitys seemingly strict no-jurisdiction rule, I am not persuaded by the absolute approach adopted by the New Jersey Supreme Court and urged by respondent and his amici . Under that view, a producer is subject to jurisdiction for a products-liability action so long as it knows or reasonably should know that its products are distributed through a nationwide distribution system that might lead to those products being sold in any of the fifty states. 201 N.J., at 7677, 987 A.2d, at 592 (emphasis added). In the context of this case, I cannot agree.

For one thing, to adopt this view would abandon the heretofore accepted inquiry of whether, focusing upon the relationship between the defendant, the forum, and the litigation, it is fair, in light of the defendants contacts with that forum , to subject the defendant to suit there. Shaffer v. Heitner , 433 U.S. 186, 204 (1977) (emphasis added). It would ordinarily rest jurisdiction instead upon no more than the occurrence of a product-based accident in the forum State. But this Court has rejected the notion that a defendants amenability to suit travel[s] with the chattel. World-Wide Volkswagen , 444 U.S., at 296.

For another, I cannot reconcile so automatic a rule with the constitutional demand for minimum contacts and purposefu[l] avail[ment], each of which rest upon a particular notion of defendant-focused fairness. Id., at 291, 297 (internal quotation marks omitted). A rule like the New Jersey Supreme Courts would permit every State to assert jurisdiction in a products-liability suit against any domestic manufacturer who sells its products (made anywhere in the United States) to a national distributor, no matter how large or small the manufacturer, no matter how distant the forum, and no matter how few the number of items that end up in the particular forum at issue. What might appear fair in the case of a large manufacturer which specifically seeks, or expects, an equal-sized distributor to sell its product in a distant State might seem unfair in the case of a small manufacturer (say, an Appalachian potter) who sells his product (cups and saucers) exclusively to a large distributor, who resells a single item (a coffee mug) to a buyer from a distant State (Hawaii). I know too little about the range of these or in-between possibilities to abandon in favor of the more absolute rule what has previously been this Courts less absolute approach.

Further, the fact that the defendant is a foreign, rather than a domestic, manufacturer makes the basic fairness of an absolute rule yet more uncertain. I am again less certain than is the New Jersey Supreme Court that the nature of international commerce has changed so sig- nificantly as to require a new approach to personal jurisdiction.

It may be that a larger firm can readily alleviate the risk of burdensome litigation by procuring insurance, passing the expected costs on to customers, or, if the risks are too great, severing its connection with the State. World-Wide Volkswagen , supra , at 297. But manufacturers come in many shapes and sizes. It may be fundamentally unfair to require a small Egyptian shirt maker, a Brazilian manufacturing cooperative, or a Kenyan coffee farmer, selling its products through international distributors, to respond to products-liability tort suits in virtually every State in the United States, even those in respect to which the foreign firm has no connection at all but the sale of a single (allegedly defective) good. And a rule like the New Jersey Supreme Court suggests would require every product manufacturer, large or small, selling to American distributors to understand not only the tort law of every State, but also the wide variance in the way courts within different States apply that law. See, e.g., Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin, Tort Trials and Verdicts in Large Counties, 2001, p.11 (reporting percentage of plaintiff winners in tort trials among 46 populous counties, ranging from 17.9% (Worcester, Mass.) to 69.1% (Milwaukee, Wis.)).


At a minimum, I would not work such a change to the law in the way either the plurality or the New Jersey Supreme Court suggests without a better understanding of the relevant contemporary commercial circumstances. Insofar as such considerations are relevant to any change in present law, they might be presented in a case (unlike the present one) in which the Solicitor General participates. Cf. Tr. of Oral Arg. in Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations, S.A. v. Brown , O. T. 2010, No. 1076, pp. 2022 (Government declining invitation at oral argument to give its views with respect to issues in this case).

This case presents no such occasion, and so I again re-iterate that I would adhere strictly to our precedents and the limited facts found by the New Jersey Supreme Court. And on those grounds, I do not think we can find jurisdiction in this case. Accordingly, though I agree with the plurality as to the outcome of this case, I concur only in the judgment of that opinion and not its reasoning.