- § 1461. Short title
- § 1462. Definitions
- § 1462a. Administrative provisions
- § 1463. Supervision of savings associations
- § 1464. Federal savings associations
- § 1464a. Election to operate as a covered savings association
- § 1465. State law preemption standards for Federal savings associations clarified
- § 1466. Applicability
- § 1466a. District associations
- § 1467. Examination fees
- § 1467a. Regulation of holding companies
- § 1467b. Intermediate holding companies
- § 1468. Transactions with affiliates; extensions of credit to executive officers, directors, and principal shareholders
- § 1468a. Advertising
- § 1468b. Powers of examiners
- § 1468c. Separability
- § 1469. Authority to invest in State housing corporations
- § 1470. Federal supervision of insured institutions, State member and nonmember banks; access to information; definitions
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