There is established, as an independent office in the executive branch, the Office of the Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects.
The Office shall be headed by a Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to serve a term to last until 1 year following the completion of the project referred to in section 720a of this title.
The Federal Coordinator shall be compensated at the rate prescribed for level III of the Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5314).
All reviews conducted and actions taken by any Federal agency relating to an Alaska natural gas transportation project authorized under this section shall be expedited, in a manner consistent with completion of the necessary reviews and approvals by the deadlines under this chapter.
No Federal agency may include in any certificate, right-of-way, permit, lease, or other authorization issued to an Alaska natural gas transportation project any term or condition that may be permitted, but is not required, by any applicable law if the Federal Coordinator determines that the term or condition would prevent or impair in any significant respect the expeditious construction and operation, or an expansion, of the Alaska natural gas transportation project.
Unless required by law, no Federal agency shall add to, amend, or abrogate any certificate, right-of-way, permit, lease, or other authorization issued to an Alaska natural gas transportation project if the Federal Coordinator determines that the action would prevent or impair in any significant respect the expeditious construction and operation, or an expansion, of the Alaska natural gas transportation project.
The Federal Coordinator and the State shall enter into a joint surveillance and monitoring agreement similar to the agreement in effect during construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, to be approved by the President and the Governor of the State, for the purpose of monitoring the construction of the Alaska natural gas transportation project.
On appointment of the Federal Coordinator by the President, all of the functions and authority of the Office of Federal Inspector of Construction for the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System vested in the Secretary under section 3012(b) of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (15 U.S.C. 719e note; Public Law 102–486), including all functions and authority described and enumerated in the Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1979 (44 Fed. Reg. 33663), Executive Order No. 12142 of June 21, 1979 (44 Fed. Reg. 36927), and section 5 of the President’s decision, shall be transferred to the Federal Coordinator.
The functions, authorities, duties, and responsibilities of the Federal Coordinator shall be vested in the Secretary until the earlier of the appointment of the Federal Coordinator by the President, or 18 months after October 13, 2004.
Subject to subparagraph (B), personnel appointed by the Federal Coordinator under paragraph (1)(A) shall be paid without regard to the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5 (relating to classification and General Schedule pay rates).
The rate of pay for personnel appointed by the Federal Coordinator under paragraph (1)(A) shall not exceed the maximum level of rate payable for level III of the Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5314).
Section 5941 of title 5 shall apply to personnel appointed by the Federal Coordinator under paragraph (1)(A).
The Federal Coordinator may procure temporary and intermittent services in accordance with section 3109(b) of title 5.
The level of compensation of an individual employed on a temporary or intermittent basis under subparagraph (A) shall not exceed the maximum level of rate payable for level III of the Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5314).
With respect to the duties of the Federal Coordinator, as described in this chapter, the Federal Coordinator shall have similar authority to establish, change, and abolish reasonable filing and service fees, charges, and commissions, require deposits of payments, and provide refunds as provided to the Secretary of the Interior in section 1734 of title 43.
Subparagraph (A) shall not affect the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to establish, change, and abolish reasonable filing and service fees, charges, and commissions, require deposits of payments, and provide refunds under section 1734 of title 43.