In order to promote a strong, lasting foundation for the national innovation ecosystem and increase the positive economic and social impact of federally funded research, the Director of the Foundation shall set forth eligibility requirements and carry out a program to award grants for entrepreneurship and commercialization education, training, and mentoring.
Grants under subparagraph (A) shall be limited to participants with innovations that because of the early stage of development are not eligible to participate in a Small Business Innovation Research Program or a Small Business Technology Transfer Program.
The Director shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a biennial report on I-Corps program efficacy, including metrics on the effectiveness of the program. Each Federal science agency participating in the I-Corps program or that implements a similar program under paragraph (2)(A) shall contribute to the report.
In this subsection, the terms “Small Business Innovation Research Program” and “Small Business Technology Transfer Program” have the meanings given those terms in section 638 of title 15.