(b) Restoration and modernization projects
(1) In general
The Secretary shall fund projects described in paragraph (2) as needed to address the deferred maintenance, critical infrastructure needs, and modernization of National Laboratories.
(2) Projects describedThe projects referred to in paragraph (1) are, as determined by the Secretary—
priority deferred maintenance projects at National Laboratories, including facilities sustainment for, upgrade of, and construction of research laboratories, administrative and support buildings, utilities, roads, power plants, and any other critical infrastructure; and
(c) Submission to Congress
For each fiscal year through fiscal year 2027, at the same time as the annual budget submission of the President, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Appropriations and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Appropriations and the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives a list of projects for which the Secretary will provide funding under this section, including a description of each project and the funding profile for the project.
(d) Authorization of appropriationsThere is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out the activities described in this section $800,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2023 through 2027, of which, in each fiscal year—