accidents and injuries

exonerative fact

To exonerate means to clear from an accusation. An “exonerative fact” appears in two different legal contexts.

First, the common law defines an exonerative fact as a fact that modified a legal relationship in a way that extinguished...

expert witness

An expert witness is a person with specialized knowledge, skills, education, or experience in a particular field who is called upon to provide their expertise in legal proceedings to assist the court with understanding complex technical or...

extrinsic fraud

Extrinsic fraud is an act of deception or misrepresentation outside the event itself which deprives the victim of material information or participation. Compare to: intrinsic fraud.

Extrinsic fraud commonly arises in...

face amount

Face amount refers to what the words or numbers on the printed page of a financial instrument literally say. Often used in the context of life insurance, the face amount refers to the stated amount of money payable to the deceased’s...

Federal Tort Claims Act

The Federal Tort Claims Act, also known as the FTCA, is a federal statute which authorizes private tort actions against the United States where, if the United States were a private person, it would be liable to the claimant according to the...

ferae naturae

Ferae naturae is a Latin term meaning nature [wild] animals which refers to any animals that are not designated domesticated animals by law. Ferae naturae are generally considered the property of no one, however, a person can obtain a...

final judgment

Final judgment is the last decision from a court that resolves all issues in dispute and settles the parties' rights with respect to those issues. A final judgment leaves nothing to be decided except decisions on how to enforce the judgment,...

foreseeable risk

A foreseeable risk is when a reasonable person in a given situation should know that specific harm might occur as a result of their actions. For example, if a person buys fireworks, then handles them incorrectly, and burns their finger, this...


Framing is the negotiation technique of presenting an offer in a more attractive way without changing its substantive terms. This is typically accomplished by presenting the context of a concept, an occurrence, a method, or a question in...

front pay

Front pay is money awarded for lost compensation that usually occurs in employment discrimination or anti-retaliation cases. It is measured from the date of the trial onward until the court comes to a decision. The ultimate objective is to...
