accidents & injuries (tort law)

tort claims act

Tort claims act refers to legislation where the governmental entity gives up sovereign immunity protection, allowing it to be sued for the tortious activities of its employees within the scope of their employment.



A tortfeasor is one who commits a tort.

[Last updated in June of 2024 by the Wex Definitions Team]


Tortious is a term describing behavior that constitutes a tort. Thus, tortious behavior is any behavior (other than breach of contract) that may be sued upon as a civil wrong.

[Last updated in June of 2024 by the Wex Definitions Team...

tortious interference

Tortious interference is a common law tort allowing a claim for damages against a defendant who wrongfully interferes with the plaintiff's contractual or business relationships.

See also intentional interference with...

toxic mold

Toxic mold is a term that is used to describe types of mold that are considered deadly to humans. Toxic mold encompasses hundreds of species of mold, a small fraction of which are not very harmful to the human body. Mold is a form of fungus...

toxic tort

A toxic tort is a subcategory of torts involving injuries to plaintiffs caused by toxic substances. Such cases are often brought under the doctrine of product liability. While toxic tort cases traditionally dealt with injuries arising from...

transferred intent

Transferred intent is used when a defendant intends to harm one victim, but then unintentionally harms a second victim instead. In this case, the defendant's intent transfers from the intended victim to the actual victim and can be used to...

treble damages

Treble damages are a legal remedy where, in certain cases, the court is required to award the plaintiff three times the amount of actual damages determined by the jury. This remedy is often specified in statutes and is typically awarded in...


Trespass is knowingly entering another owners’ property or land without permission, which encroaches on the owners’ privacy or property interests. There are many laws relating to trespass.

Tort Law

Trespass to Land: If an...

trespass to chattels

Trespass to chattels is a tort that occurs when a defendant intentionally interferes with the possession or use of personal property (chattels) belonging to another person, resulting in harm. This interference can include damaging the...
