business organizations


Control as a verb is to exercise one’s power or authority over something or someone, to regulate or govern, or to have a controlling interest in. Control as a noun is the power to govern, manage, direct, or oversee something or someone....


A cooperative, often called a co-op, is any association of members of a similar profession or industry that work together to process, prepare, market, handle products and supplies. A cooperative operates for the benefits of its members by...


A co-partner is an investor in a partnership. According to Section 202 of the “UPA” or Uniform Partnership Act, a person who receives a share of the profits of a business is generally presumed to be a partner in the business. When two or more...


A copy means an imitation or reproduction or duplicate of an original. Some common usesof the term “copy” in a legal sense include:

In the context of copyright law, cases such as this one from the Ninth Circuit, explain that “copy” for...

corporate charter

A corporate charter is a flexible document that an incorporator is required to prepare and file with the Secretary of State in the state of incorporation. The corporate charter must name the original incorporations, the corporation’s name and...

corporate governance

Corporate governance is the system of rules, practices and procedures that guide, control and govern a company. It provides a structure for determining the methods used to achieve corporate goals and monitor performance. Corporate governance...

corporate officers

Corporate officers colloquially refers to the people in a corporation that run the company’s daily operations. The corporate officers are chosen by the board of directors. The exact number and roles of the corporate officers vary based on...

corporate opportunity

Corporate opportunity refers to the fiduciary duties of senior executives and directors of corporations to not take business opportunities away from the corporation for their own benefit. The doctrine of corporate opportunity dictates the...

corporate raider

Corporate raider refers to the practice of obtaining a controlling share of a corporation, then proceeding to sell off that company’s assets or force a merger with another company. The proceeds of any sold assets are subsequently divided...

corporate resolution

Corporate resolution (also known as a board resolution) is a written legal document, issued by the board of directors of a corporation, documenting a binding decision made on behalf of the corporation. The corporate resolution will be adopted...
