civil procedure


A caveat is a formal notice to a judicial officer requesting the officer to suspend a specific action until the party has received an opportunity to be heard on the matter. Caveats are typically filed in probate proceedings by a party seeking to...

cease and desist letter

A cease and desist letter is a cautionary letter sent to an alleged wrongdoer describing the alleged misconduct and demanding that the alleged misconduct be stopped. A cease and desist letter provides notice that legal action may and will be...

cease and desist order

A cease and desist order is an order by an administrative agency that requires certain practices specified to stop. It is used in Labor and Employment Law, Security Law, Education Law, and a lot of other areas of law. Typically, an administrative...

certified copy

Certified copy is a duplicate of a primary document that is endorsed by a governmental or independent agency to guarantee its authenticity. If the primary document is not legitimate, however, the certified copy cannot be...



Certiorari simply defined is a “writ” by which a higher court (such as an appellate court) reviews some lower court’s decision (such as a district court).

When a party loses in a court of law, often said party is...


Challenge has two major definitions in the legal context:

In general, any expressed doubt about the qualification of a person for some task, or about the legality of an action or thing. With respect to juries, a party's request to...

challenge for cause

A challenge for cause is a request to disqualify a potential juror for specific reasons. Typical reasons include an acquaintanceship with either of the parties, prior knowledge that would prevent impartial evaluation of the evidence presented...

challenge to the array

A challenge to the array is defined as a challenge that seeks to disqualify an entire jury panel assembled up until that current point. Generally, the reason given is that the selection of the jury panel violated some rule designed to produce...


Champerty refers to a relationship that arises when third parties unrelated to a litigation provide material support to litigants in exchange for consideration contingent on the outcome of the litigation. Often that relationship between the...

chance verdict

A chance verdict (also known as a gambling verdict) refers to a verdict that is reached not through deliberation understanding, but through chance. Thus, in a close case without the agreement of the jury, some jurors might wish to flip a coin...
