civil procedure

continuing trespass

Continuing trespass broadly can refer to any recurring infringement of another person’s rights. While sometimes trespass is used in this broad sense, continued trespass in the modern context generally refers to trespass onto the land or...


Contra is a Latin term meaning “against” or “contrary to.” Contra is a signal indicating that the cited source directly states the opposite of whatever the author just said.

See also: Negative signal

[Last updated in...

contract implied in fact

A contract implied in fact consists of obligations arising from a mutual agreement expressed not through words but implied through actions. To support a contract implied in fact, facts and circumstances surrounding the actions must show a...

contract implied in law

A contract implied in law, also known as a quasi-contract or a constructive contract, is an obligation created by law for the sake of justice or to avoid unjust enrichment. A contract implied in law operates as a valid contract for purposes...


Contribution is an important term in the fields of business and tort law.

Tort Law

In the field of tort law, contribution refers to an action a defendant may bring in a joint and several liability jurisdiction to recover...

contributory negligence

Contributory negligence is a common law tort rule which bars plaintiffs from recovering for the negligence of others if they too were negligent in causing the harm. Contributory negligence has been replaced in many jurisdictions with the...

controlling law

Controlling law refers to the laws of the state which will be relied upon in judging disputes. Because states have widely different substantive laws, determining which body of law is controlling is often dispositive of the case. The term...


A controversy is an actual dispute, which refers to one of the underlying requirements to obtain jurisdiction in federal court. U.S Constitution, Article III, section 2, in setting out the powers of the Federal judiciary, grants federal...


Contumacy refers to a person’s refusal to appear in court when they have been legally summoned or their refusal to follow a court order. This refusal can lead to the judge finding the individual in contempt of the court.


corpus juris

Corpus juris is Latin for “body of law.” It may also be the title of a large, encyclopedic collection of laws, comprising an entire body of law.

[Last updated in June of 2021 by the Wex Definitions Team]
