civil procedure

notice pleading

Notice pleading refers to pleading standards that merely notify the opposing party and court of the general issues in the case. In contrast to fact pleading standards, notice pleading standards do not require pleadings to include hyper-...

notice statute

A notice statute is a type of recording act that gives priority of title to the party with the most recently obtained valid claim, but only if the party also lacked notice of an earlier claim. When a piece of property is sold to two different...

NOV (non obstante veredicto)

NOV is the acronym for the Latin phrase non obstante veredicto, which directly translates to “notwithstanding the verdict.” NOV or non obstante veredicto is usually used in the context of JNOV (judgment non obstante veredicto) to describe a...

nulla bona

In Latin, “nulla bona” means “no goods.” When a writ of execution on a judgment is returned by a sheriff “nulla bona,” there is no ascertainable property within the relevant jurisdiction which may be seized in satisfaction of the judgment....

nunc pro tunc

Nunc pro tunc is a Latin term meaning "now for then." Generally, this refers to an action taken by a court that applies retroactively to correct an earlier ruling. Usually, the term is used relating to the procedural devices of nunc pro tunc...


O.S.C. is an abbreviation for order to show cause, a court order or the demand of a judge requiring a party to justify or explain why the court should or should not grant a motion or a relief. For example, if a party requests a restraining...

obstruction of justice

Obstruction of justice broadly refers to actions by individuals that illegally prevent or influence the outcome of a government proceeding. While the quintessential example of obstruction of justice involves tampering in a judicial proceeding...

off calendar

“Taking a motion off calendar” means canceling a hearing on a motion that has already been noticed. There are many circumstances in which attorneys may decide that a motion does not need to be heard. It can be a unilateral decision by one...


Omission is refraining from acting or disclosing, see Brown v. Standard Casket Mfg. Co..

It can be used in various situations:

"Failure to disclose the origin of a recording” in criminal law is defined as following: “...

on or about

A phrase that is used throughout civil and criminal legal practice to refer to a specific date or place by narrow approximation. It is often seen either in a civil or criminal complaint, or within legal documents that create obligations or protections...
