commercial activities

transfer agent

A transfer agent is an agent, usually a commercial bank or trust company, appointed by a corporation to keep legal records of all the corporation's stockholders. The transfer agent updates these records when stock is transferred, issued or...

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a primary internet protocol that enables the transmission of data between different devices on the same network. TCP is designed to ensure the safe delivery of messages over internet networks and in...

transmittal letter

A transmittal letter is a letter that accompanies some object and serves as a record of that object being delivered. The object being delivered is often a paper document (e.g., a pleading), but may also be a larger physical object (e.g.,...

treasury stock

Treasury stock is a type of stock that has been reacquired by the issuing corporation. While held by the issuer, the stock is considered issued but not outstanding, and is not considered in measuring the value of outstanding common shares....

tying arrangement

A tying arrangement is an agreement in which the seller conditions the sale of one product (the “tying” product) on the buyer’s agreement to purchase a separate product (the “tied” product) from the seller. It is also considered a tying...


UBO, or unincorporated business organization, is a business arrangement used in lieu of a company or partnership. The investor acts as the settlor of the trust and gives the management rights to the trustee, who holds title to the property...


UCC is an acronym for the Uniform Commercial Code. The UCC is a uniformly adopted set of state laws that regulates all commercial transactions in the United States. The uniformity of the UCC is crucial for businesses transacting across state...

UCC-1 Form

UCC-1 Form (commonly called a UCC financial statement) is a form that creditors should file with states in which they have a security interest in personal property. The financial statement serves a similar purpose as recording a deed for real...

ultra vires

Ultra vires is a Latin phrase, meaning "beyond the powers." Ultra vires plainly means an action by a company or its agent that exceeds the legal scope of its authority. In this instance, the scope of authority is granted by the company’s own...

ultrahazardous activity

Ultrahazardous Activity (also known as abnormally dangerous or extrahazardous activity) refers to actions of individuals and entities that involve a high level of danger which typically carries strict liability. Ultrahazardous activity, by...
