commercial activities

agricultural lien

As established in UCC §9 102-5, an agricultural lien is a lien placed on farm products like farm equipment or livestock that secures payment or performance in exchange for a loan of land, goods, or money. These loans allow farmers to produce...


Agriculture refers to the acts of farming and raising livestock. Activities that fall within agriculture include soil preparation, seed planting, crop harvesting, gardening, viticulture (growing grapes), apiculture (bee-raising), dairying,...

AI washing

AI washing occurs when companies claim to be using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to enhance their services, but in fact are not. In March of 2024, two investment advisors paid $400,000 in civil penalties “for making false and...


Alcohol is a set of chemical compounds consumed as a liquid by individuals for its intoxicating effect or used in industrial projects for its other unique properties.

Absent any specific regulation, alcohol is treated like...


“Aleatory” means that something is dependent on an uncertain event, a chance occurrence. Aleatory is used primarily as a descriptive term for insurance contracts. An aleatory contract is a contract where performance of the promise is...


An algorithm is a set of rules or a computational procedure that is typically used to solve a specific problem. In the case of Vidillion, Inc. v. Pixalate Inc. an algorithm is defined as “one or more process(es), set of rules, or methodology...


Alienable means transferable.

An interest in property is alienable if it may be conveyed by one party to another. In general, all private property is alienable unless some contractual, common law, or statutory restriction...


Alluvion is the slow accretion or erosion of soil, sand, and other parts of land. Water usually causes alluvion by moving the shoreline over time. In some areas located besides rivers and oceans, land can continuously change its shape through...

alter ego

Alter ego is a legal doctrine whereby the court finds that a corporation lacks a separate identity from an individual or corporate shareholder. The court applies this rule to ignore the corporate status of a group of stockholders, officers,...

alternate beneficiary

An alternate beneficiary is someone who will benefit from or gain ownership of property only if the primary beneficiary is unable or unwilling to take ownership. An alternative beneficiary in property law arises when someone bequests property...
