courts and procedure

command responsibility

Command responsibility is a jurisprudential doctrine in international criminal law permitting the prosecution of military commanders for war crimes perpetrated by their subordinates. The first legal implementations of command responsibility...

Commander in Chief powers


Article II Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, the Commander in Chief clause, states that "[t]he President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called...

commercial tort claim

A commercial tort claim is a type of tort claim where the claimant is an organization or an individual and the claim comes in the course of the business or profession of the claimant and does not include damages arising out of personal injury...

common law lien

A common law lien is a lien that is created due to common law and does not depend on any statute or contract for its existence. Unless abolished by statute or judicial decision, common law liens generally have the force of law in each U.S....

comparative negligence

Comparative negligence is a tort principle used by the court to reduce the amount of damages that a plaintiff can recover in a negligence-based claim according to the degree of negligence each party contributed to the incident. Specifically,...

compensatory damages

In tort law, compensatory damages, also known as actual damages, are damages awarded by a court equivalent to the loss a party suffered. If a party’s right was technically violated but they suffered no harm or losses, a court may instead...


The term competent is used in various legal contexts, including procedure, evidence, and employment. More generally, it refers to the ability to act in the circumstances, including the ability to perform a job or occupation, the capacity to...

competent evidence

Competent evidence is the evidence which is legally admissible. Competent evidence tends to prove the matter in dispute. For example; in a murder trial, competent evidence might include the murder weapon with the defendant's fingerprints on...

competent witness

A competent witness is one who has the sufficient mental capacity to perceive, remember, and narrate the incident they have observed. A competent witness must also be able to understand and appreciate the nature and obligation of an oath. For...


Complainant is a party who initiates a lawsuit in a court of law or an administrative proceeding.

In the context of criminal law, “complainant” refers to a person who alleges that another committed a criminal act against him/her. In...
