disability law

special needs

Special needs are the individualized care that a person with a disability - whether physical, mental, behavioral, emotional, or learning difficulties - requires to ensure their safety, access to public amenities, or ability to succeed in...

special needs trust

Special needs trust is a legal trust created to provide funds to recipients of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Medicare without counting towards the income caps for either welfare program. Income from the trust avoids counting towards...

undue hardship

Undue hardship refers to a significant difficulty or expense imposed on an individual or organization, often in the context of providing accommodations or complying with legal requirements. In employment and disability law, it describes the...

unemployment compensation

Unemployment compensation law encompasses a set of regulations aimed at providing financial assistance to individuals who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. This framework ensures temporary monetary support, enabling unemployed...

work credits

Work credits are used by the Federal Government to determine a person’s eligibility for benefits such as Social Security benefits, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, and Medicare. Work credits are earned by paying taxes and...
