

Grievances are formal complaints or accusations of a violation of workplace contract terms or labor policy, filed by an employee or group of employees who feel negatively impacted by the employer. A grievance may be related to issues such as...

Griggs v. Duke Power Co. (1971)

Griggs v Duke Power Co is a U.S. Supreme Court case in which it was established that neutral employment practices that have a discriminatory effect can violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, even if the employer did not intend to...

group insurance

Group insurance is defined as the coverage of several individual persons under one comprehensive insurance policy issued by employers, associations, unions, or other qualified groups. Usually for the purpose of protecting and providing for...


To harass is to engage in the act of harassment; which refers to the use of words or engaging in behavior that annoys, threatens, intimidates, or demeans a person. Harassment is unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes annoyance, alarm,...


Harassment refers to words or behavior that threatens, intimidates, or demeans a person. Harassment is unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial emotional distress without any legitimate purpose.


hiring firm

Hiring firms are businesses that employ one or more independent contractors. Unlike traditional employees, independent contractors are not entitled to tax withholding, Social Security and Medicare contributions, workers compensation, or the...

hiring hall

A hiring hall refers to a system or organization, often operated by a union, where employers go to find employees to fill job openings. The union manages the process of referring workers to employers and ensures that workers are selected...

home office

Home office in the legal setting most commonly arises regarding the potential tax deductions under § 280A(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 disallowed the employee business expenses deduction until 2026...

hostile work environment

In employment law, a hostile work environment when an employee is subjected to discrimination, harassment or retaliation on the basis of their membership or perceived membership in a protected group such as race, religion, gender, national...

hot cargo clause

A hot cargo clause is a collective bargaining agreement provision that prohibits an employer from conducting business with some other person. A hot cargo clause would typically require the bargaining employer to refuse to deal with another...
