
constructive discharge

Constructive discharge occurs when an employee quits their job in response to working conditions that are so poor that no reasonable person would stay. Like other “constructive” variants, constructive discharge functions in the eyes of the...

course of employment

“The course of employment” generally arises when determining whether an injury caused by an accident is compensable under a workers’ compensation system. The accident must “arise out of employment” and occur “in the course of employment.”...

covenant not to compete

A covenant not to compete, also called a "noncompete agreement" or "non-compete clause" - is an agreement where one party promises not to engage in conduct that would increase competition for the other party for a specific period of time....

Cruzan v. Missouri Department of Health (1990)


Cruzan v. Missouri Department of Health (1990) is an important United States Supreme Court case involving an incompetent young adult and the “right to die.” This case was the first "right to die" case heard by the Supreme Court. In...

Darby v. United States (1941)

United States v. Darby is a Supreme Court of the United States case that revolves around the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and issues of federalism. Congress set out federal standards for employment conditions, specifically addressing...

Davis-Bacon Act

Davis-Bacon Act is a federal law codified in Title 40 of the U.S. Code that regulates prevailing wage rates on public works projects. Davis-Bacon Act basically provides that all laborers and mechanics working on construction projects which...

deferred compensation

Deferred compensation is a type of employee compensation like a pension plan where the employee receives part of their compensation at retirement, often in order to avoid taxes. Other compensation plans would incur taxes as the employee...

defined benefit plan

A defined benefit plan is a type of employee sponsored retirement plan where the amount an employee will receive is fixed. When retired, the employee will receive the same periodic amount of money agreed upon with the employer unlike plans...

defined contribution plan

Defined contribution plans are a type of retirement plan where the employee and sometimes the employer contribute to a retirement account that is put towards some investment. The employee will receive payments upon retirement that vary with...

Department of Labor (DOL)

The Department of Labor is a cabinet-level federal government body which is part of the Executive Branch. It was created in 1913 to foster and promote the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the United States. It aims...
