family & personal matters

consent divorce

A consent divorce refers to a divorce granted where both parties agree to the divorce, and both go to a particular jurisdiction to obtain the divorce. This type of divorce is not valid if neither spouse is domiciled in the jurisdiction where...


A conservatee is a person deemed incompetent by a court and, therefore, a court appointed conservator handles their financial and/or other daily life affairs. The roles of conservator and conservatee follow from the legal concept of...


A conservator is an individual who handles the financial or daily life affairs of a conservatee, or a party deemed incompetent by a court. The roles of conservator and conservatee follow from the legal concept of conservatorship which is...


A conservatorship is the appointment of a conservator by the court to manage a person’s affairs who is unable to handle them due to their mental capacity, age, or physical disability. The person under the conservatorship is referred to as “...


Consortium in commercial context means an association, combination or partnership of businesses, financial institutions or investors engaged in a joint venture.

In the context of family law, consortium means the benefits a...

constructive trust

A constructive trust is not an actual trust by the traditional definition but a trust created through a court’s power, over assets they determine a party cannot equitably keep. It is a legal fiction that is used as a remedy for unjust...


Consummation means the completion of a thing. Some common uses of the term “consummation” in a legal sense include:

In the context of marriage, consummation means the actualization of marriage. It is the first act of sexual intercourse...

contemplation of death

Contemplation of death is a phrase used when the thought of imminent death causes a person to transfer his or her property to another. The gift or transfer in such circumstance is called a gift in contemplation of death or a gift causa mortis...


Contest means to defend against an adverse claim made in a court by a plaintiff or a prosecutor; to challenge a position asserted in a judicial proceeding. For instance, a disgruntled relative may formally contest the probate of a will....


A contestant is someone who takes part in a competition or that contests an award or person. In the context of child custody cases, a contestant is “a person, including a parent, who claims a right to custody or visitation of a child” as...
