family & personal matters

age of majority

The age of majority refers to the age at which an individual will be legally considered an adult. It is the age at which one will be subject to the full legal rights and responsibilities of an adult, including the right to vote, the right to...


Agency law is the common law doctrine controlling relationships between agents and principals. A principal-agent relationship is created when the agent is given authority to act for the principal. An agreement made by an agent is binding on...


An agent is a person authorized to act on behalf of another person. The party an agent is authorized to act for is known as the principal. A principal-agent relationship can either be intentionally created or created by implication through...


Alcohol is a set of chemical compounds consumed as a liquid by individuals for its intoxicating effect or used in industrial projects for its other unique properties.

Absent any specific regulation, alcohol is treated like...


Alias derives from the term “alias dictus,” which means “otherwise called.” An alias is a pseudonym, nickname, or alternative name for an individual (alternative to their legal name). The expression “John Doe, alias” or “John Doe alias” means...


Alienable means transferable.

An interest in property is alienable if it may be conveyed by one party to another. In general, all private property is alienable unless some contractual, common law, or statutory restriction...

alienation of affection

Alienation of affection is a mostly outdated law that allows a spouse to sue an individual that causes their other spouse to end their marriage. Separate from any divorce proceedings, the spouse bringing an alienation of affection suit must...


Alimony refers to the financial assistance and monetary support provided by one spouse to another after a marriage ends in divorce. Oftentimes, the receiving spouse must be unable to support themselves without the help of their ex-spouse....

alternative contingent remainder

An alternative contingent remainder occurs when the same property is subject to two contingent remainders with opposite conditions precedent such that one of them will always take effect.

A contingent remainder is a type of...

alternative reproductive technology (ART)

Alternative reproductive technology (ART), also known as assisted reproductive technology, can be defined as an alternative to traditional reproduction, used by persons who are infertile. It is also a term that encompasses in vitro...
