foreign perspective

most favored nation

Most favored nation refers to a status conferred by a clause in which a country promises that it will treat another country as well as it treats any other country that receives preferential treatment. Most favored nation clauses are...


In a legal context, the term "multilateral" refers to agreements, treaties, or actions that involve or include multiple parties or nations.

Multilateral agreements are characterized by the participation and commitment of...

multilateral treaties

Multilateral treaties are treaties between multiple states, usually (though not always) denoting participation by a majority of the world's states. Multilateral treaties cover practically every substantive field of international law, from...


Mutilation is a war crime under international criminal law. In International Criminal Court, a prosecution for mutilation must show the following:

The victim was permanently disfigured, or else an organ or appendage was permanently...

National treatment

National treatment is a legal concept requiring that foreign citizens be treated just as favorably by a country’s laws as the host country’s own citizens.

National treatment is frequently found in intellectual property law...

National Visa Center (NVC)

The National Visa Center (NVC) is a visa processing center operated by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs.

After the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) approves an immigrant visa...

natural born citizen

A natural born citizen is a person who became a U.S. citizen at birth and did not need to go through a naturalization proceeding later in life.

The term arises from Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the United States...


Naturalization is the conferral of U.S. citizenship after birth, upon someone who does not have U.S. citizenship. Congress has full legislative authority over naturalization under its naturalization power in Article I, Section 8 of the...

nonimmigrant visa

A visa type is determined by the applicant's purpose. Immigrant visas are issued to aliens who pursue permanent living in the United States, while nonimmigrant visas are required of aliens to temporarily stay in the United States for study,...


According to 26 USC § 865(g)(1) “The term ‘nonresident’ means any person other than a United States resident.” A nonresident is any individual who does not primarily reside in one state or one country, but has an interest in it. The status of...
