Labor certification refers to the permanent labor certification (referred to as PERM) that employers must receive before applying for a visa for non-U.S. citizens that the employer wishes to employ within the U.S. The employer must go through...
immigration law
Landon v. Plasencia
In the 1982 case of Landon v. Plasencia, the Supreme Court held that the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) had the statutory authority to determine the admissibility (see admissible evidence) of a permanent resident alien in an...
lawful permanent resident (LPR)
Lawful permanent resident (LPR) is a status given to U.S. immigrants/non-citizens who can legally live in the United States forever. LPRs enjoy similar rights as citizens including working without special restrictions, own property, receive...
The Legal Immigration Family Equity (LIFE) Act was introduced as part of the Congressional bill H.R. 5548 under Title XI: Encouraging Immigrant Family Reunification. It was passed by the 106th Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton on...
LULAC is a shorthand way to refer to League of United Latin American Citizens (“LULAC”) v. INS, a public interest organization which often promotes Latin American interests in court.
LULAC has been involved in many...
Mathews v. Diaz
The Supreme Court held that a provision of the Social Security Act denying eligibility for Medicare part B unless the applicant has been in the United States for a minimum of five years and has been admitted for permanent residency...
National Visa Center (NVC)
The National Visa Center (NVC) is a visa processing center operated by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs.
After the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) approves an immigrant visa...
Naturalization is the conferral of U.S. citizenship after birth, upon someone who does not have U.S. citizenship. Congress has full legislative authority over naturalization under its naturalization power in Article I, Section 8 of the...
Compared to immigrants, nonimmigrants are aliens who enter the United States without a permanent living purpose, but instead are based on temporary travel, work, or study plans. Getting a nonimmigrant visa is a prerequisite for a nonimmigrant...
nonimmigrant visa
A visa type is determined by the applicant's purpose. Immigrant visas are issued to aliens who pursue permanent living in the United States, while nonimmigrant visas are required of aliens to temporarily stay in the United States for study,...