international law

United Nations

The United Nations (UN) is one of the main international organizations and actors in international law. The UN was founded in June 26, 1945 following WWII with the express purpose of guarding peace and preventing war. The principal...

United Nations Charter

The United Nations Charter (UN Charter) is a fundamental treaty of the United Nations and its system, serving as a cornerstone of international law. Signed on June 26, 1945, and enforced from October 24, 1945, it establishes the organization’...

United Nations General Assembly

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) is one of the five principal organs of the United Nations, composed of representatives from all 193 member states. The UNGA functions and powers are to:

“Consider and approve the United...

United Nations Security Council

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the five principle organizations of the United Nations, responsible for maintaining international peace and security. UNSC resolutions are binding on all member states. Established on...

United Nations System

The United Nations System is based on five active principal organs (formerly six, the UN Trusteeship Council suspended operations in 1994):

UN General Assembly UN Security Council UN Economic and Social Council UN Secretariat...

unlawful confinement

Unlawful confinement is a war crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

The crime has the following elements:

The perpetrator confined a victim or victims; Those victims were protected under...

unlawful deportation and transfer

Unlawful deportation and transfer is the act of forcibly removing a person from their home during war. This act is a war crime punishable by the International Criminal Court. The elements of unlawful deportation and transfer are:


uti possidetis juris

Uti possidetis juris (UPJ) is a principle of customary international law that serves to preserve the boundaries of colonies emerging as States. Originally applied to establish the boundaries of decolonized territories in Latin America, UPJ...

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties

The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT), also referred to as, “the treaty on treaties,” establishes guidelines for diplomatic relations between independent sovereign nations. The VCLT was adopted in Vienna on May 23, 1969 at the...

war correspondents

War correspondents are specialized journalists who are present in times of war or armed conflict, with the authorization of the armed forces. War correspondents work under the protection of the army, on the locations of their operations....
