
final settlement

Final settlement often refers to a settlement agreement, which is an agreement to some resolution of the dispute and to stop future litigation. Final settlements differ depending on what the parties negotiate. The agreements often include for...

forum selection clause

A contractual agreement that designates the court and location where the parties would like to have their legal dispute decided is commonly known as a "forum selection clause."

A forum selection clause seeks to provide a court with "personal...


Framing is the negotiation technique of presenting an offer in a more attractive way without changing its substantive terms. This is typically accomplished by presenting the context of a concept, an occurrence, a method, or a question in...


Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method with a neutral person helping the parties find a solution to their dispute. The neutral party is known as a mediator. Mediation may also be called case evaluation or facilitated...


A mediator is a neutral third party that leads a mediation between parties as a form of alternative dispute resolution. A mediator’s goal is to encourage collaboration between the parties and guide them to a settlement through the mediation...

Securities Dispute Resolution

Securities dispute resolution refers to the processes and mechanisms used to resolve conflicts and disputes arising from securities transactions, investments, and related activities. These disputes often involve issues such as fraud,...
