mortuary law


Embalming is the process of preserving a body after death through the removal of existing body fluids and the introduction of chemical solutions. The process preserves the body temporarily to allow for a funeral and burial. Federal law does...

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Funeral Rule

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Funeral Rule refers to a set of guidelines that funeral providers must follow to inform consumers and ensure accurate documentation. The Funeral Rule requires funeral providers to give multiple pieces of...


An inquest is a judicial fact-finding inquiry. Normally, a coroner and/or jury will request an inquest regarding the cause of the death of an individual who was just killed or suddenly died under mysterious or other suspicious circumstances;...

Liberman v. Riverside Memorial Chapel

Liberman v. Riverside Mem. Chapel, 225 A.D.2d 283 (N.Y. App. Div. 1st Dep’t 1996) is a New York appellate case regarding whether a funeral home and the Office of the Medical Examiner wrongfully performed an autopsy against the religious...


A mortuary is an entity responsible for handling the deceased. Mortuary law is the area of law that regulates the handling of bodies after death. Mortuary law includes all of the state and local requirements for who can transport bodies,...

mortuary law

Mortuary law is the area of law that regulates the handling of bodies after death. Mortuary law includes all of the state and local requirements for who can transport bodies, perform funerals, conduct autopsies, and bury a body. Mortuary law...

next of kin

A person’s next of kin is their closest living blood relative, including spouses and adopted family members. The designation as next of kin is important in the context of intestate succession, as a decedent’s next of kin is prioritized in receiving...

post mortem

Post mortem is Latin for "after death." Some common uses of the term “post-mortem” in a legal sense include the following:

Post-mortem tax planning involves creating a plan to reduce tax liability for the estate and its beneficiaries...

quasi property rights of a human body

Quasi property rights of a human body refers to the numerous “rights” that have been recognized over time regarding the handling of a human body after death.

Under common law, the no property rule established that there can...

registered transporter

Registered transporter refers to a license given for individuals to transport the deceased from the place of death, to hospitals, morgues, and burials. Often, states require the transporter of bodies to be licensed with the state and go...
