property law

Copyright Office

The Copyright Office serves as the main administrator of copyrights in the United States; organized as a department of the Library of Congress. Individuals who create a work eligible for a copyright can automatically be legally protected from...

Copyright Owner

A copyright owner is the entity that owns the exclusive rights comprised within a copyright. Copyright owners have specific rights, such as reproduction of the work, distribution of the work, production of products deriving from the work or...


A covenant is a formal agreement or promise, usually included in a contract or deed, to do or not do a particular act. Covenants are particularly relevant in the fields of contract law and property law.

An example of a contractual...

covenant of quiet enjoyment

In property law, the covenant of quiet enjoyment is an implied term in every lease that the tenant shall have quiet and peaceful possession of the leased premises against the lessor. The covenant ensures that the landlord is bound to refrain...

covenant that runs with the land

A covenant that runs with a land is a covenant that transfers when ownership of the attached land transfer. The future owner of the property subject to a covenant that runs with the land is bound by that covenant.


covenants, conditions, and restrictions

Covenants, conditions, and restrictions, commonly called “CC&Rs” are a set of rules governing the use of a certain piece of real estate in a given community.

For example, a CC&R can regulate the fences around a house, the...

creditor's claim

Creditor’s claim (sometimes referred to as a proof of claim) is a filing with a bankruptcy or probate court to establish a debt owed to that individual or organization. The claim usually gives specific details of the debt, how it came about,...


Curtilage includes the area immediately surrounding a dwelling, and it counts as part of the home for many legal purposes, including searches and many self-defense laws. When considering whether something is in a dwelling's curtilage, courts...

cy pres: charitable trusts

Cy pres is a legal doctrine that means "as near as possible.”

When a person creates a charitable trust, the express charitable purpose of the trust may become impossible to fulfill. Rather than terminating the trust, the...


Cybersquatting occurs when a person other than the owner of a well-known trademark registers that trademark as an Internet domain name and then attempts to profit from it either by ransoming the domain name back to the trademark owner or by...
