property & real estate law


Coparcenary refers to a type of property ownership where multiple people inherit the same property, and each person owns an undivided, transferable interest in the property. The term coparcenary has mostly been replaced with tenancy in common...

corporeal ownership

Corporeal ownership is the ownership of material things. It is the ownership of a thing that has physical existence and is capable of being seen and touched. Ownership of land, money, machine, or building is corporeal ownership.



When a person cosigns, they sign a document with the primary borrower, agreeing to share the responsibility of a financial obligation. Should the primary borrower not be able to pay for the good, the cosigner will be responsible for paying...


A cosigner is someone who signs a loan with another person (borrower) and agrees to pay the loan if the borrower is not able to repay it. In other words, a cosigner accepts an equal responsibility for repaying the loan.



Cotenancy is the simultaneous title or interest of more than one person in the same property. Wisconsin state has a statute which classifies cotenancy. WI Stat § 700.18 (2019) determines cotenancy as two or more persons named as owners in a...


Cotenants are two or more tenants who rent the same property under the same lease or rental agreement. Each cotenant will have a rental agreement with the landlord and are therefore 100% responsible for carrying out the rental agreement. This...

countable resource

Countable resources are any assets or personal property included within a cap for receiving welfare aid from the government. The term usually refers to some kind of resource like jewelry that requires being sold before being used as income....


A covenant is a formal agreement or promise, usually included in a contract or deed, to do or not do a particular act. Covenants are particularly relevant in the fields of contract law and property law.

An example of a contractual...

covenant of quiet enjoyment

In property law, the covenant of quiet enjoyment is an implied term in every lease that the tenant shall have quiet and peaceful possession of the leased premises against the lessor. The covenant ensures that the landlord is bound to refrain...

covenant that runs with the land

A covenant that runs with a land is a covenant that transfers when ownership of the attached land transfer. The future owner of the property subject to a covenant that runs with the land is bound by that covenant.

